I've read all the reviews about the 2 but I figured I would present the topic to you fine fellows. The Jam Room has yet to steer me wrong .
I am running a Laney AOR 100 (8knob). I am looking at a Knappenberger 212CB (any info on this cab would help too) in a trade and I have a choice in speakers- Celestion V30s or Mesa Black Shadows. I loved my Orange 212 with V30s and know nothing about the Black Shadows( and tend to run when I see Mesa). I read good things about both but lack experience in speaker identification. Any help would be great.
There's info about the Black Shadow speakers online. Do searches at http://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php? (http://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?) and http://www.harmonycentral.com (http://www.harmonycentral.com)
I haven't used those speakers, so I would just be repeating stuff that I read. But one thing I remember reading... at least a couple of kinds of speakers are labeled Black Shadow by Mesa. If I'm not mistaken... maybe because there were different periods, I forget the details.
I read both of those reviews earlier. I did see several different variations of the same speaker. Basically seems like apples and oranges at this point.
Go for the V30s, know where you are with them. New they are wicked harsh, if you don't dig, wear them in by running a low frequency sine through them for a bunch of time.
Before it even happened the guy flaked anyway! So....Im picking up an Avatar 412 with Hellatone 60s and Celestion K100s. Much happier.....
does you 8 knober have metal corners? /curious. Are Hellatone 60's ceramic? I'm guessing the K100's are. Your speaker mix probably sounds great?
Aren't K100s 3db down compared to the hellatones?
The 8 knobber does not have metal corners, they are plastic. My
Original AOR100 had plastic as well. Not sure but I think that dates them somehow
They changed style of plastic corners a few times. I've had a klipp with the interlocking style plastic corners too, but some AORs have had smooth plastic corners. I've had a lot of AORs.