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Favorite tube brands?

Started by kirky, December 25, 2015, 04:32:46 PM

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I got a Panama conquerer. It's basically a cheap tweed champ clone. I want to put nicer tubes in it. Recommendations?


Used to be Svetlana, but there's only NOS now and they're super expensive.  Now I generally go Sovtek.

Danny G

JJs aren't bad

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


There are cheap Chinese in there now. I guess JJ's are the way to go?

Beta Cloud

there's like only two manufacturers left in the world; the hun and the chink.
little known fact... COMMIE TUBES RULE. OR SUCK.

the differences between the good and bad ones?
the good ones sound good. the bad ones don't sound good.

but seriously seriously, i like JJ's.

why does it hurt when i pee?

Mr. Foxen

Always find JJs being the problematic valves in amps that come in go microphonic are just die off after some time. Don't think they last. Some of the Chinese shuguangs that were stock in 90s Laneys with big reg ECC83 seem to last up fine, but JJs never make my used but good drawer.

Danny G

I've had decent luck with them. But have had a few duds. I like their E34-Ls

Look into Valve Art. Super cheap price-wise, but the shop I take my amps to uses them quite often.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I've had DOA JJs before. Not cool.

But I also think they've gotten better since that happened to me.

I have no idea who makes what and how different they are from each other these days. I tend to think everyone gets the wool bulled over their eyes from time to time regarding tube brands.  New Mullards sound good to me, but maybe they're just JJs with a different label. 

I'd buy JJs with a fair amount of confidence at this point. At least their EL34s. KT88s not so much.
Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G

If you can find NOS Mullard pres for a decent price through a reputable dealer, do it.

My JCM800 has never sounded sweeter as it did when I was running all old Mullards.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I took a Garnet labeled old Mullard 12ax7 out of one of my amps and put it into a valve junior just to do a comparison.  I think the one that was in it originally was a JJ from the factory.

Anyway the difference was huge.  I was blown away with how much better that old preamp tube made that thing sound.  It went from bitter to sweet.
Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G


Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Mr. Foxen

Valve change making a huge difference is a sign the original valve was fucked. Difference between working right valves is fairly small, they are all supposed to do basically the same thing. But fucked new valves are really common.


my favorite tube brand is whatever the prior 3 posters would recommend in any particular given situation.


I bought some JJ 6550's and they sound really really good. 
Problem solving whiskey!