Best P90 alternatives - HB sized, Noiseless, Etc

Started by CID Vicious, January 26, 2016, 12:42:33 PM

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CID Vicious

Been chewing on this for awhile. Was really into the modern buckers for a minute. Nazgul, etc.

Tried a stock double P90 Gibby, & man, doesn't seem to give much up...except NOISE.

Been looking at:

Seymour Duncan P-Rails - split to P90, bucker if noise is too much. Don't have good info on series bucker mode though, hear widely varying tales.

GFS Mean 90s - best HB sized 90 deal. Available in nickel silver covers for less noiss Iommi Monkey SG style.

Dimarzio Bluesbucker - some say it's dead on P90, others meh 90ish bucker but more PAF.

Lawrence L90 - Blue Oyster Cult and early Aerosmith. Many variances, 2.8 is supposedly the P90 voicing.

Lace PF905 - soapbar sized only, bucker with the coil falling away, see Lace website. Good demo up with rock tones.

EMG 58/58X. Some noise, one would perhaps expect it to be much less than a P90. Some say it just sounds like a dull 85, some really love it and say it's the most passive feeling 'classic era' EMG.

Kinman has noiseless 90's but the price...meh, could get a set of Iommi buckers for similar coin.

Best 90 alternatives for metal and stoner rock, guys. Hard to have a conversation in other forums without needless "turn down the gain, caveman' comments frompeople with simply different goals.

Another topic: humbuckers that split to a P90 ballpark sound.
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Welcome to America,
Say goodbye to your rights!
(Yeah, right!)
They crept up behind them
And slit their throat left to right!

- Mettaya, "Welcome To America"