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Reliced guitars

Started by VOLVO))), April 19, 2016, 08:55:00 PM

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So, I reliced a 99$ SX tele, reshaped the headstock, put some POS dragonfire pickups in it... Like three years ago. Today I was at guitar center, I watched a guy pay 400$ for that guitar. Does relicing really give shit value like that? My god. I'm gonna buy another and throw the fucker in a fire, maybe ill get a grand out of it.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



are you customizing or relicing??


seriously, and this is only me personally:  I cant stand that shit.  they look ruined to me heh.

but you know what?  if other people dig that and are willing to pay for this form of art, someone needs to step up and fill the need ...and collect the money.

art by an artist making art.  seems ok to me.

edit: just remembered, the latest GC spamalog showed up. it was all electric guitars/bass

sure enough they have a turquoise strat that is worn to expose an underlying tobaccoburst finish. "to emulate the refinished ones to fill special orders"
$3000 or $4000 or wtf and it is yours....

ediz: the word "relicing" is fucked up English.    this looks like an action to re-infest something with lice.


Quote from: mortlock on April 20, 2016, 01:19:54 AM
are you customizing or relicing??

I'm not doing shit, now, but it was literally an SX tele with a reshaped headstock, then reliced with some cheap ass pickups in it. I think it's dumb, too, don't get me wrong. Y'know, though, if it takes shit and makes it gold for me... I might just offer it as a service lol.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I'm into customizing, switching pups, bridges, whatever. Basically hotrodding. But relicing as in sanding off paint to make it look old and warn is dumb as shit. Instruments should only get battle scars through use.


Having said that, if you can make money off dumbasses you most certainly should.


its not gonna get anyone more fans or more gigs and Im definitely not gonna buy... but I like it when they focus on art and not relicing:


If you are interested in relic'd parts - check this guy out.  He has stuff on ebay all the time.


I would cut the living fuck out of my hand and arm playing that thing.


Quote from: mortlock on April 20, 2016, 12:20:41 PMInstruments should only get battle scars through use.

With thick polyurethane coating, some instruments will take decades to show visible wear.

I'm not into relics very much, the biggest problem IMO is that people try to make their guitars look like 60 year old instruments. They use tools like belt sanders, and take off huge areas of paint, and it looks stupid. Just add a few dings here and there, that looks much more realistic. You can get "honest wear" by never using an instrument stand or case (and practicing every day for 20 years).

Supposedly the relic market was popularized by Keith Richards, who wanted a guitar for a tour in the 70s (maybe he didn't want to take a valuable vintage guitar on tour?) and refused to play an instrument that looked brand-new. I dunno if thats true though.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


ya its not practical like fenders and SGs...

whats really cool is not relicing but having a number one guitar that is heavily used that you bought new but replacing the fret bars as needed


i have a fender bass that i bought new in 1992. its been my main bass ever since. i can practically tell you where every battle scar came from.

lumpy, do you remember me having this thing in the back of a cab through the streets of brooklyn without a case. believe it or not it came out relatively unscathed on that gig.


The urethane makes it almost impossible to age like they used to. That one, I did realistic stuff. Big dumb belt buckle, dropped from strap height a couple times. Installed strap buttons in numerous places then removed them. Played it with a brass pick a bunch. My favorite method was the hotbox. I used a shipping box, and used my air compressor to "smoke" cigarettes into the box and just let it sit in there.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I dont like suppet shiny new guitars but relicing big dents and scratches and fingerboard wear just seems wrong to me.  Thats why I buy used its had some of the shine wore off already.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Quote from: mortlock on April 20, 2016, 10:52:35 PM
i have a fender bass that i bought new in 1992. its been my main bass ever since. i can practically tell you where every battle scar came from. 

thats killer!  what its all about