Anyone wanna do some sludge vocals?

Started by black aspirin, February 23, 2016, 07:01:03 PM

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black aspirin

Would love to find someone to provide some sludge vocals (screechy, deathy or both), who is capable of recording themselves if I provide them the track to scream to.

If you or anyone you know might be interested, shoot me a message.
This Juan goes to 11.


I might be able to lend a hand check out I did about 95% of the vocals on it, my email is to direct contact me


I figured something out. now i'm rehearsing and trying to get the vocal inflections set and repeatable, and of course only repetition irons out the timing to a smooth flow...
so much effort for a minute's worth of vocals, but totally fun.

you've been warned. this is what I did to eyeprod's bass+drum track.
this is getting to be a few years old. I got the idea, then had to write lyrics and develop that weasely scrawny egyptian voice to match the theme of the song.
the voice turned out better than I had hoped actually. makes me laugh.

edit: had to cook up the guitar part too. that warm+fuzzy track mixed superbly with eyeprod's very clean bass and drums btw. total luckout...



I'd be down to do it.
I enjoyed doing the jamroom colab a few years back. I kinda wished it became a more serious and regular thing.

Check out Damnweevil for more `resume'.



aha!  thanks for reminding me of this project mr Z. it slipped through the cracks.

here is my bit of silliness
