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Started by Wesogkan, April 20, 2011, 12:14:53 PM

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What do you peoples write about? I'm going to be stuck writing some soon and the ideas are all over the place. I've never been a singer so...eek.

There's no shortage of depressing social topics at the moment for inspiration either...


My lyrics are usually about movies, robots, cartoons, space and comic books.

I hate writing about serious stuff, it always comes off as really bad


Anything but my feelings...
"I have today made a discovery which will ensure the supremacy of German music for the next hundred years."


...something empowering.
CV - Slender Fungus


If I was Catholic, I would write about the lives of the Saints. (A different song for each). DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(m)
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


If you really want an explanation, don't ask the stoner rock nation. Just think about your life and how meaningless it is, then drink a bottle of cough medicine and realize how beautiful it is.

Write what you know or what you feel.. Sure you can rewrite and it doesn't have to happen in a day. As far as fitting the words to the music. Just say them and sing them until it fits. The words will find a melody. Or just sing like the riff. Hell it isn't about perfection.

I've only just started writing lyrics and to be honest I think the're are decent lyrics I have, but I'm not about to spout them off just yet.


Weirdest inspiration we ever had was coming back from a show in Knoxville, we passed a pickup truck full of poultry cages, Gzus said we should write a song about that next practice Doom Chicken was born, still one of my fave songs we do. We used it as an opener for every show last time out.

I've also got some lyrics from a buddy of mine, when I was short of inspiration, I'm not even going to say what it's about :)

I think the singer should ALWAYS write the lyrics. If you're writing lyrics, you should be singing them, and if you get a singer and you're not comfortable with their lyrics, you've got the wrong singer, that can happen.


^^ I agree on both.

Having fun with music is a blast and funny lyrics are fun to sing.

If you can't stand behind what you're singing, then something is wrong. You need lyrics that you can at least feel sincere about.

I've written some stuff that cracks me up how goofy it is, but it's fun to sing and I can play a character when I'm performing. It's not easy, but a good fun challenge. I"m a strong believer in the connection between the music and the associated stage moves. The lyric, like a riff or drumbeat can dictate how you move. Listen to a scorpions tune for example, and you can picture them posing the way they do. *shudder*
CV - Slender Fungus

Worthless Willie

"I think the singer should ALWAYS write the lyrics."

What about The Who?

Not that I'm a fan, but that's the only example that comes to mind.

Oh, and Black Sabbath.
What happens between me and Steve Vegas and him and my wife and me and his goat is our own goddam business. Butt the fuck out. - Jeff Smith


Quote from: Worthless Willie on April 21, 2011, 08:51:56 PM
"I think the singer should ALWAYS write the lyrics."

What about The Who?

Not that I'm a fan, but that's the only example that comes to mind.

Oh, and Black Sabbath.

hmm RUSH  mmrmmr


End times, political corruption, horror movies, fear, paranoia, christianity/religion, teenage angst and girls.
Meh :/


i dunno, i guess anything that's interesting/bothering me at the moment. have'nt written any lyrics in years tho even tho i still practice. last song i wrote lyrics for is this song called 'Your Dad's a Douchebag'.

Your Dad's a Douchebag

(verse 1)

You say your dad is a creep, yea I think so!
He won't even let you go to the dance
He even has a hole on the wall to watch us naked
& your family goes to church every Sunday
He even grounded you and won't give you any money,haha!
& he likes watching porno at night
While you and your mom fight

Ain't it funny? Ain't it funny? Ain't it funny? Ain't it funny?


Your dad's a douchebag,your mom's a douchebag, and so is your
whole family too

Your dad's a douchebag,your mom's a douchebag and are you!!!

(verse 2)

Makes you watch football & clean the kitchen
Says you won't stop bitchin'
Even threw away all of your Kyuss cd's
Even made you clean his dirty socks (ewww gross!)
Your mom has a college degree for chain smoking in front of a t.v.
& your brother....your brother is a black metal nerd!
& he is a dummy, ain't it funny?


Your dad is a douchebag,your mom is a douchebag,
and so is your whole family too

Your dad is a douchebag,your mom is a douchebag...

and so,so,so are you!!!

yea your dad is a douchebag

it's actually based on a true story too  :P

you can listen to my song on my Myspace page.


I don't think it matters who wrote the lyrics or even what they are about, what matters is that you can deliver them with conviction. Sing it like you mean it. You are telling a story to the listener. It mat be the story of someone who just want s to "Rock n' Roll" and some other nonsensical words, or someone who just watched their whole village massacred, someone in love  or a young man driving an illegal race car in an oppressive future.


Quote from: neighbor664 on April 24, 2011, 11:31:23 AM
I don't think it matters who wrote the lyrics or even what they are about, what matters is that you can deliver them with conviction. Sing it like you mean it. You are telling a story to the listener.

Sing about whatever you want to sing about. It'll probably take a little while to figure it out.

I sing about The Man, The Woman and The Plight Of Workers.


I think you gotta remember that every song is its own piece and works for that. If your in a doom band it's ok to have a song about getting wasted and having a a good time, and your space rock band can have a song about how much the local scene sucks or whatever. I think limiting the topics you can write lyrics about is counterproductive. I imagine you'd want variation in any sort of entertainment medium, lyrics no exception. Then again we all like some songs that are the same riff for 20 minutes so what do i know.


Books, movies, even just little bits from books sometimes(I'm not writing concept albums yet!), occult/magic/sword & sorcery/fantasy/etc, dreams, religion, anything that I think fits the mood that my riffs and vocal styles project. We play more or less doom metal and heavy metal. I realize that some of my stuff is kind of cheesy but uh it's heavy metal, that's okay to me as long as it's not TOO cheesy. I hadn't written a thing since high school and had to figure out how to write lyrics(and sing while playing guitar). At first it seemed impossible but if you have a story outline then you just start tweaking lines one by one(shining turds) until a bit of poetry starts to happen. For me it's hard but worth while.

So far I have lyrics written about-

the Hammer movie 'Taste the Blood Of Dracula'

the Ships Of Hell from the Michael Moorcock Elric books(not done yet and no music written for it)

a dying old magician/sorcerer transfering his soul through sex into a woman so he can be born again and continue his work(I cloud the lyrics so it's not as obvious what the song is about)

the Robert E. Howard Conan short story Black Colossus(yes it's been done before but I think my version is somewhat unique)

a corrupt village priest/cunning man who has a man burned at the stake for questioning him, his sorcerer brother resurrects the man so he can kill the priest by feeding his bowels through a windmill which starts up at sunrise

a group of wizards who discover time travel and go back to Atlantis to steal a massive keep's worth of magical armor to defend their kingdom from an invading army, they are tricked by the ancients and held in the empty keep until their kingdom falls 100,000 years later(no music for this yet)

currently I'm reading George McDonald's 'Phatastes' and writing lyrics about the shadow, the song will have to be very slow and doomy for sure

So yeah, dark stuff, evil, magic, sorcerers, vampires, battles and more to come. Not so much about depression or loneliness or joke topics or current politics so far but that's just me. Got to find/do your thing. I wasn't much of a reader until I made a job change and over the last year and a half I've been able to read at work somewhat and I'm now actually inspired enough to write lyrics. A few years back I had no idea what to write lyrics about, I just thought "it's all been done", well yes and no. In my opinion if you choose the right wording you can even write about all the cliche stuff everyone else has already done to death without making it sound done to death, that's my plan anyway, I'm not sure how well it's working haha.

This is probably our shortest song which also has the least amount of words-

'The Silent Child'