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Opinions on Ampeg SVT 200T

Started by Andrew Blakk, December 08, 2011, 01:54:14 PM

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Andrew Blakk

I know that it's a solid state amp but it's seems to get quite good reviews on the net.
Any opinions on them?

(It's on my bassplayers behalf!)


I'm really not into the S.S. Ampegs.
Not that it sounded horrible but the one I tried sounded pretty bland to me.
I only own S.S. heads so it's not like I'm just used to hearing a tube head. But these things really shouldn't be called SVT's
If it were me, I'd be happier with a GK head (as far as something that is still currently in production) since they're smaller, lighter and have a better tone to my ears.
Really though my heart lies with the 70's Sunn & Acoustic stuff.

Discö Rice

I'm not familiar with that particular amp. I like Ampeg's hybrid and tube amps, but the pure solid state ones that I've played, or have been used by people I know are pretty weak volume-wise. They can be greatly improved with little preamp boxes like this:

- but if cost is the reason you're going SS, a $200 preamp probably isn't in the cards.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Well the plastic sansamp  by Behringer is only $30, but really I'd stay away from them, they're not too reliable, my buddy dumped his for a pair of Behringers a BX3000T head, and the 450W 2x10 combo.

On a related note, will trade SVT-350 for Peavey Grind 5, I'll even leave the gain mod in, if you want it. ;D

Discö Rice

GK does make some gnarly (as in good) sounding SS heads. That's what my bandmate uses.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.



Quote from: Discö Rice on December 08, 2011, 03:18:27 PM
GK does make some gnarly (as in good) sounding SS heads. That's what my bandmate uses.
They're OK on bass, their better on guitar. I used to play with a guy played a Sqire 51 thru a Backline, into my Peavey 18". Total doom.

Also the old GK 250ML's were great through a 4x12.


Also price is a factor. I can bet it's not as loud or obnoxious as my $50 100W Yamaha amp. If they are asking more than $150, you can do better, my T-Max was $200, is 500W, tube channel and basically a heck of a lot better.

Andrew Blakk

Hey thanks for the input, I'll pass it on!

Well the prices are way much higher usually on gear (new or used) here in Sweden than in the States.
This one was on sale(private) for 420 dollars (aprox 3000 sek). Which seems a bit high when looking around. They seem to go for around  350 over here(those few I´ve found) ::)  ;D


Isn't that expensive, even for there, I see this Ampeg 350 new for 3150kr

really the only reason to buy an Ampeg SS, is if it's very cheap, because it's not very good :-*

better sounding would be the Ashdown MAG or maybe even try the Laney Richter

Andrew Blakk

Hey thanks for the tip! I'll pass it on.



Sorry English-speaking users!

Har du kollat någonting på Thomann? De har rätt billiga grejer :)

Andrew Blakk

Jao absolut! Düsken är ju som ett andra hem haha.

Han köpte toppen. Tror det var designen som lockade mest.  :D

Oh well. He bought the 200T. I think it was the design that was the most apealing lol...


Let us know how it works out, it would be interesting to hear a positive opinion of an Ampeg.


my bass player has an ampeg that is his backup to his 300T.
its pretty good sounding, after he put a sansamp rack in front of it.
his GK quit working like 2 weeks after he bought. then sat in warranty repair for almost a month. he quickly traded it in. Ive heard lots of people say how rock solid those things are, but his was most definitely not.

Discö Rice

^^^Depends on the era. Get the pre-digital stuff. My bass player killed her digital era GK rigs (a pair of MB2-500's) over and over. She says anything "RBII" or later has issues, but the plain old "RB's" are un-killable. I'll vouch for it - if they're Laurie-proof, they're a worthy purchase. She bought it used in 95, and the serial number is from 1990. The only repair it ever needed was a quick tightening of the input jack. Damn!
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.