Hemi, I have a few questions................

Started by apekillman, January 02, 2012, 08:46:10 PM

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I have a 78 Kramer aluminum neck (two actually) and I hate to do it, but I may want to wire directly to the jack.   On both of them.  The nicer of the two is closet to stock.  But not quite.  The neck pup was replaced.  Still has the original super distortion in the neck.  I have the S.D. For the neck.  I think I want to run it straight through.  How hard is this to do and are you for or against it?  Thank you.


Wiring a pickup to the jack is easy, you must do ground to ground and hot to tip. Super distortion is DiMarzio, yes? According to their website, you would wire red to tip and green and bare to sleeve.

How it would sound, you can either find out for yourself, or seek others opinions.


As in this diagram, but just bypass the pot.


Cool.  Thank you.  How important are those orange drop caps soldered in between the vol and tone pots?  Will omitting them cause havoc?


The caps are just for tone control, they don't perform any vital electrical function.