weird GK cab super cheap on craigslist

Started by hashbrowns, December 29, 2011, 01:10:44 AM

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Quote from: justinhedrick on December 29, 2011, 02:59:42 PM
hemi, when is the band going to play out again? march/april of 2012? fire it up.
Buggered if I know, we've gone through 3 maybe 4 guitarists in the last twelve months, depending on how you count it, I really don't want to do a two piece live, maybe we will, maybe we'll just record some more, I don't know. I was talking to my old Drone Camel buddy and he wanted to do it, but he's in STL and busy as shit, so I don't see that as viable either.


Quote from: MichaelZodiac on December 29, 2011, 03:45:38 PM
If anybody could get dimensions of such a '70 Traynor 8*10 cab, it'd be greatly appreciated!  ;D

I think I'm gonna buy this tomorrow so if I do I'll measure it and take pics to show you what you need to replicate it if thats what your looking to do.
I am not going to lose another fucking child and another fucking woman, because of cocaine and killing dogs!!! - Ricky


Unless you get a great deal, $100 or so, I'd pass.  I've had two, one with stock speakers and another with eminence bp102s and neither was really impressive. Pretty shallow at 12" deep and it has no internal dividers.