Looking to buy cheap but solid digital video recorder for practice/gigs

Started by RacerX, November 12, 2015, 08:47:09 AM

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Preferably with good audio capabilities, as well.

What are you using?
Livin' The Life.


the most basic of zooms, the h1. good sound quality, not many features, probably wouldn't like getting dropped.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


Livin' The Life.


oh, look. did it say video up there before?

this pretty much sums up how my day's going. i'm no help.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


Livin' The Life.


I use a Zoom Q2, which is perfect for what you need.  I think it's been replaced by the Q4 - which is about $300.  Decent zoom and image but not great in low light.



fwiw, I scored a canon vixia hfr500 last spring for cheap off the floor. but even at it's regular price of w/e $250-ish it is an amazing camcorder and they got good reviews.
I dickered with the guys at best buy and got it for $125.  That and 2 hi-speed 32gig memory cards was like $190 out the door.

it records very nice audio and has image stabilization(my one main requirement after fighting with a shaky camcorder before)

ijs, consider those vixia models. I think the 500 has been replaced by something similar but i'm not sure. either way, it will be similar quality/capability

edit: this camcorder has good low light and other color balancing features for recording gigs in dimly lit dungeons

there are a million demo videos

here is one of mine thru the camcorder mic