Guitar wiring mods - diagram added - find all my mistakes please

Started by chille01, May 15, 2011, 11:37:09 PM

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I just went back and had a look at the coil split thread, because I've been reading a lot about the various mods you can do with two four wire humbuckers (which I just happen to have, because I bought some new PUP's based on advice on this site).  In any event, I've got a LP with two four wire humbuckers, and a couple of push-pull pots for the tone.  I've never done any of these kinds of mods though, and haven't been able to dig up the diagram for exactly what I have in mind (if it's even possible).  Any comments or links appreciated.

Warning - It get's real nerdy from here:

The three mods I'd like to integrate are:

1) A spin-a-split for the neck pickup.  Basically you sacrifice one tone control (making the other one a master tone), and turn it into a variable coil split.  So instead of just being split or not split, you can turn the knob and dial in a varying balance between the coils. About halfway down the page.

2) Use the push/pull on this same knob to put the pickups in either parallel (normal), or series to eachother. The second, single switch option

3) Use the other push/pull to put the pickups in our out of phase from one another near the bottom of the page.

I've found links and diagrams for each of these mods individually, just not sure if there is any consideration I'm missing or reasons I can't do all three, as noted above?


Coil taps are simple/common. Phase switching is simple/common. Coil tapping with a 4-wire is a no brainer. Phase switching is a little, tiny bit more involved, and gives you that nasty funky wah-sounding-scooped out sound. Hollow, almost.

spin-a-split came standard on the Peavey t-60/t-40. It's a fucking sick (and useful) thing to have. You can phase switch and coil tap the same circuit.

If you can follow instructions, it's all pretty easy to do. I like mini-switches, but I also like non-invasive mods to guitars, so push-pulls are good for me.

the mini switches just look so cool, though...

"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



So I've done some more research into this, and cobbled together a schematic based on pieces of about 3 other ones.  Can someone who knows such things look and see where I fucked it up?

Intended operation is:

Two volumes, 1 master tone, 3 way
Spin a split on bridge tone
tone split on neck/master tone (basically, tone full on equals split coil, anything less than full equals humbucker with regular tone control)
Series/parallel switch on bridge push pull
Phase switch on neck push pull