Sleeping Dogs = Awesome

Started by Bro. Righteous, October 28, 2014, 02:38:36 PM

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Bro. Righteous

Fuck, anyone read this forum anymore?
Anyhooo...if you dig shit like GTA-series gaming, this 'sleeper' game I came
across "Sleeping Dogs" is fucking fantastic, actually loved it more than the latest
GTA-V - which I couldn't get past the fucking 3-character switching shit.

Playing as a police-turned gangster prodigy, the gaming is awesome, full of
Bruce-Lee worthy karate-chop dynamics of stellar addictiveness, focused gun-play,
shitloads of side-games (cockfighting anyone?)...great graphics (I played on an Xbox 360).
...and awesome driving/motorcycle dynamics (although it's ass backwards on the streets...left is right, right is left).
Am I making sense?

Regardless, such a great surprise for myself as a casual gamer when I'm mostly disappointed on the shit on the market,
this 'sleeper' (heh)...fucking hit all the right spots, enjoyed it even more than GTA V as previously stated, now that's
an endorsement - pick-it-up now in your bargain-bin gems!

10 Karate-Leg-Bone Crushings outta 10

I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...