Borderlands 2

Started by socket, September 24, 2012, 11:51:57 AM

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Anyone pick this up?  I'm enjoying it so far. I still haven't played online yet.  Figured I should earn some experience before diving in. The first one was fun and this is better.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Getting it next month for Xbox. First one was amazing, FPS Diablo-looting.


Yeah, i've been playing it co-op with 3 of my friends and it's a blast.  It's funny how everyone's true nature comes out when playing a game like this one.  In the beginning it was ok let's not grab everything at once and just look at whats there to decide who gets what.  Then you realize half way through one of your asshole friends is just picking up everything. 

We were having a moment of down time and someone was like, how much money does everyone have and it was like 2500, 3000 something, 1800....and 12000.  WTF?   And when we were talking about gun damage this guy has like two guns that are ridiculous and we're all walking around with pea shooters.  Fucking jerkoff.


Waiting for the level 50 cap to be raised. As well as the 4th dlc. Anyone know if there will be a second set of dlc's?


I just bought the game a few days back. Not sure why I waited so long it's a blast. I'm not sure about the DLC, but they said something available for pre-order would be coming out in summer???
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Chovie D

I got bogged down around level 30 and quit. I really enjoyed it until I got Far CRy3 (which was just alot better..never buy a game before youve finished the one you're playin)....the missions take forever tho some of em and theres no saving...that part kinda sucked.


I didn't know you liked playing video games. That's pretty cool.

The game is really cute, but the save thing is a joke. Ain't no one got time for that. I wish I could save on the fly like in skyrim. Here you've gotta complete an objective first... but if it's only one of 2+ tasks, it'll set you back to the beginning and you have to work your way back through the entire environment and all the bad guys. They give you save checkpoints but that's only if you die mid-game; whereas, it should apply to separate gaming sessions.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Chovie D

yeah , im a long time gamer....back to pacman and space invaders G.

about a year ago....I spent almost a year in a hardcore raiding guild in a game called Rift...1st guild, first raiding, headphone mic set, full on South Park WoW episode geek action.....twas too demanding for me, dont think Ill do that again.

Just ordered Crysis 3 and preordered bioshock INfinite and Starcraft 2


Yeah, I kind of figured the older games as everyone loves those, but not the more modern stuff. I hadn't pegged you for that.

I go thru cycles where I buy and play, then back off for a time. That's what I like about games like these, long-term story modes and replay value. I didn't buy any games in 2012 because I had MW3 and skyrim.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Chovie D

I was big into diablo 2, did that for a year or more without touching another game during that time.
diablo3 was a huge letdown of course.

what Ive always liked about that for me its like meditation. a rest for your mind...a true "pass time".
i could play solitaire with a deck of cards and get about the same effect...and I did that for a year or two also.

giving skyrim another chance right now. I think Ive already screwed up my character tho, is there a skill reset opportunity at some point?


I don't think so.

IMO, the skill setup is the biggest let-down in Skyrim. Too many options, not enough points. The game would have benefited greatly if they allotted X amount of starting points (like many other RPG's) and/or gave 2-3 points per level. They break all the skills up into different color segments, why not allot 1 point for combat skill and 1 for non-combat skills each level? I get tired of running around to obtain resources necessary to fabricate iron daggers, just because the game only gives a single point per level for the skill trees (constellations).
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Chovie D

agree completely, the skill tree setup is annoying overblown and feels powerless basically...skyrim is not a great game.


I enjoyed it minus that skill tree issues, the bugs (to be expected), and the lack of DLC up until a week ago for the PSN. The last being funny as the DLC was released right as I gave it up for good. :-\
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


So BD2 is over at level ~30, then you can re-do the game in vault hunter mode with tougher enemies? What's the point?

I'm debating restarting with a different character class or continuing on to level up my main warrior. This game was kind of disappointing in some regards. It just seems like they approached it in a backwards way  :-\
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan