One upgrade for better tuning stability

Started by chille01, December 21, 2011, 07:03:40 PM

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What would be the single biggest thing to upgrade to increase tuning stability on standard Gibson style guitars?  All of mine have the stock Kluson style tuners.  Are locking tuners worth it?  What are the best ones?  Or the nut?  What, in your opinion, is the go to upgrade to keep the things in tune under heavy rocking use?


Plenty of wraps around the tuner, and a little pencil lead (graphite) in the nut slots.


Locking tuners are convenient but they don't make much difference on a guitar with no whammy where the wraps on the tuning peg can lose their tension when you divebomb.

On all of my guitars any major issues have always been related to sticking at the nut sometimes because of higher string gauges. Usually on the G string. If you hear any pinging when you tune that would be a sign.


Fuck just doing one, just do 'em all. Get some Grovers to replace those Klusons, and get some nut lube or Scot-rig it and use some graphite!
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Mr. Foxen


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Heavier strings. Proper nut adjustment. Wraps on the pegs. Technique.
I think the last ones a big one. Stop pounding like a jackhammer.


I think it mostly comes down to the nut. I tried a graphite one but it wore down way too fast. If you're getting out of tune a lot it could be because your nut is holding tension and then slowly releasing it as you play. I've never tried nut lube but that should help. My technique is to bend the strings a lot while I'm tuning. Tune, bend, tune, bend, until you're still on after you bend. It's annoying but I find that my guitar rarely goes out of tune using this method... unless the neck is slowly warming up while I'm playing.


Thanks guys, I think I'll start with the cheap options.  New strings and some sort of lube on the nut.  Which is what she said.


after i tune or especially after i replace a string or strings, i  then give the string a decent bend type pull to set the tension.
sometimes the pitch drops picking up slack in the fresh wind, or slack somewhere.
After i do this, everything sits nicely.  And then the strings go out of tune only after serious playing and they get stretched. (LP studio fwiw)


pro setup - including all of the above, if needed. Problem is if you have a bad one it'll stay in tune, for a minute. Possibly you have a superior ear as well? In that case take solace in this quote:
"A guitar is an instrument you spend half your time tuning and the other half playing out of tune" - Arturo Toscanini (if I remember)
"searching in the sun for another overload"