The Visitor

Started by black, November 14, 2013, 06:23:27 PM

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Late 1970's Italian horror.

At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

The Shocker

That looks...AWESOME!

John Huston and Shelly Winters together again after Tentacles.     


This is getting a limited theatrical release at the moment.  And it looks fucking great!  Sam Peckinpah acts in it, along with Lance Henriksen and John Huston.  Totally weird cast.  Can't wait for this shit.


I was thinking the same thing as you, The Shocker! And yeah, Lance Henriksen (remember his tv show, Millennium?) and Sam Peckinpah. Nutty.

Do you live in a large enough/strange enough market that you'll get to see it in a theater JkFlesh? I think that would be a treat.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

The Bandit

My dad took me to see Tentacles at the movie theater in Starkville when it came out.  Pretty wide release considering the quality of the film.

Jor el

They love putting people through glass in the 70's
What Would Scooby Do ?


I was thinking the same thing.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


Saw it twice as a kid.  Saw it again the other night at IFC.  Kind of a yawner. 


One of the best bad movies ever. I dare anyone to make sense of the plot or whatever is going on in this movie  :)
bite me


Quote from: black on November 15, 2013, 03:05:51 PM
I was thinking the same thing as you, The Shocker! And yeah, Lance Henriksen (remember his tv show, Millennium?) and Sam Peckinpah. Nutty.

Do you live in a large enough/strange enough market that you'll get to see it in a theater JkFlesh? I think that would be a treat.

It played a midnight showing once but I couldn't make it.  Bummer.


I'm telling you guys, it sounds better on paper.  Even the midnight crowd couldn't muster up much derisive laughter for it.  Wait for video.


I saw that once as a kid and at some point in the last couple years on a stream/cast.

It does get a tad snoozey in parts, but is awesome in others.

Thanks for the reminder, I'm gonna see if hulu/netflix has this.
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator

The Shocker


It's currently streaming on Amazon Prime and I finally caught up with it.

It's a head-scratcher for sure, but it's actually directed well, with a lot of memorable visuals and a pounding Goblin-esque score.  The plot is easy to follow in a way although totally bereft of logic (why the birds, for instance?  It's never explained.)

It's really fun to watch Huston and a very young Lance Henriksen.  Peckinpah only has one scene because he was such a mess that they had to basically write his character out of the film except for one scene.


I saw it a while back and thought it totally failed to deliver.  Boring, confusing, aimless.
And make no mistake, all I watch are Euro 60's-70's horror and the like, so I'm OK with confusing plots and plot holes large enough to drive a truck through.
To be fair, it had a couple of good ideas, but I thought it never came together.
Maybe with repeated viewings it might be better.

Dylan Thomas

This looks epic, though the less than flattering accounts from fans of this sort of debacle leave me a bit hesitant to get too excited.  I generally like glorious incoherent messes of films though.

Fulci's Conquest?  Wildly entertaining, though completely incoherent.  Roger Corman's Death Sport?  Same deal.  Fucking love it.  Holding out some hope that this will deliver on a three bong hit, three beer evening.

The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.


I might have been a bit harsh on it, but I think it's because I was expecting and comparing it to other Italian movies, and maybe that's where it fell short.  None of the stylized violence, no interesting camera angles or shots, or lighting.  No mood or atmosphere.  It really played like an American film from the early 80's. 
Whatever, I'm sure there's worse ways to kill 90 minutes.