the music room is now functional

Started by jibberish, April 19, 2014, 07:33:56 AM

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only took 1.5 years after being inspired to do something by jake's too much fun basement.
most of the time was spent rethinking the wiring and control desk position. I had it all over the room trying different ideas.

I had to put back a lot of things that were just falling apart with time, like paneling glue heh.
the main overhead lighting isn't in yet. I am exploring 12v LED solutions and I am not finished yet.
running on temporary scavengerd power from 3 different circuits when I am done(have 2 now).

I have all kinds of cool ambient lighting throughout the room, but the camera and I aren't good at getting it how it really looks.

full room from front corner to back corner

full room from the opposite corner behind the guitar rack

I absolutely had to have that library table as the control desk. that thing is so doom. the pc is all slung underneath.

I wanted to keep all permanent wiring off the floor, so I rigged some oxygen hoses from my mom's deal(sadness, but , she gave me her old ones to use, so happiness) and PVC and black spray paint and got all that shit off the floor

there are 5 complete sets of stereo speaker wires, 3 stereo signal cables, network, the fucking fm antenna and some power wires right there.
amp stack is amp stack on a harbor freight dolly

here is a crap shot of ambient lighting with no flash showing orange power compacts(those cool party lights from home depot heh)in the back and a black light on the jimi poster. I put a couple actinic aquarium lights in the shelf under the bottles=sort of black light effect and all the other colors all around the room.

my highly modified fender 2watt Greta. I put that black handle on it haha. home depot wins again.

thee amazing tweaker and my crazy 8"+12" 16ohm ghetto cabinet that rages(kustom amp is disconnected)

say a amen for my hero brother jimi

all cables and phones as neat as they ever will be again forever probably

one last shot of some of my ghetto creations like the guitar rack and the CD boxes
that is all sheet music and music books down in that cart there. garage sales rule all.

this has been a trip, thanx for looking and NOW time to make music 8D

Danny G


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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I like that chair, too. I bet it makes farts loud.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?

Bro. Righteous

I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...



Looks like you could fit a kit in there when needed?


nice.  I see turntables, hiding back there, but no rekkids.  what gives?  I also like the whole using speakers as speaker stands, and speaker stands as amp stands thing.  ;)
Vinyls.   deal.


Nice set up. Makes me want to work on my room.  That table is almost identical to the table I have my keyboard and computer monitor on, except the brace going across the bottom is broken on mine where I fell through it once.
Billy Squier 24/7


You're living the dream jibbs! We've started looking at houses and the main priority is a band room, cannot wait!


yes, the drum kit space is accounted for.
I put down the old oriental rug to indicate where the kit would go.

the decorated half of the room is like 14' x 24 or so and that is only half the entire room, so drums actually seem to work ok when we had them down there once before.
loud as all hell. I cant imagine what drums in a storage unit would be like. the db's must be fearsome like firecrackers.  that's part of why I have certain minimum volume requirements for the "PA", to keep up with live drums.

jumz, I don't think anyone can beat your castlevanian music estate, ever.


heh, I go to post and a new post keeps occurring. yessir, that's my pile of junk turntables.   those speaker stands are super handy for everything but speakers.
the rekkids just got moved behind that divider sheet. my nephew said it all "the only place i saw that many records was at the store" haha
i am busting my noodle trying to visualize a nice portable/stackable system for my LP's like i did for the CD's. i still haven't hit on the ideal solution that i can do for nearly free.
the bitch is that LP's + covers =13".  that extra inch severely limits material options.

the speaker stand speakers are the DCM time windows. those are the babies that make drums sound like they are right in the room with you. twin 6" woofers and transmission line column for bass response. these speakers absolutely do not thunder. they cant move that much air, but the transient response is amazing. they only get run by the nikko amp which is 80watts+6dB clean headroom, which is plenty for those speakers so i don't risk melting them. all other speakers are going to get the fuck beat out of them.

speaking of which, guitar center has big power amp #2 waiting. a QSC 2450 = 500w/ch 8ohms, but this one is spec'd for 2ohms which means it is beefier for current flow and will weigh and cost more, but i probably could arc weld with it. $399 used.    also, these PA amps will also be used for random stuff like playing out or big party stereos etc.
i will start scoring used PA speakers eventually when i need them. there are tons of those out there on CL all the time.  dj didntdosogood selling his rig heh

the little Phillips rebuilds on top also have 2 6" woofers and some cute port setup. those speakers thunder. serious db's from those 2 kicker 6" hi end car woofers. 200wrms handling. trade off giant long throw bass for detail here.  those other speakers are 12" C-V 3 ways. good home theater speakers, nasty nasty balance for serious music listening, but sounds fine in the blend with the horrible mids backed off a hair.

do your room LF. maybe jake will post his basement pics again for more inspiration.

jumz, what is that big castle place? i thought that was your place. i was going to ask how you heat that mutha.


You think I live in a castle jibbs? Hell I wouldn't be looking for a house if I did! ;) which castle place do you speak of? I don't recall posting any pics here for a while!


Nice digs Jib.  Prolly gonna rework my room in the next couple days.  Reworked it to fit another person and gear down there.  Now that I've changed my mind on collaborating I need to put it back for just myself.
No Focus Pocus


I really like that table. Ni ce space!
CV - Slender Fungus


 thanks, I am stoked to get busy.

Quote from: JemDooM on April 19, 2014, 01:14:22 PM
You think I live in a castle jibbs? Hell I wouldn't be looking for a house if I did! ;) which castle place do you speak of? I don't recall posting any pics here for a while!

i'm probably all screwed up, but you posted a sequence of pics like at your practice space or something, and one of them was of a decent sized stone/brick house/estate. it had square sections, built up in hills. looked old. i'll dig through some threads. maybe I can find it again.

i was sort of thinking that maybe one could pick up a rundown estate for a song, and live in a small section of it. then the rest would be like a warehouse for like practicing heh. All I know is my first thought was " creepy music writes itself in a place like that" and I wished I could spend a week there composing haha.

I would try to rent a castle, then rent out rooms to help pay for it.  when I was down at ole miss, there was an old mansion right in the old part of Oxford, and it was for rent. this place was big, and 10 of us could have lived dirt cheap, but the people wanted nothing to do with college punks in their estate house. now, I don't blame them. we had such magnificent plans. 


Ahhh that would have been Skyhammer studios maybe, it's Jon Conans massive old house with a studio and accommodation, totally not mine, I wish!!

That'd be awesome to pick up an old estate and spend years slowly building it up, it'd make for creepy music indeed! That's crazy money though, I'd be ecstatic just with a set up like yours! Right now we can't even leave our guitars set up in the lounge because the rabbits nibble the cables and even take guitar strings off! Most of the time I don't play because I can't be bothered having to get it all out and put it away again so a music room would be awesome...


thx chief. except now I have no excuse for creating  schlock anymore. have to up my game.heh

oh boy. dum-me. well jumz, for a minute you lived in that castle, as far as I knew.  stay with your dream.
maybe you 2 can live there if you mow the lawn or de-bat the belfry or wtf needs doing in a place like that. haha
I also should not assume that anything involving land or property in Europe is "cheap" should I.

I cant believe I got skunked on that stinking qsc2450 amp. cruised to GC since it was such a lovely day. it was still listed last night..heh. gone...
I actually left there without spending a penny. I guess I was bummed.



just perving on your music room again, I love those alcoves for the speakers!!

I mentioned this in the general blog thread, John and I have bought a house, we're moving in a month! We were looking for somewhere big with a nice big music room but instead have bought a tiny little cottage with a huge garden (potential outhouse music room waaaaay in the future but that will be crazy money so can forget that for now!)

What we have now is a room almost half the size you'd want for a music room but I'm gonna try my best to make it work, got any home music room tips!? I'd love to hear them! :) Think we're gonna get a good electronic kit with good patches as the place is probably too small for a kit and I'm not sure if we could sound proof it enough! Anyway I'm really looking forward to this! We could never have a good set up as the flat was too small and shared a small space with two cable munching bunnies...


 thx, yes, this room is working out nicely and the vibe is good.
nice to see father o'blivion and BA both putting together nice dark comfy rooms too. all jake's fault.

I saw your post in the other thread.  you two have land. in the future you could put up additional buildings or an addition for a proper space. IMO, the land is more important than the building on it because that can be modified. also a roomy property lets you get louder before the cops show up during practice.

sure you cant do that today since you are dealing with the initial purchase, but if you always keep that in mind, you will see opportunities to score materials as time goes on. some day have a "barn raising" and put up an addition in a day.

in the meantime, it sounds like you have a way better setup than the flat, so a step up is a step up.

a fake mausoleum behind the pond for a practice space would rule the world haha.

ps, do you "stay off the moors"?


As in keep to the road and beware of the moon? No.... ;)

It's on a street with houses on either side so whatever we do it'll have to be well soundproofed, I saw these summer houses you can buy for £2000-£4000 that'd probably be cheaper than building something from scratch but we'll see!



Quote from: JemDooM on June 06, 2014, 08:50:37 AM

just perving on your music room again, I love those alcoves for the speakers!!

I mentioned this in the general blog thread, John and I have bought a house, we're moving in a month! We were looking for somewhere big with a nice big music room but instead have bought a tiny little cottage with a huge garden (potential outhouse music room waaaaay in the future but that will be crazy money so can forget that for now!)

What we have now is a room almost half the size you'd want for a music room but I'm gonna try my best to make it work, got any home music room tips!? I'd love to hear them! :) Think we're gonna get a good electronic kit with good patches as the place is probably too small for a kit and I'm not sure if we could sound proof it enough! Anyway I'm really looking forward to this! We could never have a good set up as the flat was too small and shared a small space with two cable munching bunnies...

For a while I was in 2 bands, jamming in 2 houses in small rooms. In the one house it was in a shitty neighborhood so we jammed full volume, in the other band/house we had to use electronic drums and practice quiet.

In the loud house it was great but we got used to being REALLY LOUD in that small room with all the amps pointed to the center and when we loaded out onto a stage it sounded way different. In the house you could hear yourself and everyone else perfectly but on stage it was hard to get things loud enough to replicate that sound... a 100W Marshall wasn't enough... desensitized. We should have jammed at half volume.

In the quiet house it was great for working on new songs and tweaking arrangements because you could talk loudly over the music and play without plugs. It's boring for the drummer but you can work for 3 hours without getting tired. With the guitar amps, the dynamics are all different and you start needing to add high end to hear things clearly and drift towards settings that sound shrill/harsh playing at high volumes.

The quiet way works great for developing new material as long as you mix it up with shows and rehearsals of your set list at full volume once in a while so the drummer can have some fun and so you can keep your guitar/bass tones dialled.

I'm working on getting a music room set up, if I get anything going soon I'll post some pics.


My little jam room is getting so packed so that the only place to sit is at my drums or tiny space in the middle to sit lotus and contemplate the tools of my creations.
No Focus Pocus


Maybe you need a lil clear out/rearrange rager?

That's good advice fallen I think we're definitely leaning towards electronic kit/quieter volumes tbh, I hadn't thought about it like that tho :)


the monastery/hades mining co headquarters jam room is the enclosed front porch of my bandmates house. fortunately for us theres nothing but a cemetery across the street. houses on either side but the people are used to it. there have been jams there since 1994.
the inside is a complete mess due to us not bothering to clean anything ever..but its functional.   


cool stuff, I wont be able to afford electronic Roland vdrums any time soon but if I were looking for a quiet setup I would get that and a jamhub which allows each musician their own mix: