Unmastered tracks from last weekend SPAM but good SPAM

Started by ROWDYBEER, May 12, 2011, 07:36:50 PM

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My bassist posted this on talk bass so I thought I would share with my fellow stoners.

Marathon consecutive 10 hour days in the studio on Saturday and Sunday and I'm beat. The fruits of our labor are these raw/unmastered tracks. Let me know what you think of them... Good, bad, or otherwise and if you'd change anything also mention that too. My skin is pretty thick. If you want to let me know what order you'd put them in if you had your way that'd be cool and we haven't decided on a name for the EP, but have dubbed it "Dead Horse" for now (as in beating a dead horse). Anyway, here they are. First two are re-recorded old songs, the next two are new songs, and the last one is an old song with a new part. Thanks, everyone!




Good recordings. I liked track 4 the best, and 3 has a cool verse melody. I might just scrap track 2 because it sounds a lot like track 1, and they should probably not be together if they are in the same key. The intro on track 2 is a weak spot, imo.

for track order I would do:
CV - Slender Fungus


1-reminds me of Helmet.  that is good.
2-needs more difference in tempo to really kill.
3-more drums think Ivan DePrume LaSexorcisto era White Zombie.
4-good shit very metal
5-my fave don't lead the recording with it though extra metal.

my order of choice
1,4,2,5,3     (where 2 and 3 are interchangeable)
Problem solving whiskey!


Thanks for all the feedback good and bad and for taking the time to listen to our shit. I hope you guys get a chance to crank tracks 3&4 on a loud stereo.


I'm all about that first track. It's got a real nice Melvins vibe to it.


No Focus Pocus


it's great stuff.. love the big riffs.. great production

know how you're gonna master it?  cos it sounds pretty big/loud/punchy already, it'd be a shame to smash the hell out of it


Yeah we are going to master it at the same studio we recorded it in with the same engineer. Motaland studios. And no it will not get crushed. Mostly the mastering will take care of any out of place harsh highs and lows. You know kind of scrutinize the sound as a whole. But in the end we want it to be able to be cranked and still sound good on standard stereo equipment like in your car or whatever. In the pre mix phase we did a lot of listening on different stereos. We'd listen on the best stuff at the studio, the worst stuff, burn a copy and all get in my truck and take a listen.
So if your recording in Colorado I highly suggest Bart at motaland studios.