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Help wiring a Ric

Started by bbottom, May 22, 2011, 09:41:41 PM

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So I'm wiring up the fakenbacker with Ric pups. Now everything is all wired up but I haven't put the pickguard back on yet because I wanted to make sure that it was all hooked up the correct way.

Anyway I just plugged everything in and while I do get a little  sound out of the pups through the amp whenever I tap them, the amp really buzzes whenever I touch the metal surrounding the pups as well as the bridge . I'm assuming it's a grounding issue but I really don't know where to begin. Suggestions?

Oh and here are some pics


It's not grounded out on the bridge, for starters. You should have soldered everything into place, on the pickguard, would have been a fuckton easier! Check all of your grounds, check all of your joints and exposed wires. Tape everything off, nice and tight. Put everything neatly in the pickguard, then trace everything, make sure it's all good and golden when it comes to terms of your solder job. Make sure there's no reversed connections on the switch, and make sure they're in phase.

Take better pictures, and post the wiring diagram you used.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Rickenbacker have wiring diagrams for all their models

are you trying to wire it in mono or stereo?

Buzzing when you touch strings or bridge, means the bridge wire isn't connected properly. It's hard to tell from the pics, but maybe you've constructed a ground loop, where you have things grounded where two different paths. Example if you wire the case of pot 1 to pot 2, pot 2 to pot 3 and pot 3 to pot 4, don't connect a ground wire between pot 4 and pot 1, that sort of thing.

Weak output, is it tinny, or just quiet?


Well I'm going to give it another go tomorrow. I have a feeling that whoever had this thing before really F'd it up.

I like the idea of putting it into the pickguard first thanks for that suggestion.

Also the sound coming out of the pups is really quiet so like I said I'm going to give it another go tomorrow and totally redo the entire thing.

A dude on another forum posted this for me to go off of


oh and it's being wired as mono


You've got some shit reversed, most likely.

Ignore any wires you don't have. Those look like two-lead pickups, hot/ground. You can decipher what's hot, and what's ground from the Duncan diagram, and where they go. Orientation is a big deal with pots, since each lug is a different parameter...

Herbie knows exactly, and PERHAPS he should dump the explanation into here AND the amp tech thread. (Also, an explanation of the difference in tolerance of resistors, and the effects of said tolerance.)

Just ignore that "second" jack, it's just in series with the other jack, which is why stereo output is really a big fucking sham...

"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on May 23, 2011, 01:29:50 AM
Just ignore that "second" jack, it's just in series with the other jack, which is why stereo output is really a big fucking sham...
If you went to the source, it would make a bit more sense
See how the mono jack is switching (NO), it's not shorting the two signals together until the jack is in the socket.

For this chap though, he want the two pickups, 4 controls and mono jack diagram.

I find with pots it helps if you think about how they are constructed, if you hold a pot in your left hand, shaft pointing to the right, and turn it all the way up (fully clockwise) then the 2 terminals furthest away from you are shorted together, and maximum resistance is between the two closest to you. This is volume fully up, so you'd want the signal coming in on the middle pin, and leaving on the pin furthest away, and the pin closest to you would be the ground.


thanks everyone I'm going to give it another shot tonight.