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The Nuge Has a Point

Started by Hemisaurus, July 08, 2011, 07:25:51 PM

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Whether you dig his politics and his lifestyle or not, a very good summary of music here, explains things like MC5 and how they work.


Meh. I could've done without the four minute Gene Simmons impersonation.


I know enough to know that's the bassplayer from Kiss, but I don't know enough to know which bit you are referring to.

I wonder when the last time was I was 40 days without playing, maybe it's worth trying.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on July 08, 2011, 09:27:22 PM
I know enough to know that's the bassplayer from Kiss, but I don't know enough to know which bit you are referring to.

I wonder when the last time was I was 40 days without playing, maybe it's worth trying.

hes calling out the shameless promotion for all his bullshit merchandise, just like good o' gene

ted annoys the shit out of me, saw him acting ultra badass on a tv series once, ended up slicing his leg with a chainsaw, good times



He's totally full of shit. How do you guys not understand that this is totally tongue-in-cheek?

Ted's the man. Fuck his politics, but I don't give a fuck about that, long as he's playing guitar. bottom line.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Heh, there was that "I Survived Nugent" show, and one of the challenges was to race each other (running) towards two pickup trucks that were coming at you. You jump out of the way and whoever came closest to their truck wins the challenge. One of the contestants was hit by the truck. That was the only episode I saw.

I loved him around 1976-77 -- I saw him in 1977 or so at the Philadelphia Spectrum, and part of his banter was about some rifle that will "blow the balls off a bull moose at 40 paces" or something like that. I'm sure there was a deeper message about respecting nature and being a responsible hunter mixed in there somewhere. I left the show less of a fan than I was, going in. He plays great but when he talks, it's awful. And he talks a lot.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Yeah. I went to a Nuge show about a year ago. These days, he's nothing but a parody of himself. It's almost sad.

I think that what happens when you deny yourself access to alcohol or drugs. You become a self righteous tool.


I don't think I can do it. I can maybe go 40 days without playing an instrument, but I don't think I can go 40 days without humming, whistling, singing or listening to music :o


I just shaved my goatee. fuuuuccckkk. Pedostache initiate!
black aspirin: "Well, I started to talk about dogmatism, but by the time I finish this sentence, you will have probably re-defined it, so what's the point in using words at all?  And by 'words', I obviously meant 'pigeons'."


Quote from: Jake on July 09, 2011, 01:14:25 AM
Yeah. I went to a Nuge show about a year ago. These days, he's nothing but a parody of himself. It's almost sad.

I think that what happens when you deny yourself access to alcohol or drugs. You become a self righteous tool.

I saw him about a half-dozen years ago at the Ohio state fair. He was fucking awesome.
"I have today made a discovery which will ensure the supremacy of German music for the next hundred years."

bass sic

I like Ted. His crazy attitude and his playing. But if he was just a guy living on my street I'd be skeert.
I mean the guy is fuckin out there.


Can't f'ing stand that guy.


About the third time he pulled out one (of the many) AR-15s onstage and started blathering about Nancy Pelosi this and Harry Reid that, it didn't matter how awesome Stanglehold was any more.

Worthless Willie

What happens between me and Steve Vegas and him and my wife and me and his goat is our own goddam business. Butt the fuck out. - Jeff Smith

Metal and Beer

I saw him in 2000 (? or so?) w/ Tommy Aldridge on drums and whats-his-name from Twisted Blister on bass. At first he just played, and they fucking ripped. Instrumental version of "Red House", all the Nuge hits, just killing it !
   Then, the house lights came up, and he broke out a crossbow or someshit and started babbling shit like "I SEE I GOT MY HUNTIN AND FISHIN BUDDIES HERE TONIGHT!! MAYBE WE SHOULD GO HUNTING MEXICANS THAT DONT WANNA SPEAK ENGLISH IN AMERICA!!!!"   Some roadie hung a guitar from his cabinets and he shot it with the bow and arrow...

His shithead rabble-rousing made Stranglehold unawesome for me, too.
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


He lost me around the Cat Scratch Fever album. By the Double Live Gonzo, he was getting pretty cheesy.

Free-for-All, though, man, what an album. Not a bad track on it.

Livin' The Life.


he might have an amazing point there

i wouldn't know

if you can make it to the 25 second mark on that clip then you've done better than me


Quote from: Lumpy on July 09, 2011, 12:45:40 AM
Heh, there was that "I Survived Nugent" show, and one of the challenges was to race each other (running) towards two pickup trucks that were coming at you. You jump out of the way and whoever came closest to their truck wins the challenge. One of the contestants was hit by the truck. That was the only episode I saw.

I loved him around 1976-77 -- I saw him in 1977 or so at the Philadelphia Spectrum, and part of his banter was about some rifle that will "blow the balls off a bull moose at 40 paces" or something like that. I'm sure there was a deeper message about respecting nature and being a responsible hunter mixed in there somewhere. I left the show less of a fan than I was, going in. He plays great but when he talks, it's awful. And he talks a lot.

I think, from what I remember, he was talking about a guitar that could "blow the balls off a bull moose at 40 paces". That's the shtick I remember.

I love the Nuge's music up to about Scream Dream, but his politics irritates the fuck out of me. Also, he's moved to Texas which is one more embarrassment to pile on to a state already full of idiots (*cough, cough, Rick Perry, cough, cough*)


Quote from: Metal and Beer on July 12, 2011, 08:35:57 PM
I saw him in 2000 (? or so?) w/ Tommy Aldridge on drums and whats-his-name from Twisted Blister on bass. At first he just played, and they fucking ripped. Instrumental version of "Red House", all the Nuge hits, just killing it !
   Then, the house lights came up, and he broke out a crossbow or someshit and started babbling shit like "I SEE I GOT MY HUNTIN AND FISHIN BUDDIES HERE TONIGHT!! MAYBE WE SHOULD GO HUNTING MEXICANS THAT DONT WANNA SPEAK ENGLISH IN AMERICA!!!!"   Some roadie hung a guitar from his cabinets and he shot it with the bow and arrow...

His shithead rabble-rousing made Stranglehold unawesome for me, too.

Marco Mendoza was playing bass for him around that time. He'd even sing a couple of the old St. Holmes tunes.

Chovie D

never liked his music other than cat scratch fever the song and Id rather hear fudge tunnels cover of it anyday.
even if I did like stranglehold or whatever, I couldnt bear the macho right wing crap he spews , not even as a lame joke


Quote from: Chovie D on July 13, 2011, 11:42:05 AM
never liked his music other than cat scratch fever the song and Id rather hear fudge tunnels cover of it anyday.
even if I did like stranglehold or whatever, I couldnt bear the macho right wing crap he spews , not even as a lame joke

Journey to the Center of the Mind will always be a killer song, despite having Nugent on guitar and Stranglehold is also pretty bitchin'.  I could go forever and a day without hearing Cat Scratch Fever again.


Someone gave me that Nugent instructional VHS when I was teaching myself how to play. The best part is when he uses a shotgun on a synthesizer.

Huge Nuge fan of most of his 70's output. Seen him play a few times and he's one of the best pure rock n roll guitarists I've ever seen. Don't agree with his political stuff but at least he's usually entertaining. I got to witness him play a bunch of new songs on acoustic guitars in a conference room of Atlantic Records back in the mid-90's. That was really cool. It was the end of the day and everyone just wanted to go home and the Nuge comes running in the room screaming waving the guitar around over his head. He jumped up on the table and called everyone "pastrami breath" and let it rip.


When I saw him, he just kept calling Marco Mendoza his blood brother. No specific politics if I recall. Some of the stuff was unintentionally funny--like shooting his guitar w/ an arrow ("I'm gonna sacrifice my buffalo!") or having this video playing that showed these halcyon scenes of wilderness life and somewhat less halcyon scenes of people shooting it w/ arrows--but it was good showmanship overall and he can wail so whatever. His politics are plain stupid but it's almost refreshing in a world where it seems every popular musician has the same politics as Bono.
"I have today made a discovery which will ensure the supremacy of German music for the next hundred years."