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what's YOUR band up to?

Started by justinhedrick, July 18, 2011, 09:40:52 AM

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the diddler

doing a recording session with the new drummer in a couple weeks, hopefully have something to post in the "latest recordings" thread soon


just had our first jam since 2005 in unholy semen. different drummer now. it was weird going back and trying to play some of the old material again. a few tracks came back drummer seems to be catching right on. it felt really good. the guitar player and I picked up right where we left off. everything is the same right down to the gear. it was nothing to get our sound back..
we even got a few shells of some new tunes started. I need to build up my singing and playing stamina, haven't done that shit since 05..

edit* original drummer back in.


Just got back from Dallas Wo Fat, White Light Cemetery, Las Cruces and more fro the Heavyfest in Dallas.

Going to Houston for the Doom Festival with Wo Fat, From Beyond, Funeral Horse, Dirty Seeds, Project Armageddon and a few more.

On the road, alot of Texas dates, (Texas is fucking huge!), finishing up our split with Geezer and writing the new album. Preparing for a Europe tour. Talking with Ripple on rereleasing the Album on CD, they're also the one handling the split with Geezer.

Drinking alot and playing alot.

Danny G

Final Ocean of Stars rehearsal tomorrow night for gig Thursday.

Need to do more booking and start looking into label support for the finished EP
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


We just released our record on tape with a free digital download. Limited to 150 copies.
(insert interesting quote)


Got fully signed to a small label. Recording mixing, mastering, vinyl, cd's and webstore support. Got as far as the rough mixing and the cat running the label and studio suddenly died. Was able to get the hard drive from his widow, but are trying to rally what out next move will be.

In the meantime we have been gigging again. Played a cool local show Saturday, opened for Nik Turner and the Hawkwind action a few weeks ago and will be playing with eyehategod in a month or so.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


You guys play with Which Mountain?
No Focus Pocus


No, but we did play with Witch Mountain.  ;)
It was cool to see and hang with Rob and Nate again.
Charles was super stoked and Uta was really nice.

Those cats are wicked players and a lot of fun to know.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


Nyuck nyuck. Played with them and her other band a couple times. Isn't she cute as a damn button?
No Focus Pocus


She is indeed.
Like I mentioned in GenDisc, she made the whole room want to be her friend and write her poetry.
Class act, for sure.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug.


I was gutted to miss Witch Mountain with Uta, would have loved to have seen her live, she's left now has she?

Awesome about the Eyehategod show black!! :)


Yeah WM just played their last show with her. I saw em once in 2012, a lot better live than on record. Nothing necessarily wrong with on record, but...


I feel the same is true with Royal Thunder.  One of my favorite live bands but their records are underwhelming for a reason I can't identify.


Quote from: AgentofOblivion on October 03, 2014, 11:01:29 AM
I feel the same is true with Kiss.  One of my favorite live bands but their records are underwhelming for a reason I can't identify.


"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


Dylan Thomas

Palace In Thunderland is continuing work on our latest, "In The Afterglow Of Unity."  We set dates for the mixdown in early December, working with Justin Pizzoferrato (Witch, Dinosaur Jr, Black Pyramid, etc) I've enjoyed a really great working relationship with Justin over many years, and his new studio, Sonelab, is fucking incredible.  We recorded the drums there, and they sound massive.


This is a sneak peak at a "full" track, roughly mixed and not mastered.  There are four short instrumentals that tie different parts of the album together.  Two are "traditional" and two are more experimental.  This is one of the more traditional instrumental tracks.

Today, I'm going to be splicing together different parts of different songs in order to offer a more comprehensive preview of the album.  I'm going to set it to video footage of the classic sci-fi flick "Logan's Run" and hopefully preview it on Tuesday of this week.

Really stoked on this album, everyone really stepped up their game and I've worked harder on this album than on any other in my "career."

The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.


cool Palace In Thunderland stuff!

Danny G

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Discö Rice

My band is up to 11 weeks since I recorded the drum parts for our  demo. Guitar player, who is an engineer and has his own studio still has not recorded his guitar tracks for the demo. I haven't played drums in two months. At this point I'm tempted to have a nice big bonfire/weenie roast starring my drums as das firewood.

All I associate my drums with these days is bad vibes, ugly situations, and erosion of my self worth. I'm so tired of trying to make it work with people, but honestly really scared of giving it up entirely. I think I may be having a real crisis. Somebody hug me.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Danny G

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Ocean of Stars is rehearsing this week, working in two new songs. Still no gigs booked and not sure what to do with the project. Booking blind wouldn't help us much so trying to talk to friends about opening for their bands. Not sure who we'd fit in with or what venues to ask. Mainly trying to get on local access cable shows, as that would do us much better than playing empty venues. Sent a booking inquiry to Austin Psych Fest. I think we'd do well there.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Discö hugs, Discö Rice.

Don't give up.
Everyone goes through slumps and droughts.
I can only imagine that drummers are in high demand in the Big City there.
Fuck the bad vibes and stuff and remember all the kickass times, gigs and music that those drums have facilitated.
If you need a bad ju-ju bonfire to get rid of those negative feelings, I would suggest starting with torching that guitarists stuff.
Start with his hair and work your way down.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

agent of change

I gave up for a while and got scared and entertained the possibility that I could be that 40 year old guy who has some kids and quits playing music. And then it shifted and I found some amazing dudes to play with. It's a hell of an abyss to stare into though.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.


I'm not even sure I wanna be in a band anymore.  Sometimes I think I do but then I get the commitment jitters.
No Focus Pocus