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what's YOUR band up to?

Started by justinhedrick, July 18, 2011, 09:40:52 AM

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We chose a name, are choosing song titles (instrumental music you know), trying out a synth person, getting ready to play out live and record our stuff on a good old 4-track for maximum lo-fi.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


agent of change

Quote from: mutantcolors on May 21, 2014, 01:00:27 PM
I said once before that I think the whole Radiant Beings of Light concept is brilliant.

Thank you sir. Hope you enjoy the music as well. If so, happy to mail you a cd when they are completed. Pm me your address if you wish.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.

the diddler

Calling the band Anal Chakra might get a better first hit on the uncomfortability scale


^^As far as more bands to try and hook up with down here get ahold of....
Left Blank
Mercury Tremors

You'll know some of these cats....  Gaytheist are way too big now so they're dicks ;D
No Focus Pocus

agent of change

Quote from: the diddler on May 21, 2014, 07:15:01 PM
Calling the band Anal Chakra might get a better first hit on the uncomfortability scale

We're going for more of an uncomfortable slide up the leg with a gentle sqeeze, less a first hit  :D
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.


Musket King is back in the swing of practicing. We just auditioned a second guitar player and added him this past week. Very pumped to be back in writing mode. Maybe one year we'll record.  ;D
Something heady, stupid, and prophetic here.


Quote from: the diddler on May 20, 2014, 09:44:34 PM

p.s.    Aren't all vests, by definition, sleeveless?

cool, for all yall PC spellcheck grammar policemen, I plan to also get some SLEEVES!!! along with my awesome sleeveless vest and patches AHAHAHAHA yall will be jealous of me wearing my contacts instead of glasses...

 I like the clown one best so far...

these sleeves from ebay  ;D ;D ;D ;D:


Agent this stuff is fucking brilliant! That tone is sick as hell! And I love the three vocal styles, that's very cheeky....

Loads of stuff going on here, we played a Candlelight gig with our label buddies The Wounded Kings and Sigiriya last weekend which was beyond great! Gig with some awesome local bands next weekend, recording for a split with my heroes Ommadon a couple of weeks after that, touring here with those guys and Horse Latitudes in July, then touring Finland with those guys in October, then recording the second album in November! It's a lot! sometimes I feel like I'm tripping up over myself trying to keep up all the while confused as to why so many people seem to like my hellishly sloppy playing!

agent of change

Thank you! The guitarist and I share vocal duties. He and I have been playing together since around 1990.

Edit: grammar
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.


We, Wild Rocket, finally have a track from our forthcoming album up. Album is called Geomagnetic Hallucinations and consists of six tracks of gnarly fuzzed out psychedelic space rock.



Quote from: JemDooM on June 02, 2014, 09:55:42 AM
Loads of stuff going on here, we played a Candlelight gig with our label buddies The Wounded Kings and Sigiriya last weekend which was beyond great! Gig with some awesome local bands next weekend, recording for a split with my heroes Ommadon a couple of weeks after that, touring here with those guys and Horse Latitudes in July, then touring Finland with those guys in October, then recording the second album in November! It's a lot! sometimes I feel like I'm tripping up over myself trying to keep up all the while confused as to why so many people seem to like my hellishly sloppy playing!

Whoa! Good going!


Recording 3-4 new songs for an ep this summer. Getting my Fender P setup with round wounds to track the bass as we currently don't have a bass player. Things are kind of up in the air aside from recording.


Quote from: moose23 on June 03, 2014, 11:10:07 AM
We, Wild Rocket, finally have a track from our forthcoming album up. Album is called Geomagnetic Hallucinations and consists of six tracks of gnarly fuzzed out psychedelic space rock.


This looks really good. Currently mid stream on this new Tombs album, but you're up next.


Recently landed on a name and finished a basement recording of one song (of 3). Came out decent, considering I've only got two mics.

Now we gots to find a bass player.



Since eoin_not_ian (my brother) is being a bit shy about sharing his demo, I shall do it for him ;D

Khydra, Skycrasher.

See what you think chaps.
"Beige rock"


The gig last night was complete bedlam. People climbing on stage and dancing around and shit. I think they liked it.

As for now, a live EP is being mixed as we speak and we have some more shows planned.
bite me


Quote from: Jake on June 07, 2014, 01:31:39 PM
Recently landed on a name and finished a basement recording of one song (of 3). Came out decent, considering I've only got two mics.

Now we gots to find a bass player.

wow, amazing!  great music.  that did come out decent with two mics, what mic placement did you use to record the tracks?

Danny G

My sax player came by yesterday to do some quick touch-ups to the Ocean of Stars demo EP.

Then was able to (finally) successfully mix them both, the last two of four songs, no easy feat without any kind of automation. Was concerned I wouldn't be able to pull them off, or do a half-asses mix at best.

But nailed it.

Will have it mastered by Cris Burns (grammy winner, both of The Mother Truckers albums I was on were with him) on Tuesday.

Can't WAIT to hear the finished product, and looking forward to plowing ahead with booking and seeking out label etc support now that I can hand a copy of the demo over, rather than trying to describe it to people.... "Instrumental space rock?... Uh.... Black Sabbath meets Miles Davis? ... Uh... Sax player who uses effects pedals in lieu of 2nd guitar..." etc

Also really interesting to hear the similarities and differences with the Ocean of Stars versions of tunes compared to the ones on my solo recordings

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Welp, it's multitracked, but I was limited to two mics for things like drums. For those, I centered a Octava MK319 condenser between the snare and toms and put a SM-57 on the kick. Not exactly pro, but not terrible either.

Thanks for the kind words.


Quote from: Jake on June 16, 2014, 11:28:28 AM
Welp, it's multitracked, but I was limited to two mics for things like drums. For those, I centered a Octava MK319 condenser between the snare and toms and put a SM-57 on the kick. Not exactly pro, but not terrible either.

Thanks for the kind words.

Good tune.  I'd offer constructively to ease up on the compression of the kick.  Perhaps it's the streaming that does it, but on my system the recording tends to pulse with the kick drum.  I say that realizing this is a demo, and you were working with some big limitations.  But yeah, good stuff dude.
Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G

Preliminary mastering done.

Just need to a listen a few times and see if band mates ok with sound/EQ-ing/song order, then pushing forward.

Getting CDr's in the hands of people who need it first (friends in radio, putting them online). Have a friend who can pull some strings for a bro deal on printing as well, so will be working on album art in next few days.

Stoked! Sounds great so far!

Not too shabby for a guerrilla-recorded demo on my digi 8 track!

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


we (Low Gravity) are getting our final mix tonight of our tracks for our split with long time Denver favs Valiomierda. Then its off to pressing for another 10" vinyl. Should be out in Sept.


haha frobbert that looks awesome!!

cool band name Jake, just started blasting it now, sounds really good! Don't think I can afford $666 tho haha! ;)

the diddler

My old band that pretty much broke up last year may be reforming in our original, 2-piece (guitar/drums) configuration.  We're gonna try it anyway and see if we want to do it.  Two less people onstage means room for more amps!


Just played at Days of the Doomed IV.  Jex Thoth will haunt my dreams.  Maybe it's just that I can still smell the incense.