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Started by demon gal, September 30, 2011, 09:41:56 PM

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I could play Stairway to Heaven when I was twelve... Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was twenty-two... I think that says quite a lot..

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


I could play Stairway to Heaven when I was twelve... Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was twenty-two... I think that says quite a lot..


Going to be doing this:

and this:

for a Christmas dinner i'm throwing on Sunday for my neighbors.
The first one is called Rabanadas and it's kind of like a french toast, but not really, because it's a different process and it involved a shit ton of cinnamon. The second one is called Aletria and it's angel hair pasta with milk, eggs, lemon and cinnamon. They're both traditional portuguese Christmas desserts and since once again i'm staying in the US for Christmas, mind as well just add a little touch of home to it.
I could play Stairway to Heaven when I was twelve... Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was twenty-two... I think that says quite a lot..


i like this last one.  imma try it.
No Focus Pocus


Go for it! I have just noticed that I posted the recipe on the first page so feel free to use it and let me know if you made any adjustments.
It's better served cold btw.
I could play Stairway to Heaven when I was twelve... Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was twenty-two... I think that says quite a lot..