What are you Drinking ?

Started by Jor el, October 08, 2011, 11:34:00 PM

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They're all skunky. That's how you know it's imported.
No Focus Pocus


Sparklemotion texted me he was drinking Pliny The Elder on Friday.  He do that with you?
Vinyls.   deal.


Nope. But that weird cuz he said he doesn't like IPA's and that's def an IPA.
No Focus Pocus


No Focus Pocus


thats it. i have got to get myself to my local beer store. got a place near me called beers of the world. they got a ton of great stuff.


No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

First beer ina few weeks and boy golly it hit the spot after a looong day. /plop. Hey this is good beer. I thought the label was worth it. Ore-e-gon beer canned on 4/19 so 1 month fresh! Nice and piney.

Muffin Man


Had this killer michelada in town yesterday.

No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

michelada looks like a real nice sipper

Rogue Imperial weighing in a 8.2 IPA IBU 75 SRM 9.4 no clue what SRM is

Pours with a huge head, falls into a light lace, then melts into zero head with barely a top, clear just some little suds patches. Hadn't seen that in a while. Flat on the pallet like a barley malt might. But it's an Imperial. Subltly spectacular balance between malt and IPU. A light touch, sublte, but contemplatable by all means. It evolves. Another winner! the kind you'd get from a tap at the bar with friends to discuss beers. Or one that would come in a sampler. Given the Alc. it's going to come out swinging. It is.

Collosal Claude, Rogue, Newport, OR


We had these two rum numbers the other day. Wow! 

No Focus Pocus


Quote from: RAGER on May 14, 2021, 10:35:02 AM

am I the only one that.... whatever she's doing, sends into a violent rage?
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


Drink special at Psycho LV.
No Focus Pocus


No Focus Pocus


First fresh hop of the season. Early this year cuz I think 💭 f the heat.

No Focus Pocus


Been definitely enjoying many fresh hop beers but this spruce pale ale, not a fresh hop, is a stand out.

Propolis Brewing Port Townsend, Wa.

No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

wait a minute. you posted this at 8-9AM? That's a great way to close out Summer


I can be bad but not today. That was from yesterday evening.
No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

I meant to say as a compliment. I've been tea-totaling lately and was thinking, man, that'd be refreshing as a wake-up bev. haha

Muffin Man

not my pic

Not too shabby. 8.0 boom! Really nice profile on this one, not too malty and has a dry yet ever so slighty sweet coffee note. Stout but not syrupy. Kinda surprised, would go another round. $4.99/21.6oz


I've had that Angkor before. Boom!

Chilly weather sweater cocktail.

No Focus Pocus


Haven't had any Modern Times in a while.

This is incredible

No Focus Pocus


I'm not usually into the hazies but that Wizard Nebula is one of the best beers I've had in my life


We have a MT here. I'll check into it.
No Focus Pocus