What are you Drinking ?

Started by Jor el, October 08, 2011, 11:34:00 PM

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Instant Dan

I've had that, 'dessert beer' comes to mind. Can't say I would ever actively seek it out.

Instant Dan


some very nice keemun, too fucking early, 7th straight workday.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


Bought this, not realizing I was supposed to cellar it for a year... It didn't last a week.   :D
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Fruity beers can be hit or miss for me. Never had that, or any, Lindemans. Might not have actually ever had a lambic beer in general, either.

Had a definite winner last week for a fruit beer, a sour/tart ale from Avery that was loaded with passion fruit.


Last time I had Lindemans' (it might have been the first time, too) it was a big bomber of Framboise, and it was real tough to finish the whole thing.

It might be the kind of beer that you're supposed to share with 6 people, I dunno. That's why I'm asking.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Chovie D

I love lambics. Lindemans is fine.
i love sour beers, and lambics are sour...or "tart".
You dont go drink a six pack of raspberry lambic tho.
usually, its kind of a treat. I'll get a cranberry lambic for thnxgiving...raspberry on xmas, have it with some  fine cheese and fresh fuit.. I like the peach, the apple, the cassis(grape).
There is a non fruited lambic called  Gueze, also Faro... I love that too. very sour.
My favorite style is belgian red...kinda like a lambic brown ale, no fruit.... Try Duchess de Bourgonge to get a sense of that style...

Is there such a thing as a good fruit beer? yeah man..i love them. That Cherry stout was amazing to me, others might find it too sweet or something.
i drink alot of pyramid apricot ale during the summer.Those arent sour, you can drink a few...

One of the great things about beer is that there are many styles..for many occasions. enjoy!


Best use of Lindeman's I've had is a Young's Double Chocolate Stout Float with a shot of Framboise at the Saucer in Little Rock.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Checking out this new beer from Great Divide, Heyday. Not really a Great Divide fan outside of the Yeti series, and not a fan of white ales as this one advertises itself to be, but surprisingly digging this one. It makes for a light, easy drinking, warm weather sessionable beer, IMO. Serves me well as I am watching some opening day baseball.


Chovie hits the cake: lambic -and especially fruity lambic- is a kind of beer that's a treat and you drink it in company with some cheese. Geuze is more sour and more to my personal liking, also considered more manly over here.

What a simple lager is to a man, is a kriek to the ladies. Available at every bar and easily drinkable. Guys with a kriek in their hand will and must be mocked at.

Personally, the less extra flavours the better in my opinion. Chocolate beer? *facepalm*

A local triple that I enjoy a lot, stole the appropriate glass from a student bar not too long ago  ;D (not my pic obviously)

"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


Chovie D

IN spring and summer, i really enjoy berliner weiss also. another sour style. Unfortunately Kindl is no loner imported to the states,  so its a hard style to find. Its often served with some colored and flavored syrup added, but I dont bother with that at home. definetly a girlymans beir..you'd wolf down a couple of these at a cafe on a hot day for lunch maybe

This is currently the only producer of Berliner Weisse available in the United States that I know of. I much prefered Kindl.  :'(


Locally, here in Colorado, we got a few breweries releasing berliner weisses.

Funkwerks does a berliner weisse, called Leuven, that is mostly on tap but available in bottles at the tap room. Have yet to try that one but I saw that they are currently brewing a new batch of it that should come out this summer, I'll definitely be giving it a try then. I agree, a nice sunny, warm weather drink.  Also, Crabtree sells bombers of their berliner weisse for around $4.99 and it is really good. I also got to try their peach berliner weisse on tap, never seen it in bottles, and thought that was great.

Other US distributed berliner weisses, Dogfish Head's Festina Peche....which is good but overpriced. One of the few beers by Dogfish Head I kinda like. Also, never had since they don't come to Colorado, but Bell does a berliner weisse, I think its called the oarsmen? 

Chovie D

Thanks Adam ,ill have to try some of those.

This is gonna sound snopbnby but...Im almost always disappointed by american attempts at emulating distinctive european styles tho.


My experience with the style, berliner weiise, is limited and I haven't had any European version so I can't reference how these America one's stand up. I'd assume they probably will be a bit different.

Chovie D

the deal with lambic beers, trappist beers and I think berliner weisse's also is that they are fermented using the natural airborne wild yeasts native to their area, and rely on the water from the area as well and this gives their beers the distinctive tastes and sourness. Its hard to replicate in other areas where the yeasts are different or where they wont allow for that kind of brewing.

id still like ot try one and see how close they were able to come.


cherry, tobacco, chocolate and coffee... with HUGE sour taste. The sour is like walking into an old wooden grainery that stored bad yeast for ten years.

it. is. delicious.
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Quote from: peoplething on April 05, 2013, 07:47:22 PM

cherry, tobacco, chocolate and coffee... with HUGE sour taste. The sour is like walking into an old wooden grainery that stored bad yeast for ten years.

it. is. delicious.

Sounds good.

I tend to prefer sours once the weather gets nice, which it is now doing. Picked up a bottle of Odell's oud bruin, The Meddler, the other day. Tried it last fall when it was released but wasn't in love with it then, hoping a little time will work some magic (its got unpasteurized brett in it, so it should have evolved). Also grabbed an Odell Shenanigans, which was much more tart than sour, but also curious to see how it does with a year unders its belt (its another one with some brett).


craziness indeed. Intense Sour.

I've never had a 'brett' before, at least not one that sticks in my memory. But this one sure hit the spot, I may have to investigate more of these.
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


I'm not a fan of most bretta beers.  They get a little barnyardy to me.
No Focus Pocus


Gonna put on some metal and drink these with a couple of friends:

Metal and Beer


                                         ^ \m/ ^
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


Those are all Three Floyd's stuff, right?

Instant Dan

Finally tried that Bear Republic IPA and Senor Lumpy was right, smooth and deceptive. :P

This would have been better on a cooler night than last night but still a good take on a Dark IPA.