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first show w/new band..

Started by mortlock, December 18, 2011, 08:23:06 PM

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played my first show with my new band last night and it was also the first time i have ever played a show where i didnt play the bass. i have an electronics/synth set up and it was fucking awesome to use live.
we played a 'metal' show and were definately the odd band out but people did hang out and check us out. i had one dude tell me he had no idea what he just saw and i could tell he wasnt sure if he liked it or not..we just basically punished the fuck out of everyone with some intense dude said we were like sunn o))) but with synths..i took that as a major compliment..
i think i want to play more metal shows, i think there would be people who could get into harsh noise if they got some exposure to it..


admittedly inspired by hashbrowns thread..didnt mean to copy, just wanted to share..


Playing with metal bands is a good way to try to cross-pollinate, IMO. There's a pretty good amount of metal heads into noise, and vice-versa. Remember when Relapse had their 'Release' noise/experimental side-label? They put out a whole bunch of stuff, plus distributed a lot of off-label records too. I want my noise band to play some metal shows too (we already played with Indian/Unearthly Trance a couple years ago).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


We quit trying to do odd band out shows, after playing a show where another band was the odd band out, and all the other bands were heavy. The place just emptied, everyone went outside, it was pitiful.

Sounds like you should play with Sun Splitter, haven't noticed LogicalFrank about in a while ;)


Sweet man thats awesome. I've actually always dug the idea of noise but never explored it. Any good recommendations for that kind of shit? Also whats your bands name man? I'd like to check you guys out maybe catch a show.
I am not going to lose another fucking child and another fucking woman, because of cocaine and killing dogs!!! - Ricky


i highly recommend american tapes and 905 tapes as a great place to start..


Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 18, 2011, 10:05:38 PM
We quit trying to do odd band out shows, after playing a show where another band was the odd band out, and all the other bands were heavy. The place just emptied, everyone went outside, it was pitiful.

Sounds like you should play with Sun Splitter, haven't noticed LogicalFrank about in a while ;)

I think it's important to give bands a place to perform, even if they aren't especially popular. If only 5-10 people watch their set, that's great.

I remember when everybody used to go outside to smoke, when Big Black used to play at the hardcore shows. They weren't very good then, but it was important to give them a chance to play.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Cross pollination only works to a point. If you're the slow riff band at a hardcore punk show, or the indie pop band at the heavy rock show, chances are not going to work so well.

That said, I've realised I'm one of those people that doesn't have to play, I'd rather stay home than play a lousy gig, I have other things I can spend my time doing. It's not the attitude that will make my band the next Metallica or even High on Fire, but that's never been something I've aimed for.

I imagine if you love to play, if you have to perform, even if it's only two 3 people and a dog, take any gig you get. I do though think that riff rock, and certain types of noise have a lot of crossover, Sunn being a good case in point, so I'm not knocking mortlock atall.

It harks back to what Eddie Mullet said in the other thread about you better be able to play Sweet Home Alabama 30 times over if you play Fat Joes Biker Shack or something like that ;)

Still don't know Freebird, still don't care ;D


My band plays pop-punk shows all the time. People dig it.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



How fast are you though? We used to spin 6-8 songs out to about 1hr15mins.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 18, 2011, 10:43:42 PM
How fast are you though? We used to spin 6-8 songs out to about 1hr15mins.

One 35 minute jam ranging from drone to fast-level Kyuss, to Crowbar?

Old shit, at least.

New shit is pretty much nu-Earth + Shrinebuilder
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



"I'd rather stay home than play a lousy gig"

i sit at home pretty much every night after work..playing a show is a way to get out of the house for me..


I guess it depends on what you do at home, bands do get you out of the house it's true ;D

I can play at home, record at home, fix shit, go for a walk, ride a bike, mow the lawn, y'know home stuff. Also I guess sometimes we practice here, and I'd rather have a good jam than a lousy show. No gear hauling, no timetable on your playing, cleaner bathroom, etc :)


Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 18, 2011, 11:31:04 PM
... I'd rather have a good jam than a lousy show. No gear hauling, no timetable on your playing, cleaner bathroom, etc :)

i agree with this: for me the creation of the music is the best part.


If only the country wasn't so damn big, we could just all hang out at each others practice spots :)

Nick, get to work on the insta-travel beam, instead of building amps ;)

I do wonder one thing, noise shows seem way more prolific than metal shows, why would you want to play a metal show, when there's already such a keen noise audience? I love the noise ethos of playing anywhere, no fancy PA, stage, bar, etc.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 19, 2011, 10:16:00 AM
If only the country wasn't so damn big, we could just all hang out at each others practice spots :)

Nick, get to work on the insta-travel beam, instead of building amps ;)

I do wonder one thing, noise shows seem way more prolific than metal shows, why would you want to play a metal show, when there's already such a keen noise audience? I love the noise ethos of playing anywhere, no fancy PA, stage, bar, etc.

i like that idea as well. it's really folky, if you think about it.

Discö Rice

Quote from: Lumpy on December 18, 2011, 10:16:59 PM
Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 18, 2011, 10:05:38 PM
We quit trying to do odd band out shows, after playing a show where another band was the odd band out, and all the other bands were heavy. The place just emptied, everyone went outside, it was pitiful.

Sounds like you should play with Sun Splitter, haven't noticed LogicalFrank about in a while ;)

I think it's important to give bands a place to perform, even if they aren't especially popular. If only 5-10 people watch their set, that's great.

I remember when everybody used to go outside to smoke, when Big Black used to play at the hardcore shows. They weren't very good then, but it was important to give them a chance to play.
I anticipate a Bloater/Lead Breath bill in the not-too-distant future.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 18, 2011, 10:31:08 PM
..Cross pollination only works to a point. If you're the slow riff band at a hardcore punk show, or the indie pop band at the heavy rock show, chances are not going to work so well...

Unless you're in Arkansas apparently. We get a good mix going. I was in a hardcore punk band(s) and we have definitely played with more sludge bands here than punk bands. Everyone gets along well. And I've been to more than one indie/metal show.

Play where yuh can. Fuck 'em.


"I do wonder one thing, noise shows seem way more prolific than metal shows, why would you want to play a metal show, when there's already such a keen noise audience? I love the noise ethos of playing anywhere, no fancy PA, stage, bar, etc."

i guess its fun to play to different audiences sometimes..i get into exposing people to new shit..people may not always like or really 'get' what the noise is all about but there seems to always be a level of respect and the music is just as heavy as any metal out there.
i dont want to preach to the choir at every show..if that makes sense..

a few guys were way curious about my asked if i made the synths myself..i dont circuit bend but i wish i knew how..


Quote from: Discö Rice on December 19, 2011, 12:22:00 PM
I anticipate a Bloater/Lead Breath bill in the not-too-distant future.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: mortlock on December 19, 2011, 12:52:18 PM
"I do wonder one thing, noise shows seem way more prolific than metal shows, why would you want to play a metal show, when there's already such a keen noise audience? I love the noise ethos of playing anywhere, no fancy PA, stage, bar, etc."

i guess its fun to play to different audiences sometimes..i get into exposing people to new shit..people may not always like or really 'get' what the noise is all about but there seems to always be a level of respect and the music is just as heavy as any metal out there.
i dont want to preach to the choir at every show..if that makes sense..

a few guys were way curious about my asked if i made the synths myself..i dont circuit bend but i wish i knew how..
Yeah I get it, I guess there are certain crossovers that work better than others, jazz/jam and sludge being one that doesn't work so well ;)

I always forget the definitions which is something like:

Hacking is making mod's with no idea what you are doing
Bending is making mod's with some idea what you are doing

it might be the other way about.

Nicholas Collins has some interesting video tutorials and stuff that you might fine helpful

I think a summary is, do whatever the heck you want to something, as long as it's powered by battery or a wall-wart, never try and bend a mains powered piece of kit, unless you are qualified.

He also gets into when it's better to use a resistor rather than a piece of wire, stuff like that.

I love it, it's like science class when you were a kid, I rigged this up as an example when I was trying to explain to someone how you can make sounds with a battery a speaker and a rough conductive surface

mortlock imagine that through a house pa somewhere..insane..

cat shepard

Shows with extreme range genre seperation are great. So many times i've  been one of if not the only left for the incorrect genre as dictated by the scene herd. Noise artists always rock muscle shirts. So weird.


I love playing with different types of bands and doing 'metal' shows.  We got to play with Ludicra, and Saviours because of gigs like that.