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More craigslist wtf!

Started by Hemisaurus, January 13, 2012, 08:00:29 PM

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Quote from: Danny G on April 11, 2014, 07:28:33 PM
@ Everdrone

You described a band that actually does shit.

The Tuesday Night Bowling thing I used to describe situations I've been misled into checking out.

They literally did not have aspirations to play shows, much less even have songs or know how to write them. It was horrific.
LOL ya they walk among us

its really irritating because it has happened to me as well; they mislead and oversell due to the deficit that they have created. They need a bassist to commit, badly!!! Yet, no one wants to book, come prepared to rehearsal, no one wants to write new material, its just once a week time to hang out and just hope for our wildest dreams :)

cheers :)

here is my current ad's state of tweakage:

BASSIST available: I am experienced, skilled, versatile, good equipment (Rick4003Jetglo, 810), transportation, age mid thirties, no kids, 9-6P career, good shape at 6'2'' 190 pounds, not balding.  I can switch to guitar if needed but prefer bass.  Lets jam at Waveform rental rehearsal studios, etc.  Need DRUMMER, VOCALIST, and GUITARIST.  Rehearsal once a week; the goal is to gig in Austin; these gigs typically are unpaid.  Here are my solo-project demos of various (((HEAVY))) genres, and my bio/photos/video:

EMAIL BACK WITH YOUR MUSIC AND INFO: at least a youtube cameraphone video or recording&photo of yourself and/or bandmates, and your situation regarding pro-gear/transportation/rehearsal location/contacts.  No beginner musicians, no flakes.  If you commit to a future rehearsal, jam or gig, then be there or be square.  Due to my profession I cannot be around any illegal activity including marijuana, due to the risk of constructive possession of marijuana in a car or room.  I am not joking.  I am looking for cool and understanding folks who may or may not smoke marijuana that are willing to work with my situation. 
**********************Thanks for reading/listening, and keep rockin!     \m/    Peace ***************
Tags: Psychedelic, drone, desert, fuzz, grunge, heavy metal, downtune, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Doors, Kyuss, blues based rock, nu-metal, modern rock, hard rock, groove rock, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, stoner rock.


Quote from: liquidsmoke on April 11, 2014, 05:12:12 PM
We are looking for a singer to take over vocal duties from me. I'm in over my head and want to focus just on guitar.

Let the comments and suggestions fly. I realize that our chances of finding the right type of singer in a city this small are pretty thin but I think it's worth a shot.

maybe change the title to ROCK / METAL BAND SEEKS SINGER then your net is a bit bigger, you could convince a singer of another genre to start digging your style of music

you could get a PA and mic since singers are notorious for not owning anything, and then advertise that in your ad

also put forth that the album is almost done, you just need the singer's vocals, then imminent world domination will commence!!!  also if you have a place to jam and a van then that would be stuff to advertize.

dont say anything about your deficits such as no guitar solos

take out Republicans, that is just 50% limiting and you would not limit your fanbase like that so why limit the singer

I do not understand why you gave a link to the Pentagram song that is not played by your band, rather make a recording of your band and post that

just friendly suggestions, I hope they help, cheers  ;D


Quote from: everdrone on April 11, 2014, 08:15:25 PM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on April 11, 2014, 01:02:17 PM
In Texas if cops find weed on one person in a group do they charge everyone with possession?

they can and have unfortunately; constructive possession of a controlled substance

Dixon v. State, 918 S.W.2d 678, 681

Dixon v. State, 918 S.W.2d 678, 681 (Tex. App. - Beaumont 1996):

(1) contraband in plain view;
(2) accused was the owner of the car or house in which the contraband was found;
(3) accused was the driver of the automobile in which the contraband was found;
(4) contraband was conveniently accessible to the accused;
(5) contraband was found in close proximity to where the accused was sitting;
(6) strong odor of contraband was present;
(7) paraphernalia to use the contraband was in view of or found on the accused;
(8) physical condition of the accused indicated recent consumption of the contraband;
(9) conduct by the accused indicated a consciousness of guilt;
(10) accused had a special connection with the contraband;
(11) place where the contraband was found was enclosed;
(12) conflicting statements were given about the contraband;
(13) affirmative statements connect the accused to the contraband.

Some factors may be given greater weight than others.



Quote from: everdrone on April 11, 2014, 08:20:20 PM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on April 11, 2014, 05:12:12 PM
We are looking for a singer to take over vocal duties from me. I'm in over my head and want to focus just on guitar.

Let the comments and suggestions fly. I realize that our chances of finding the right type of singer in a city this small are pretty thin but I think it's worth a shot.

maybe change the title to ROCK / METAL BAND SEEKS SINGER then your net is a bit bigger, you could convince a singer of another genre to start digging your style of music

you could get a PA and mic since singers are notorious for not owning anything, and then advertise that in your ad

also put forth that the album is almost done, you just need the singer's vocals, then imminent world domination will commence!!!  also if you have a place to jam and a van then that would be stuff to advertize.

dont say anything about your deficits such as no guitar solos

take out Republicans, that is just 50% limiting and you would not limit your fanbase like that so why limit the singer

I do not understand why you gave a link to the Pentagram song that is not played by your band, rather make a recording of your band and post that

just friendly suggestions, I hope they help, cheers  ;D

Of course now that the word is out friends and acquaintances are telling me they like my vocals... that doesn't makes this any easier.

I want the net to be as small as possible. We have a powered PA speaker, vocal mic, and in ear monitor gear that I currently use. I stated that we practice weekly so I have to assume they will realize we have a place to do it. I play guitar solos but they aren't super technical or amazing. 'No Republicans' because that is not happening. Also have no interest in super negative / right leaning / fuck everyone / being an asshole is awesome / everyone is a pussy types which is at least a third of metal musicians and fans. The demo is done, the vocals are recorded, we are currently mastering, very slowly. We recorded The Ghoul but have not touched it yet, it's raw. I would of course send interested parties bounces of our songs after a conversation started. Bottom line though is that if they don't know what doom metal is I don't really want them contacting me. I'm not looking to 'make something happen' or see what happens, I'm looking for the right singer. It is a crapshoot and quite possibly a waste of time but it's necessary.


@liquid. That's a solid ad. A bit wordy but you give your explanation. Should work.

@everdrone. You sir are in a pickle. You are either hypersensitive or you are in law enforcement/govt. or some shit. I have no more suggestions.
No Focus Pocus


@liquid. cheers!  If I had the pipes I would be interested regardless, seems that it is up to snuff for sure, awesome :)

@RAGER thanks for reviewing, you are right.  my industry/employer is ultra-hypersensitive to that ;)

Metal and Beer

Maze, great ad, but I'd also take out the Republicans thing, it makes you sound intolerant...kinda like Republicans. Just make it clear at some point that you're an apolitical band (unless you're not, of course). I've been in bands with redneck jackasses   (Arkansas lol) but it never came up in band activities, EVER, so it can be done

Ever, you might consider a genre that isn't completely full of stoners. Pop country mayhaps ?  ;)
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


Them folks are pill junkies on legal pills. So that's prolly ok.
No Focus Pocus


well I do live in Austin which has a ton of government employees etc that need a spotless criminal record etc...

I was trying to work with a guy that had xXx tattooed on his neck whereas he confirmed he was straightedge and he said he would work on a demo singing over a doom song I gave him, but he asked about doubling his voice and complained about being loud and worried about disturbing neighbors and then disappeared and deleted all his songs off his website three weeks ago   and    

but ya this may be an omen that I need to switch to pop  ;D ;D ;D


i couldn't hang out with anyone who was too liberal or too conservative. in the middle is where i'm at. seems most reasoanable folks are. i would always leave politics out of it.

cl success seems to largely depend on what skills you bring to the table. after, of course you find some like minded people.

i recently responded to a cl ad looking for a 2nd guitar for a heavy rock band. around here "rock band" usually means middle of the road bullshit that makes you want to slit your own wrists. these guys seem cool and are into sabbath type stuff. turns out i know the drummer and after checking out their samples, geaqr used, influences, goaLS, and sending them some of my stuff it looks very promising. actually the kind of ad that is a dream come true for a lot of peeps on this forum. only downside so far, the bassist is 18. supposedly rewally good and a geezer/cisneros worshiper, but where you gonna play? house shows and the only all ages venue? over and over? we'll see what it looks like after i try it out. they seem very stoked to try me out, so that is kinda cool
CV - Slender Fungus


Here in OK 18 yr olds can play in bars if they have a notarized letter from their parents. But they have to either be playing or outside.
"My son Jack just got out of rehab, he's 17 years old and he got hooked on Oxycontin and I'm just a little pissed off that he never gave me a few."

Ozzy Osbourne - 2003


Quote from: Metal and Beer on April 12, 2014, 02:20:15 PM
Maze, great ad, but I'd also take out the Republicans thing, it makes you sound intolerant...kinda like Republicans. Just make it clear at some point that you're an apolitical band (unless you're not, of course).

Thank you. My hope is that it sounds intolerant enough to keep away right leaning misanthropes, wacko free market/destroy the social safety net types, and typical Republicans. I know such folks and have no interest in being in bands with them. I stated that our lyrics are about fantasy, horror, etc so hopefully people will understand that we are to some extent just typical left of center Madison types. If they don't like that cause you know, that's weak and improper for metal people(NUKE THE WORLD AND START OVER!!!), they will hopefully not respond and we'll all be better off.


This is from our first gig over a year ago before the name change and the guy's phone mic was clipping(we are not actually that sludgy) and it's probably our most straight forward and simple song but it's something if any of you are curious about our sound. The vocals are a little rough and I've since added some mid range parts.


everdrone, what do you do? are you a narc?
you sure are a detailed person except you get super nebulous about what you do.
so hope you don't mind my asking.


Quote from: jibberish on April 12, 2014, 09:53:03 PM
everdrone, what do you do? are you a narc?
you sure are a detailed person except you get super nebulous about what you do.
so hope you don't mind my asking.

cool man, Im not a narc, I dont work in anything close to narc work.  pm sent


Quote from: liquidsmoke on April 12, 2014, 08:15:07 PM

This is from our first gig over a year ago before the name change and the guy's phone mic was clipping(we are not actually that sludgy) and it's probably our most straight forward and simple song but it's something if any of you are curious about our sound. The vocals are a little rough and I've since added some mid range parts.

I would post that instead of the song performed by Pentagram in the ad but maybe that is something to work with in a sales tactic fashion

my next phase in recruiting musicians is to get a roland vdrums and jamhub so I can record/mix the album and host practices at my apartment.  maybe I will play guitar and then recruit a bassist since I can loan them my rig.  that may take awhile to save up for though which is ok since I plan to practice and get a lot better at music by then :)


Quote from: liquidsmoke on April 12, 2014, 08:15:07 PM

This is from our first gig over a year ago before the name change and the guy's phone mic was clipping(we are not actually that sludgy) and it's probably our most straight forward and simple song but it's something if any of you are curious about our sound. The vocals are a little rough and I've since added some mid range parts.

Ummm, that was really, really good. Since the audio is not great, maybe it's not a good representation, but otherwise, that was impressive. I like the simplicity of this song, and if you're playing 'genre music' (kult) then that's what people tend to want ('don't fuck up the formula'). I wouldn't change a thing, just polish up what you're doing. Your vocals are good! They are definitely not a negative. There are so many classic doom bands with embarrassing clean vocals (or at least "guilty pleasures") such as (here's where I get in trouble) Candlemass with Messiah, Trouble and Solitude Aeternus. I like the heavy reverb and your dark delivery (almost "stentorian" as they said about Al Cisneros). At one point you go for some higher notes and don't quite nail one or two - I'd rather see you sing with a one-octave range and deliver all the notes with total mastery, than to mix in higher notes just for variety and not always get them. But there's not that much vocals in the song anyway. I guess I could see the advantage of adding a great frontman there to do theatrical things you can't do while playing guitar (lurk about with a cape) but I really don't think you need it. You could also add a lead guitar player for solos (but I don't think you need that either, and there's a lot of advantages with one guitar player IMO). I think you should work with the elements you've got. I hope the other songs are as good as that. It seems like trad. doom with classic roots, but with a less-pretentious modern slant. It could bridge the gap between Candlemass/Trouble/etc and Thou/Corrupted/etc -- that would be a neat trick.

That's just based on hearing one song though! But it's good!
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


My friend in Madison, who knows zero about doom metal, totally digs you guys and has an interesting take on your sound and vocals.  She hears The Sisters of Mercy and dark wave sounds in your riffs and voice. Probably not your intention, but an organic byproduct of your current formula maybe?  Regardless, ya gotta be happy with what you do, and if just concentrating on the riffs is what you want, then go that route.  It could be epic.


I really just hear lord vicar/rev bizarre.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I hear a heavy Steve Miller Band influence.
"My son Jack just got out of rehab, he's 17 years old and he got hooked on Oxycontin and I'm just a little pissed off that he never gave me a few."

Ozzy Osbourne - 2003


Quote from: Lumpy on April 13, 2014, 06:02:29 AM
Ummm, that was really, really good. Since the audio is not great, maybe it's not a good representation, but otherwise, that was impressive. I like the simplicity of this song, and if you're playing 'genre music' (kult) then that's what people tend to want ('don't fuck up the formula'). I wouldn't change a thing, just polish up what you're doing. Your vocals are good! They are definitely not a negative. There are so many classic doom bands with embarrassing clean vocals (or at least "guilty pleasures") such as (here's where I get in trouble) Candlemass with Messiah, Trouble and Solitude Aeternus. I like the heavy reverb and your dark delivery (almost "stentorian" as they said about Al Cisneros). At one point you go for some higher notes and don't quite nail one or two - I'd rather see you sing with a one-octave range and deliver all the notes with total mastery, than to mix in higher notes just for variety and not always get them. But there's not that much vocals in the song anyway. I guess I could see the advantage of adding a great frontman there to do theatrical things you can't do while playing guitar (lurk about with a cape) but I really don't think you need it. You could also add a lead guitar player for solos (but I don't think you need that either, and there's a lot of advantages with one guitar player IMO). I think you should work with the elements you've got. I hope the other songs are as good as that. It seems like trad. doom with classic roots, but with a less-pretentious modern slant. It could bridge the gap between Candlemass/Trouble/etc and Thou/Corrupted/etc -- that would be a neat trick.

That's just based on hearing one song though! But it's good!

Thank you! Yes I fucked up that higher note at this show but have since gotten it down pretty good. Some of our songs have a lot more vocals and that's when I get to feeling more trapped behind the mic and anxious. I love Messiah's and Eric's vocals.

Quote from: Cursed71 on April 13, 2014, 10:25:39 AM
My friend in Madison, who knows zero about doom metal, totally digs you guys and has an interesting take on your sound and vocals.  She hears The Sisters of Mercy and dark wave sounds in your riffs and voice. Probably not your intention, but an organic byproduct of your current formula maybe?  Regardless, ya gotta be happy with what you do, and if just concentrating on the riffs is what you want, then go that route.  It could be epic.

That's cool. Their first album 'First and Last and Always' is one of my all time favorites so it could have rubbed off a little. Has your friend seen us live? Our current name is Orogen.

Quote from: SunnO))) on April 13, 2014, 02:13:04 PM
I really just hear lord vicar/rev bizarre.

Albert Witchfinder rules. Huge influence on my vocals. I love his baritone style.


just responded to an ad that had all my criteria (location, music online, gear listed, influences of heavy rock, goals) and got an email back.  called him and used yalls advice and told him my plight and that I just wanna make great music and rock out, and he is trying to line up a jam session at his house when his drummer is there, prolly wed or thurs

thanks yall :)

Danny G

Nice \m/,

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins
