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Started by mutantcolors, April 13, 2012, 12:02:00 AM

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Quote from: mutantcolors on April 13, 2012, 01:58:16 AM
Quote from: neighbor664 on April 13, 2012, 01:13:18 AM
You've seen the BBQ thread right?
That's only one style of cooking, there are plenty others, my recent favorite being crock pot chicken thighs. 5lb package on Sunday feeds me through the week, makes killer burrito filling.

Of course it's not the only way, just the best way.



Our meat CSA gives us a little bit of everything but the two whole chickens each month are a challenge to use up (brining and rotisserie is the winner)

As to meat - it's vastly superior to anything you can buy at whole paycheck or the regular grocery store. There's two butcher shops nearby that are not as good as our CSA's product.

Bacon, pork sausage, stew meat, ribs, roasts, hamburger -  they are suspiciously devoid of steaks, tender loins, and other stuff that is high end.

The shares are getting a little smaller recently - thinking of saying something - but then They will include the worlds greatest pork chops and I repent.
Some days chickens, some days feathers


Quote from: khoomeizhi on April 13, 2012, 07:39:45 AM
been marinating cow heart meat in a mostly jerk-themed marinade, slow cooking over a low, smoky fire a couple times recently. holy fuck is it good. makes a damn-fine modified burrito filling, too (only the wife's a little glutarded, so we tend toward the corn soft-taco).


Quote from: RAGER on April 13, 2012, 02:42:45 PM
Yes, that is appealing to me too.  I've posted this recipe before but here goes again.

This is a big roasting pan full of chicken thighs, potatoes, tomatoes, and rosemary.  several meals here for one

Take a big pack of boneless thighs, salt and pepper them.  Then brown them a bit in some olive oil or canola oil.  While this is going on boil some yukon golds in salted water. drain the potatoes and let cool a bit. 
                                    ok I'm gonna go off on rosemary for a second.  Don't buy it in the store.  This stuff grows in peoples yards unattended.                  Go for a walk in your neighborhood and you'll surely see a big bush somewhere.  Ask or don't ask.  Just pick a couple branches off and take it home.  A small packet in the store will cost you $3.  Bullshit.

Anyways while the potatoes are cooling, chop up prolly aboot a cup of just the needles of rosemary and pour several glugs of evoo over the rosemary with some salt and pepper too.  let that sit while you tend to the chicken.  After chicken is browned put it in the big roasting pan along with the potatoes. slightly break up the taters by pushing your thumb down onto them just until they start to smush a bit.  Add a can of  diced unsalted tomatoes and the olive oil rosemary ,stuff stir to incorporate everything. baked in pre-heated oven (350 F) for about 40 minutes.  Eat off of for a few days.
That sounds amazing! I'm gonna make it this weekend.


I actually just picked up a heart, err half of one I think, was gonna ask if you trimmed it up prior to cooking. Every other recipe I see has it sliced down chamber by chamber and cleaned of all fat but I had the impression you had just slapped the whole thing on a grill.


I sliced up the heart and have it in 2 different marinades overnight. Dinner tomorrow will hopefully be awesome.


Let me know how it turns out Mertz.  One of my favorites lately.
No Focus Pocus


How long do you boil the potatoes before putting them I'm the oven?


boil till done enough so you can just kinda smoosh them with your thumb.  you don't want to mash them but they do need to be done.  Rosemary I like best but you could use thyme or oregano but fresh herbs is a must and lots of them.
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: mutantcolors on April 19, 2012, 02:13:07 AM
I sliced up the heart and have it in 2 different marinades overnight. Dinner tomorrow will hopefully be awesome.

yeah, sliced up, but not really removing much aside from the fat on the outside.

metal skewers are an invaluable part of my implement collection.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


I'm eating it right now, this shit is amazing. This marinade was minced garlic, dijon mustard, horseradish, water and vinegar.

Bangin'. Glad I took the chance, I have a new secret weapon when I go meat shopping.


That's remotely funny, but mostly pisses me off because it's such a fucking waste. Not like losing all that BK bacon is a shame, but that actually came from animals and took energy to produce and blah blah blah. Stupid.


you need to chill the fuck out.  Frankie says "RELAX"
No Focus Pocus


Lowell. The wherld is retarded, aint my fault.

Beef heart is amazing.


How'd the chicken dish go Mertz??
No Focus Pocus


Ugh there was no cooking this weekend. My mom had some health issues and I was a basket case. I will make it next week for sure! Have you ever made it with rice?


I don't recommend making it with rice.  There's already taters in it sister!!  Trust me, it's good this way.  If rice were involved it would be on the side but not cooked with it.
No Focus Pocus



Pan seared rib eye with spinach and greens and a balsamic vinaigrette.  God it was good.

No Focus Pocus



dude that steak is sooo incredibly simple.

Get a thick ass rib eye. sprinkle with salt and pepper and let rest on the counter to come up to nearly room temp.
Preheat your oven to 500 with a dry cast iron skillet in it.  that's right.
After that skillet is blazin fuckn hot turn a burner on high and put the hot as shit skillet on it and let it heat up even more for aboot a minute.  no shit
meanwhile drizzle just a bit of evoo on both sides of the steak.  Drop that steak on the skillet and don't touch it for 30 sec.  Flip and leave for another 30 sec.
grab the skillet and throw it back in the 500 degree oven for 2 minutes.  Flip then 2 minutes more.
pull it out and let it rest ontop of an inverted small plate ontop of another plate and cover loosely with foil for 3 minutes (  This keeps it from stewing in juices and insures a nice crisp crust)
Slice thinly on an angle and fan out.  Enjoy.
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: RAGER on May 01, 2012, 11:10:56 AM
dude that steak is sooo incredibly simple.
Get a thick ass rib eye. sprinkle with salt and pepper and let rest on the counter to come up to nearly room temp.
Preheat your oven to 500 with a dry cast iron skillet in it.  that's right.
After that skillet is blazin fuckn hot turn a burner on high and put the hot as shit skillet on it and let it heat up even more for aboot a minute.  no shit
meanwhile drizzle just a bit of evoo on both sides of the steak.  Drop that steak on the skillet and don't touch it for 30 sec.  Flip and leave for another 30 sec.
grab the skillet and throw it back in the 500 degree oven for 2 minutes.  Flip then 2 minutes more.
pull it out and let it rest ontop of an inverted small plate ontop of another plate and cover loosely with foil for 3 minutes (  This keeps it from stewing in juices and insures a nice crisp crust)
Slice thinly on an angle and fan out.  Enjoy.
Great tips from a pro. I'm enjoying the hell outta my cast iron skillets. I'll try that sometime. No marinade for the steak? Not even a lil lime juice or red wine vinegar? How long do you let the steak rest? 2 hours?


That's rib eye, it needs no marinade. It's like the red meat equivalent to an orgasm.