Rebuilding of the rig continues

Started by Instant Dan, February 02, 2011, 08:35:26 PM

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Instant Dan

Okay, I now have a job and raking in decent cash (of course this required me to have to move back in with the padres). I have been looking and the top four heads I have been looking at are:

1. Ampeg V4
2. Marshall JMP 50 watt (clone version acceptable)
3. Mesa Boogie Electra-Dyne
4. Sunn Model T original or reissue (fat chance of finding that for a fair price)

The problem is since I will be moving out to an apartment soon, and I will be honest, with the way work is right now. I probably won't be joining a band in the foreseeable future but at least I have always loved the sound of a half-stack so problems....

Should I honestly just look into getting a combo tube amp?

Evenen then it's an apartment so fat chance of it even getting past .5 on the volume.


head and 2x12, then if you are up for it, get a 4x12 :P

Instant Dan

That's what I was figuring, now if I can just find a V4, JMP, or Model T in good shape and not over 1200 on the last two.


IMO, there's no point in buying a half stack unless you have a practice space, or there is the possibility on the horizon. Even so, you should still keep an eye out for outrageous deals, and pounce on them if you find them. (not just a decent deal - I mean a total steal). This will also keep you aware of the market value of the gear you are tracking.

QuoteShould I honestly just look into getting a combo tube amp?

A small combo amp for home practice will probably always be useful, even if you get a monster stack later. You have time to shop around for a bigger amp - make the most of it.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Instant Dan

Yeah my one practice space in my parent's house that is fairly sound proof will no longer be as easily available to me starting in May. So I think one of those 4 heads plus a quality 2x12 should be adequate as I can always visit my parent's place on the weekend to jam.

I definitely keep an eye out for deals now as I can afford it, heh. Still looking for my MiJ LP to replace the one I had to sell along with all the pedals and nice acoustic.


if you get the V4 I can show you how to make an external master volume control that will make it playable at bedroom volumes and sound distorted. That is, if you like the sound without a dirt pedal. With pedals, I suppose any of those amps can be tamed to reasonable volume and still have some crunch
CV - Slender Fungus

Instant Dan

Quote from: eyeprod on February 02, 2011, 09:18:37 PM
if you get the V4 I can show you how to make an external master volume control that will make it playable at bedroom volumes and sound distorted. That is, if you like the sound without a dirt pedal. With pedals, I suppose any of those amps can be tamed to reasonable volume and still have some crunch

I was originally just gonna use a preamp booster but now, i'm interested.

My problem with the V4's is, since they are hot shit these days it's really hard to gauge what is a good price for one in good working condition.

The shop that has one for sell near me I would say is in 80 to 90% top condition but is going for eight bills.

Chovie D

What Lumpy said mostly.

I'd get a silverface fender vibrochamp for $300 or less. If your not gonna join a band, Id just hold off on the cab and head until its time to join a band or unless you find a crazy deal, keep your eyes peeled but have patience since theres no rush to need massive volume.
spend some money on vintage pedals instead, or even just decent new pedals.

I have 7 heads, a 4x12,  a 2x15, a 2x12, a 1x15 and a  1x12 and 2x10 combo sitting right next to me. I mostly use the vibrochamp tho ,the others are just really too loud for home use. In a home or apartment, with no drummer, even 5 watts is very loud. My 12 watter will rattle the walls.


This was a solid home rig, to be honest. It sounds decent at low volumes, but can get brutally loud.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Just to be a dick, another picture of my cat.

Dio was my bench assistant until I moved into my real shop, and got rid of the bench in the house. That's an 86' US made (read: mexican) BC rich NT Mock. Lacks a serial, and has a quarter inch+ shim under the Kahler. SUCH a rad guitar, but it needed so much work. One of my buddies has it now, I loved it, but after 20+ hours of work on it, I was glad to give it back to him.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: Instant Dan on February 02, 2011, 09:21:17 PM
My problem with the V4's is, since they are hot shit these days it's really hard to gauge what is a good price for one in good working condition.

The shop that has one for sell near me I would say is in 80 to 90% top condition but is going for eight bills.

Seems like 700 is a ballpark price for a V4. 500 is a good/great price for a V4, and less than that starts looking like a steal. It might be worth paying more if the amp still looks great and the store has a good repair dept. and gives you some kind of warrantee. IMO.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I have an external master volume pedal for a v4 I will sell you. And maybe a sweet agile and a real nice v4 as soon as I get my other head. And some 4x12's
I suppose you would have to drive to Colorado though cause shipping would cost almost as much as the gear.
Damn v4's are getting expensive.

Instant Dan

Yeah I wish I could find a beta lead combo but they honestly are going for more than their worth and that looks like a home, I will be living in a sardine can IMO.

I think what I am gonna do is buy the head as they are not getting any cheaper and they do have a warranty on it. Then look for a small tube combo amp.


Quote from: Instant Dan on February 03, 2011, 09:00:28 AM
I think what I am gonna do is buy the head as they are not getting any cheaper and they do have a warranty on it. Then look for a small tube combo amp.

I dunno, I heard that vintage tube amps would continue to climb in price - but then the economy tanked. I guess some people still have the ability to buy vintage gear - but on the other hand, a lot of people are being forced to sell gear now, keeping prices stable (or even lower). 800 seems like too much - see if you can offer them at least 100 less. If it's cash and you're holding it in your hand, they will probably say yes. How long has that amp been sitting there? If it was a really good deal, it would probably be gone already.

On the other hand (Ebay etc) sometimes you have to weigh paying more/less versus not getting the gear.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Instant Dan

Well no doubt I have found them about 2 to 3 bills cheaper on eBay. My fear is you do not see the quality up front and most V4's have a history of being hard to find in good internal condition IMO.


let me know by tomorrow if your getting the v4. Not regarding my v4 cause its not for sale (yet) regarding the local one.

Instant Dan

I won't be able to purchase it any amp in till 5 or 6 weeks from now.

Instant Dan

Ok so I have my practice tube amp (modded epiphany valve jr.) and some good pedals along with my Marshall 2204 head I could not resist for the price.

My problem is what do I aim for next? Another guitar or more pedals/pickups/cables? I only really have 1 guitar right now and I wasn't really planning on getting a 2x12 just yet....


what do you NEED next?

can you get buy with the guitar you have, and get a 2x12 to start rockin? or is your guitar so shitty that you can't use it (please note: i have YET to incounter a guitar that can't be made serviceable buy a qualified tech, barring a warped neck or something crazy).


Yeah, something with a headphone jack would do the trick for apartment practicing.

Instant Dan

Need , lol.

Right now I do need an OD (EQ monarch or catalinbread sft)and fuzz (ronsound ram head clone or swollen pickle) and maybe one more modulation pedal (carbon copy). I would like to change out my bridge pup to a BBQ but I will get by for now.

I will wait, like the Marshall, for a quality 2x12 to pop up.