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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Speaking of velcro, Furman sent me more for free. I think I threw away all the rubber feet  :D


Quote from: black aspirin on January 05, 2014, 07:43:23 PM

Some panning of different tracks helped them to be heard better in the mix.

This is plain old crucial. If you send it all up the middle no instrument gets its own place to breathe. Scoot your bass over 15% to one side, see what happens. Hello bass track, nice to meet you.


Interesting.  I've always left the bass in the center, I guess because there's only one of them. 

agent of change

I like to pan my toms from left to right, like I hear them behind the set. Not like you'd hear them out in the audience.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.


Quote from: agent of change on January 15, 2014, 12:20:52 PM
I like to pan my toms from left to right, like I hear them behind the set. Not like you'd hear them out in the audience.

Ooh, great idea.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Panning on '60s albums was sometimes really wild. Like drums or vocals hard left or right and they would change it up track to track to trip you out. Dig.


Try listening to Sgt. Pepper through one channel.
No Focus Pocus


I second that dig smokey...

QuoteAl looks like a mad monk up there. Tune is zooming along at about 15 bpm, and his head is jiggling back & forth at 120 bpm. I'll assume that's his internal metronome ticking. It can be hard to keep time if you're counting in 3s or 4s at that slow of a pace...

Hah! That's awesome... :)


Mr. Foxen

Got new pickup fitted to my bass so I can use it live with my dual amp thing.


That's the exact same bass Smeagol plays.  :o
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

Whoah. That or made by the Uruk Hai.

Regardless, that's a mean looking and fucking awesome chunk of wood \m/,

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



Carvin Ebay dude "someone put empty boxes on top of your amp at my work and the driver didn't take it, be patient I'll have it out tomorrow"

Shit happens but DUDE.


positioning in the stereo field is a lot of fun too.
you can set up the drums like as % of the stereo field and put the whole kit in its proper places. use tiniest bit of delay 100% wet to move things away from you in the 3-d stereo field.   I find that sliding tracks a millisec at a time back, can reposition voicings. have to play with that in more of a control, like 3 drums and see if they can be shoved all around the soundstage, not just side-to-side.

clean monitors helps a lot. they don't have to be audiophile just image clean.

i always put my bass in center or as close as possible just because that is the most demanding frequency to reproduce and i would like both speakers basically doing it "mono eeeee mono" haha.  -to share the load most efficiently.

early album mixes were a trip. you called it. some beatles tunes, you start looking at your stereo like "wtf, did i just lose the right channel?" then the vocals come in all alone or w/e.
there were some doors mixes that were crazy like that.


i never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that i would even toy with the notion of actually wanting to fuck a bass.  ever....

liquid, write that one down. you may have to use it some day yourself. [little girl snickering picture goes here]

listening to frank zappa's 1st album freakout to listen to how clean his album was for 1966, then i get lost in the music, laughing at that shit. fz is special ....fuck, rip...


Yesterday, I dissolved the 3-piece I formed about a year ago. The main reason being we sucked.


That's a good reason.  No chemistry?  No time to practice?  Shitty drummer?
No Focus Pocus




 :D  I played drums in a band a while back where I was a far better guitar and bass player than the guitar player and bass player but it was a blast cuz we wrote silly songs with highlarious lyrics and were all great friends.  I moved on though.  You just gotta have a killer drummer.

No Focus Pocus


Recording drone doom tracks is a real fun. Listening to them is less fun but I really enjoyed the process of creating the songs. Whole album done in about 20 hours? Well, nothing new for me (but probably it's the main reason why my music sucks :D).


Quote from: liquidsmoke on January 15, 2014, 02:02:51 PM
Panning on '60s albums was sometimes really wild. Like drums or vocals hard left or right and they would change it up track to track to trip you out. Dig.

ya they really did, hendrix did a ton in his 4 years of recording. this Grateful dead Anthem of the Sun album goes crazy with panning and trippy prog stuff prolly the pennacle of panning to extremes:


black aspirin

Ahhh, yes.  It came in today.  So far, I'm really happy with the purchase.  I wanted it because it provides plenty of gain, tons of adjustment, and a built-in gate.  And it's living up to all of that thus far.  I'm already getting a ton of different tones out of this thing, including some good fuzzy doom tones when thrown over a little bit of amp gain.

Will probably still pick up a Rat (maybe that Keeley mod), but this thing is a keeper.

This Juan goes to 11.


  inagaddadavida?  hmm... digging a listen right now, cheers

I think they should put switchable noisegates in more noisey pedals, good call there :)


so I had on my down vest because I was I little chilly after eating a big bowl of cereal, and I decided to play some guitar along the way.  heh. that was comfy as hell with that vest under the guitar strap. whoodathunk.


Quote from: agent of change on January 15, 2014, 12:20:52 PM
I like to pan my toms from left to right, like I hear them behind the set. Not like you'd hear them out in the audience.

Being a drummer, the other way sounds downright backwards to me. Same for cymbals, ride on the right, hats on the left.