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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Danny G

Even awesome backline gear can sound horrible.

I once tried a house SVT-VR and matching cab during a soundcheck and just wound up using my own full rig as the SVT-VR sounded inexplicably horrific even through my own cabinet.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I have no fucking idea why it fails over and over. Funny thing is that 90% of all attempts fails even before the first jam!
Maybe I'm too fucked in the head with my attitude :D

Corey Y

Quote from: Omlet on September 22, 2014, 05:30:39 PM
I have no fucking idea why it fails over and over. Funny thing is that 90% of all attempts fails even before the first jam!
Maybe I'm too fucked in the head with my attitude :D

I have a similar problem, to the point that it feels like a farce or someone is playing a joke on me sometimes. I've had so many people shower me with praise over songs/recordings, gear or musical taste when jamming for the first time, then never call me back or go so far as to commit to starting a full band and rent a practice space together, then hear nothing from them ever again or just get a brief email telling me it turns out they can't do a band. A couple people removed from the situation have offered to me that they think I'm intimidating musically, but I don't feel like I am at all. If anything I feel like I have moderate musical skills and I'm just very organized in my goals, because I don't want to waste time. I want maximum result for minimum effort, because I don't have time to hang out all day on a Saturday or go out every week night. The cynical part of my brain thinks maybe most people who are over 30 and not trying to be famous playing music just want to get high/drunk and mess around playing covers for an hour a month and that's not at all where I am. I may have finally got a minimal power trio together to play original songs, so we'll see. I keep my expectations very low now, when it comes to attempting to form new bands.


c'mon, cheer up DOOMster buddies!!!


really, just gotta be honest with yourself and others.  if your musical vision is not selling, then pursue it by other means and mediums if you must.

if your vision is to play live music, sometimes it is best to be open minded and cast a big wide net so that you can be in a band and start networking from there.  cover bands are good to network from since you can meet many people and other musicians and convert and recruit them to your musical vision.


No Focus Pocus


can I have your autograph mortay? gz.

..stunk up general pretty good...better pipe down and get to practicing...


All people here want to play in yet another shitty thrash or death metal band that no one will listen to. Almost zero interest in stoner, not even mentioning sludge - there are zero sludge doom bands in Poland :D

I think I must flee from here because of music  :D

@Mortlock - yeah I  noticed it yesterday. Congrats!


Thanks for the advice, you guys are awesome x


Quote from: Omlet on September 23, 2014, 02:56:20 AM
All people here want to play in yet another shitty thrash or death metal band that no one will listen to. Almost zero interest in stoner, not even mentioning sludge - there are zero sludge doom bands in Poland :D

I think I must flee from here because of music  :D

@Mortlock - yeah I  noticed it yesterday. Congrats!

Any clean vocal/trad leaning doom metal bands there?


I guess that no more than five bands in whole country. But it's just a guess. I never found one.



Damn, it seems that I'm running out of ideas for music... I suck at playing guitar so my ability is limited. And now I'm stuck at the moment when lack of skill doesn't allow me to create the song, simply because I don't know how to play.

Damn, I must stop whining and try to figure something out.

Or just quit playing :D


Just keep going man, you have something good there, and if you do want bandmates keep trying, just because a bunch don't work out it doesn't mean the next won't, or the one after that, read some Quorthon interviews, his people never worked out either but he never gave up...


ya dude keep at it! If you are concerned about your skillset then ya practice.  I do fretlight guitar practice and like it. 

If you are liking your art and do not think it needs additional skill, then keep pursuing it. I moved really far to get to Austin TX, I may move again. maybe work on things you can do solo without a band, like mixing.  the sludgy NU-Metal band Korn started in Bakersfield, and I have been there and would never want to start a band there.


I'm just running out of ideas for riffs for my black metal project :)


Another vote here for keep at it. I basically still suck at guitar but have more recently become good enough to play and write riffs and songs that please me greatly.

Running out of ideas for riffs is a sure sign that you need to expand your horizons. Try your hand at different styles, different genres even. I was in a rut 6-7 years ago but playing along with an Angel Witch album one day started a chain of events that got me out of the blues box which was just what I needed at the time.


Did vocals for the first time, and played bass at the same time... Got really good response. Doing vocals is scary.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Maybe I should play some John Lee Hooker tunes... It already helped me once :D


baritone finger, I don't use the tips for chords like I should


New arrangement, removed the vocal stuff as I'm pretty sure Orogen isn't going to play live anymore as a 3 piece with vocals. Haven't used my wah in years.


heh, those are some funky callouses

sunno, singing and playing forced me up a notch in skill levels across the board. took a while to sort it out, but that was huge for me. I am very glad I took that on. it's also a new dimension of fun( after the scary fades away). besides then you can learn silly tunes and make the ladies laugh at the bonfire,

I think I might make a video of my 2 minute shoulder/spine stretch deal that I do every day. 

my 3 old synths are definitely going to be useful and remain a force in my wall of sound quest. the beatstep controller rocks the daisy chain fine, plus using only midi thru, I can solo on the DX-7 like that nice doogie howser electric piano that cuts nice, and not play the next module in the chain.
heh, the bleep bloop background with some heavy organ +vocals w/e crap and some sad piano solo jam could definitely keep some old folks amused. do it all in minor key.
as lame as this shit behringer mixer is, the reverb still makes a huge improvement over dry. I can only imagine the big sky in its place.   you probably could make someone blowing lunch sound heavenly with that thing.

didn't get much guitar practice in tonight, just lots of cable plugging practice.


I think that my newest CoT production may be entirely without any drums (or rather drum machine), just to make it even more cold and hard to bear :D

Dylan Thomas

Omlet, you should see if people in other countries are willing to collaborate with you, at least for recording.  That could be really cool.  You could trade some demo riffs, work on ideas together, and then send recorded tracks back and forth to work on.
The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.