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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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My upstairs rig for the next few days.  Just trying to spend some quality time with my Moog.

No Focus Pocus


I can dig that.  the sub37 is a hell of a toy. looking forward to a couple sample recordings of some cool shit you find.

I have been playing these 2 acoustics which I never had before (well playable), there is no doubt regarding the difference a-z between the Ibanez and the taylor.

the Ibanez is killer for what it is. plays great, tunes great.  decently full sound. that's where it ends.  but the ibanez is sitting out on a stand for ez2 grab and go and i wont cry (much) if a nephew gives it a belt rash or a ding in the headstock.  i actually have more playing time in on the ibanez from just noodling here and there.  looking forward to some acoustic jams with either my son or nephew.


I thought I lost my Moog shirt.  I found it this morning.
No Focus Pocus


Recorded Grotto's(Cuda/Bongzilla members) live set and interview last night on WORT radio here with my Tascam DR-03 but ALL of the files are corrupted. Fantastic. Piece of fucking shit.


That octave pedal I bought might not be the best but it tracks well enough for one note at a time riffing. Working on a new song where I use it on most of the riffs and it really fills in the frequencies when on the higher strings on one octave down mode. With the Hyper Fuzz it sounds more organ than synth like to me.


I see a used 2001 red wine LP studio in GC used gear for $899.   
those do hold some value.  they were about $1200 new in 2000 when I got one.
I cant believe that thing is 15 yrs old already. but that puts the timing on when my son started playing, as I got him his 1st guitar(s) even before then. so he started at about 7-8 yrs old.

fwiw, that thing was not the most solid factory setup. I had to work on it.

Danny G

Playing the final gig of the year tonight (wx permitting, even tho it is inside) with my lady (soul-drenched singer songwriter).

I helped her put the backing band for this one together, featuring an incestuous lot of players I'm in other bands with: drummer is in Ocean of Stars and we're two other bands together, bass player is the guitar player from Bleu Edmondson Band.

I'm on lead guitar which is cool, I've done a few gigs with her on bass already.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Time to change the strings on the OM and the resonator.

On the reso I'm trying these new D'addario Flat tops, which are polished to reduce finger/slide noise.
Livin' The Life.


this upped keyboard practice schedule on top of guitar is really pushing my left hand to its limits.
sucks to just have to stop playing simply because you cant anymore for the day. fingers start locking up n shit.
lots of big octave stuff and chord patterns.  right hand gets to skate picking strings and melodies.   

rh guitars are really lh guitars. now that pisses me off. heh.


The Flat Tops definitely sound & feel really nice on the resonator—they definitely reduce finger & slide noise as advertised.

Finger noise can be pretty annoying on roundwound strings on the reso, esp. new ones.

Now, no more "screet!!!"  8)
Livin' The Life.


Boss is going on ebay. Electro Harmonix Pitch Fork ordered. I have high hopes.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Yeah it glitches out a little even on single notes because of overtones and what not. That won't cut it for recording. NOT truly polyphonic.


I wonder if a more powerful pitch shifter function would work better. there are vst's etc that shift everything. just set it for -12
I don't know about latency tho... depends on the complexity of the calculations I guess.

has anyone messed with like a vocal processor with guitars/bass/kbd?   those are pretty powerful audio engines.


btw, I scored a couple strings of 50 LED xmas lights on clearance.   heh.  those are more fun that all the music toys.  a couple strings of those white ones makes a decent ambient light.

I got 2 warm white and one cool white strings. those 3  4.8 watt strings of lights softly light the entire normal sized room, and they are quit beautiful. fuckin a.


Quote from: jibberish on January 02, 2015, 10:14:03 PM
I wonder if a more powerful pitch shifter function would work better. there are vst's etc that shift everything. just set it for -12
I don't know about latency tho... depends on the complexity of the calculations I guess.

If the Pitch Fork is truly polyphonic I'll be good. I don't know what vst's are but if it's any type of computer thing that won't work for me live.

Danny G

Just finally got this back from the shop.

Fired her up in a rehearsal last night. Sounded great!

Whereas I have been running my SWR backup into the Dietz and their Mesa 2x15, last night I ran just the SVT and the Dietz and still had to turn down to keep from drowning out both guitar players \m/,
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Andrew Blakk

Oh well. We were to record some bass today. Uhm, before christmas our engineer's soundcard broke.
This time it was another thing that broke right int the middle of everything. And since we're recording at our place everythings stops until it's fixed. No spares. :-\

The glorious adventures of a DIY album recording.   :'( :D

Dylan Thomas

Danny, that's a serious amp right there.  Damn....

I think our bassist is getting a new rig, he's got a couple of the newer SVT models, though I think he's getting a newer Orange now.

Andrew, home recording is definitely an adventure.  Honestly (and this is going to sound a little weird....), I kind of like the chaos and uncertainty of it at times.  It drives my creativity in certain ways.

We wrote a new song at practice yesterday, I had some riffs kicking around.  I really like it,  it's different, and that's what I've been going for personally with my writing.  It sounds like Fugazi mixed with Joy Division and Queens Of The Stone Age, though I have a really tasty rip-off/rehash of the main riff from Electric Funeral at the end.  Old habits die hard....  ;)
The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.


Hadn't jammed with or talked to my drummer since before xmas.  Talked last night.  He's super tore up about his recent break up of 12 years and being alone and was lamenting about not having much to do and being lonely and was so glad that we are playing music so at least he has that....... :-\ So even though I'm somewhat reluctant to do the band thing I'm kinda stuck.  I'm super waffley about the whole thing but I'll keep it going out of being a friend.  Good thing he's a fukn killer drummer.
No Focus Pocus


I spent some time tweaking 3 string patches with 3 sets of effects to get something to work like a mellotron on "changes".  I can get a freaked out swirl of detuned crap going, but it just wasn't working.   

then I thought about this video someone linked where a dude made a strat sound like tin can ass. screwed up eq and everything, like it was played over the phone bandpass sound.
then he put it in the mix, and it sat like a boss. it was great.

so I started with clean string patches onto the piano and eased certain effects onto them a little at a time, until it started sounding a whole lot like the recording.
to listen to the plain string patches after I got them dialed in, I never would have stopped at that point because it sounds really lame, almost flat bad, and nothing like a mellotron.

now to get my 12-step samba dance moves in order. especially since they used more than the one octave the 12-step has. really good thing the song is key of c since the 12-step is octaved on the c (hey! actually it is a 13-step)

Saturday+really cold = music + little projects all day long.  and be a pest on srl of course.

Danny G

Finally tried out the SVT under combat conditions last night.

Still dialing it in as the EQ-ing responds a little differently now that repairs have been made.

Ran like a champ, great range of dynamics even with my old ass bass strings.

Good to have it back!!!
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Had our first practice with the new bass side rig last night and I actually turned it down a good bit from near clipping after awhile because it was just too loud. It thunders and sounds excellent. Two 15s are plenty loud with enough power and these are a little smaller than most 4x10 size models. Also got the EH Pitch Fork today and so far it's sounding quite good and tracking well.

Andrew Blakk

Woohoo! Finally some luck on our side. All the bass tracks are now recorded! Finally!  ;D


We're rewriting our set so that at the end of March we can present a new set and hopefully some recordings to the people. In the months that we are now a 2 piece we quickly found out we need something more. And while we had a synth guy before that, he had to check himself into rehab so that we were 2 piece. We tried working with other people on synth but nothing really materialized. Our old synth guy is now back on track and although he hasn't touched a synth in 8 months, he showed up out of nowhere at rehearsal on friday having heard we were rehearsing at our usual spot. He came in and my first reaction was asking if he wanted to jam, he quickly got his stuff at his place around the corner and we jammed hard. So we're back to our "original line-up" it seems, whatever that is. Finishing this rewriting and record something.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


Danny G

Fuck. SVT still making an intermittent squeal.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins