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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Danny G

Find another drummer

If he came in and changed everything to suit it to his purposes, then doesn't bother to show up, then fuck him. Not literally, mind you.

iPhone etc metronome apps are reliable and punctual, and in some instances keep better time ;)
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Danny G I highly respect your musicianship and so I need to weigh and consider...

thanks for the input everyone :)


the reality is obvious. its not even your choice to some degree. he is in the band in name only. hes not there. never was. all you are doing at this point is taking back control of your band.


No Focus Pocus

Danny G

We are here to help :)

Yes, having recorded songs is much more effective than trying to describe your music to people.

And yes, it's totally a pain in the ass to find people willing to commit. Which this drummer is clearly not doing.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

So a band I recorded an album with as a session bassist and did a few gigs with (they wanted me to tour with them for 4 months last year... new band, no following, markets they've never played, not supporting a bigger band on tour, etc -- I of course had to decline due to the obvious financial risk) is apparently now wearing costumes/make up/armor and shit.

I feel very conflicted and slightly bad for them.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


how can you feel bad for dudes that wear armor?? that kinda badass.


cool  ;D

we are officially looking for a drummer  nowz  ;D ;D ;D

Danny G

In general yes, armor is totally bad ass.

However, (and I'm not trying to knock these dudes, they are really nice and I like them as people) if it was part of a grand plan all along that's one thing.

But this was so out of left field I was taken aback. They gave no indication during my brief involvement with them of wearing armor and outfits. And if it was part of a new album of armor-related music, then more power to them.

But the existing album is not armor-related, nor really conducive to the armor theme. Plus, armor has kinda been done to death. It can be done right tho.

This feels to me like a case of "Well, maybe if we try THIS people will notice our band..." rather than "Fuck it! Let's go Viking metal!!!"

Does that make sense? I'm still scratching my head on this one
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Re: new drummer

Good! Best of luck
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Thanks Danny, thanks bruthas  8)  never heard from that dude, he is a figment of the imagination...

lots of drummers responded to the craigslist ad, one came in last thursday and this monday.  both blew me away!  we went with the one on Monday, hope he commits; he is stoked on our music!

We are playing originals we came up with together and two of my originals that I never played with anyone before called "Eyes of Fire" and "March Into the Sea":



back to the drawing board?  that drummer did not show up to practice, he just texted the other guitarist last minute, but gave no reason as to why...  

he texted the other guitarist that he will go to the next practice and wants to play his drumset and for my drumset to be moved out...not sure why he could not just communicate this to me since no one has put in any money on renting the studio and it is my drumset.  ya Ill do it but thats a really roundabout move he pulled.

edit: spoke with him today 3/21/15 and he is pawning his drum gear off and wondering how to pay his rent, he was tired from work so that was the reason he did not show up to last practice - he is usually sleeping at the time we practice as he likes to start work really early, but the bassist has a work shift that ends at 8pm...that drummer iss not gonna be a good fit for this band, I wish there was a way to figure this stuff out so we could screen out peeps like this so they dont waste our time...

Danny G

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


ya, it turns out starting up a band is pretty tough


got two drummers and a singer auditioning this coming week, they also said they are ok with everything in our band.  they are down with paying their share of the rehearsal room rent.

hope it goes well, fingers crossed :)


yeah..i hope it all works out. the drum chair always seems to be the hardest to fill. not sure why but in all my years of being in active bands (1992- pres) the drummer position was always the problem spot for the most part.


ya thats what I was thinking months ago...   drummers...  hmph! 

good thing I bought a drumset and started practicing, then I can be a musical drummer diva too!!!


We were jamming and recording last 8pm we see a flaslight looking through the window....i thaught it was a prowler....turns out it was a cop lol....he said we had to turn down but we were Pretty Good!....we actually got it all on tape pretty cool, funny lol
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.

Danny G

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


---unrelated to anything recently posted here---

When setting up a show in a small city check to be sure you won't be competing with another similar show that has already been announced, ya dingus..  ::)


Guy last night- "I don't have earplugs for my body". He said he went outside for awhile during our set  ;D

Danny G

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


My band was contacted for inclusion in some sort of stoner rock compilation recently. It's been an interesting process, since this is the first opportunity the band has had to sign a contract of any kind.

It's really not very complicated - they pay us an upfront-fee and then a 50/50 split of sync/licensing fees for the right to use the song in compilation albums. Maybe not a great deal, but given the other bands on the comp it's pretty obvious that we're just a 'filler' band to take up disc space. Even given this it's taken weeks of deliberation to get the guys to agree to it. I even reached out to the other bands to see what they thought - no issues. Anyone else had to deal with stuff like this? Have you ever rejected a compilation offer?


ive rejected comp offers before..not because we got it like that or anything..i usually as a rule never turn anything down..but sometimes comps can suck if they are not the right fit..

Danny G

Finally tried my Dietz 2x15 bass cab as a guitar cabinet. I like it \m/,

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins