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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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I have a show on Friday, the best show we've played at so far. Best room, best PA, best lineup, best location, best night...

But there's a competing show across town, so the two promoters are trying to figure out how to avoid splitting the crowd. Maybe an early start for us. So I still don't know what time the doors open, or what time our set is. Which makes it hard to promote the show among my friends...

::) >:(
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on June 21, 2013, 07:27:55 PM
B&H is owned and operated by Hassidic Jews, so they take the weekends off (seriously). They close on Friday at like 4pm, and reopen on Monday.

They are closed for a ton of holidays but usually open on Sundays.


Quote from: jibberish on June 22, 2013, 04:21:18 AM
I like the dp 24 a lot.  they saved a fortune by having one set of knobs and then selecting the track to apply the knobs to. at first It was strange, but really, most things aren't tweaked realtime except volume once set up.
but realtime tweaks are easy: instead of reaching for a set of knobs for each channel, you reach for selector switch and use same set of knobs. it all adds up the same once you do it.

the selction of things you can do for each track is off the hook. it will take me a long while to play with all the features.

you could call this an 8 channel mixer and use it for that when not recording. the channel 8 input is a special hi-impedance for guitars. my LP has awesome bottom end through this input. that feature is huge.  you can just USB tracks or songs up to the pc for further mangling in your DAW, or usb them down to the dp24.

the fit and finish is immaculate. everything looks great. nice, clean, solid feel.

this thing is very quiet.  I used it to re-record racerX's song. it pulled the noise floor of the original recording up clean without adding to it any that I could hear and I maxxed it, past 11 heh

for recording , they actually have 2 sets of set is like your "channel strip" where you would compress and eq during recording. then there is a whole normal set of effects that can be applied to each track.

memory sticks are sweet and I have yet to use the CD burner in it.

this is too cool for hauling out in the back yard.
many people say go with a DAW on a laptop, but you have no idea how super convenient it is to just slap the dp24 down, plug in, hook up some PA action and go. recording is just hitting record, once your "mixer" is set up.
also, there is really nothing to break if this thing fell

for assembling songs out of scraps and massive retakes, the DAW on the PC is better for editing frenzies

EDIT: here is a link to a dp24 review. I guess he sort of says what I was saying..

Thanks for the review and link. B&H now has it listed at $564.57 so it looks like they still move the price around on it.


getting two new teeth screwed into my skull today.  i wonder if i will shed more or less?  the answer is "ouch".
Problem solving whiskey!


\m/ wolf fangs or gtfo

LS,maybe  keep shopping if you aren't needing the dp24 immediately.  Although anything around $500-$600 is still amazing , considering what the thing does. I jonesed for a 16 track for so long. almost pulled the trigger on the korg that red giant Damien had, when it dropped well below a grand a couple years back. always wishing for the awesome roland VS series machines..heh. so this is nuts from that perspective.  Damien did a lot of devil child blues on that korg HD recorder.

I got in on the black Friday craziness, and it was a short time limit promo also. I guess it pays to keep shopping certain key places.  I check the big box and big eBox people for the avg going price on things, as they are all about the same(GC, sweetwater, mus friend etc). then check oddballs like zsounds or B&H and I scope ebay too.
maybe watch best buy . if they killed one music dept , they may be re-arranging corporate structure or something...

i'll pm you after I actually have made it to the post office as confirmation.

Corey Y

Finally starting recording on a new Cold Mourning release this weekend. I joined the band 3 years ago (almost exactly) and that was the main goal at the time. I'm doing all the recording and mixing in my warehouse, we'll see how it goes. I feel like it's more of a "Ehh...fuck it, let's just do it" thing, rather than being well planned and ready for recording. Still, it's something.


4 hours in the chair and no new teeth!  SONOFAFUCKINBITCH my face hurts.  Lortabs and Turkey.  And guitfiddlin'.
Problem solving whiskey!


Quote from: jibberish on June 26, 2013, 03:36:44 PM
LS,maybe  keep shopping if you aren't needing the dp24 immediately.  Although anything around $500-$600 is still amazing , considering what the thing does. I jonesed for a 16 track for so long. almost pulled the trigger on the korg that red giant Damien had, when it dropped well below a grand a couple years back. always wishing for the awesome roland VS series machines..heh. so this is nuts from that perspective.  Damien did a lot of devil child blues on that korg HD recorder.

I got in on the black Friday craziness, and it was a short time limit promo also. I guess it pays to keep shopping certain key places.  I check the big box and big eBox people for the avg going price on things, as they are all about the same(GC, sweetwater, mus friend etc). then check oddballs like zsounds or B&H and I scope ebay too.
maybe watch best buy . if they killed one music dept , they may be re-arranging corporate structure or something...

i'll pm you after I actually have made it to the post office as confirmation.

Cool man.

I'd get that little Tascam 8 track unit for $200 and probably be very happy with it if I didn't think it would be wise to have something that could give up to 8 drum mics their own tracks at once. I'd be fine with 2 tracks for drums but I'm not a drummer.


Quote from: Corey Y on June 26, 2013, 04:25:17 PM
Finally starting recording on a new Cold Mourning release this weekend. I joined the band 3 years ago (almost exactly) and that was the main goal at the time. I'm doing all the recording and mixing in my warehouse, we'll see how it goes. I feel like it's more of a "Ehh...fuck it, let's just do it" thing, rather than being well planned and ready for recording. Still, it's something.



I'm probably going to get a Duncan SH-5 "custom" for the bridge and either something with roughly equal volume for the neck or nothing in the neck so I have an off switch. Nickel cover too. Anyone feel like talking me out of it?

The custom is said to be good for tuning low, tight lows for palm muting, and just enough gain for metal. I've only ever had stock pups and high output pups in my guitars and want to try something different.


Quote from: Pissy on June 17, 2013, 09:12:03 PM
Yeah orange.  Only one other guitar I'd WANT in orange...

Fuck man.... how did we miss the boat on those Surfcasters?  We even saw Tommy Victor playing one and still neither of us investigated further.  Feels like a fail.
Billy Squier 24/7


(I've been drinking a lot tonight_

Sometimes I'll hear something that is so good, I just want to drop everything and go write and record. I remember when Dimebag had his column in Guitar World, he once wrote that he would see other guitar players whose reaction to another guitarist playing very well was to want to quit playing, and he said he didn't understand it. Something akin to "man that guy's so good, I should just go be an accountant", while his own reaction would be to get inspired after seeing a good player, and just want to go play. I was talking to a guy the other day about a few newer albums, and he had that same reaction. "Man that record is so good, I should just stop playing music."  Good albums make me want to record. They make the world disappear for a few seconds and I want to lock myself in my studio. They make me excited about music and remind me why I try to make music.

I've been listening to the new National record almost non stop for days now, with bits here and there of the new Black Sabbath (esp the first track), new Sigur Ros, and the new QOTSA. I actually like the new QOTSA, maybe more than the new Clutch (the line for throwing things at me starts right over there>>)   Anyway, yeah it's been an inspiring blitz of new music lately. It's great. I guess that's it
Billy Squier 24/7


Whenever I hear something I dig, i learn to play like that, then dump it in when I feel it.

I can't stand Jack White, or any of his bands but that motherfucker can play a certain way that I really like. I sit around and look for a muddy fat tone, and the riffs just fall off my fingers.

Same with the black keys...

They just make me wanna play.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Tuning more than you actually need to live > being out of tune even for one or two songs

Intonation is also good.

the diddler

Was supposed to have practice with one band today and then a show tonight with another.  But my mother-in-law died yesterday, so I'll most likely be drinking whiskey with family instead.


Chovie D

sorry for your family's loss diddler.

the diddler

Thanks dudes.  It wasn't a surprise- she's been terminal for the last 2 years- but the end was kind of sudden.  I always thought she was too mean to actually, finally die.

Metal and Beer

Ah, that sucks Diddley, hang in an' all that shit sir, condolences to Miss Didd

"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


Yeah, hang in there, diddler.

Music blog: 

Have not picked up an amplified instrument in months, yet somehow do not have a problem with that, apart from wife ordering me to dust off/wipe down big rig/pedalboard in common area, which felt somewhat emasculating.
Livin' The Life.


sorry for your loss.  sometimes after the sting, the closing of that long impending chapter frees everyone to finally move on.

I play almost every morning not plugged in. no point. I can hear it heh. why dick around with all that shit, just grab the thing and play, wander around the house, or whatever...


I don't mean I haven't plugged in my electric axes, jibby; I mean they haven't seen the light of day at all. Been playing the resonator, the 12-string, the orchestra model & the ukulele. Have not played my SG, LP Jr., or lap steel for months.
Livin' The Life.


modified, nothing to see here


Quote from: RacerX on July 01, 2013, 02:11:46 PM
I don't mean I haven't plugged in my electric axes, jibby; I mean they haven't seen the light of day at all. Been playing the resonator, the 12-string, the orchestra model & the ukulele. Have not played my SG, LP Jr., or lap steel for months.

ahhh, I see, more of an "acoustic trip" vs my "lazy trip"

I don't feel like playing much this week. my fingers and hands are kind of tired and puffy?  too much raking/shoveling and carrying/moving heavy rocks and weeding since the dirt is wet.  flowerbed project is nearing completion , then that's it for this year's big yard projects. I am moving real slow around these rocks, alwaysd wearing heavy leather gloves(old winter gloves, fingers are worn through=full touch but a finger saver when the rocks pinch you) I absolutely cannot fuck up my fret hand.
(personal rule)


What do y'all think about when bands cover a song but the guitar player isn't good enough to play the leads note for note and/or the singer can't hit all the high notes?