The Jam Room Blog Thread.

Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Discö Rice

You know you wanna.

I'll start. My 2-piece metal band has been progressing at a glacial pace. It just so happens that a friend of mine just booted the drummer out of her garage/punk band (think Mummies/X-Ray Spex), so I'm gonna try that out. I'm not quitting the other band, just getting my wiggles out, so to speak. Hopefully that will take the edge off and keep me sane until the other band gets the fuck in gear.

Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.



Discö Rice

For the sake of the Jam Room and everyone that posts here I hope you recorded your butt piss.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Discö Rice

Perhaps I could poop in your pee-filled butt, and we could record that.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Jor el

How close do you place the mic for such a recording ?
What Would Scooby Do ?

Jor el

....or were you talking aboot videotaping it ?

My Bad
What Would Scooby Do ?

Metal and Beer

You use a DI....directly inside ! :D
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"

Discö Rice

M&B's right - and I would add a contact mic for definition, and a couple of of overheads panned soft left and right for a nice stereo picture.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Livin' The Life.

Jor el

If I know Jake - there will be plenty of natural reverb.
What Would Scooby Do ?


I was gonna suggest a piezo-shit pickup adhered to your taint, but I don't know how you would insulate the electronics.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


I have never made love to a homeless man, at least as far as I remember.

Thanks for listening guys. It really feels good to get this off my chest. Along with the log of hooker poop.


It'll only sound good if its N.O.S. pee.


Sometimes I feel like I'm in way over my head writing/playing somewhat more trad doom/classic metal whatever influenced stuff and should go for more of an Electric Wizard/Sleep sludgy stoner looser sound with easier vocal parts with more effects. It would be lower pressure and possibly more fun because it would be easier.


i think trying to tie yourself directly to one sound that already exists is definitely more difficult than just playing to what sounds and feels good to you, yep.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


Quote from: khoomeizhi on November 15, 2012, 07:08:59 AM
i think trying to tie yourself directly to one sound that already exists is definitely more difficult than just playing to what sounds and feels good to you, yep.

What he said.

Instant Dan

I auditioned for a band a few week back which was a 90's rock/grunge/alt. act. I think I did good on the audition but I told them I did not have much experience in the gigging scene as most of the bands I was in never took off and I put it on hold for school. Their response was 'we don't an amateur or someone too junior but rather a lifer'. I have no idea what that means.


Probably means they are full of shit.


Quote from: moose23 on November 15, 2012, 07:39:57 AM
Quote from: khoomeizhi on November 15, 2012, 07:08:59 AM
i think trying to tie yourself directly to one sound that already exists is definitely more difficult than just playing to what sounds and feels good to you, yep.

What he said.

It does sound and feel good, it's just more challenging in certain ways than other approaches that I'm also into. Challenge can be good though. Actually last night I for the third time rewrote one of my leads so it's easier, I was fucking it up too much and I'm not into practicing 2 hours a day so it had kind of had to be done.

Discö Rice

Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Quote from: Discö Rice on November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM
You know you wanna.

I'll start. My 2-piece metal band has been progressing at a glacial pace. It just so happens that a friend of mine just booted the drummer out of her garage/punk band (think Mummies/X-Ray Spex), so I'm gonna try that out. I'm not quitting the other band, just getting my wiggles out, so to speak. Hopefully that will take the edge off and keep me sane until the other band gets the fuck in gear.

Sounds like a good idea. I was extremely frustrated with my 70s rock styled band's slow progression, so I started up another project and we just played our first gig. I figured out that instead of getting frustrated with the snail paced progress and and getting in arguments with my bandmates, I'd just spend the extra time I wanted to be jamming on a new project and not worry so much about things beyond my control(other people wanting to/being able to make time). First show went awesome. Stoked that I'm in 2 good bands now!

the diddler

I need a new project, or to retire again.  Seems to be getting harder to even get a jam session together with the current band.


^^Too bad we weren't closer.  I been getting the itch to play drums again bad.  After I finish up studio stuff with The Black Budget I wanna play more drums rather than guitar.

When I get this way I have a tendency to go and jam with bands that I have no intention to play with just to see the reaction to my drumming.  If they think I'm killer and I think they suck then I think I suck cuz if they suck how the hell could they think I'm a killer drummer.  I'm just a fucking guitar player.  What do they know?  I think part of it is to get an ego boost so my confidence is up and I feel better aboot my drum skillz.  I'm a dick.
No Focus Pocus

Chovie D

the doom "band" I'm currently in has gotten together 3 times in the year and a half we've been "together" and one of the "members" has not showed up for all 3 times  :D.
got aboot 8 songs oot of that that I think are really good tho..hope they see daylight sometime.

pedal steel, I rarely practice anymore so Im rusting badly. Without being in a band its hard to motivate myself to play the thing.
I cant stand those country rock bands anymore  tho...I guess I need some studio work so i dont have to deal with those bands, but can still be motivated to play. problem is I'm not the best person in town for studio pedal steel, not even close.

I'm considering turning my studio into a grow room and selling off a bunch of my stuff.