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The Jam Room Blog Thread.

Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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played a really fun nye gig for a local biker club. Lotsa hot chicks there. Got food, drink, cash, and some huge biker dude licked my arm while I was soloing during a jam. I guess he really liked it. That never happened before, and yes it was kinda weird to say the least!

Ate lots and lots of mushrooms (that I picked locally) for about a week straight and improved my solo skills noticeably. I'm doing the same shit, but it seems much more fluid now. Also wrote some new cool jams while under the shroomy influence and I'm stoked that they're pretty rad. I needed some new inspiration.

CV - Slender Fungus


drugs + volume = success. FACT


Quote from: eyeprod on January 05, 2013, 12:11:16 PM
played a really fun nye gig for a local biker club. Lotsa hot chicks there. Got food, drink, cash, and some huge biker dude licked my arm while I was soloing during a jam. I guess he really liked it. That never happened before, and yes it was kinda weird to say the least!

Ate lots and lots of mushrooms (that I picked locally) for about a week straight and improved my solo skills noticeably. I'm doing the same shit, but it seems much more fluid now. Also wrote some new cool jams while under the shroomy influence and I'm stoked that they're pretty rad. I needed some new inspiration.

I dig hearing about "rock-n-roll!" rock-n-roll experiences.

meanwhile, i'm getting back into playing guitar along with general exercise and flexing for my shoulder. doing about 2-3 1/2 hr rounds a day. I must admit, my hands appreciated the break from guitar.  I know we have talked about putting shit down for w/e 2 weeks and come back better. got some of that going, so positive things now, even though with limitations.

Chovie D

arrived at rehearsal space to find marijuana dispensary had opened in same building.  ;D


Quote from: Chovie D on January 06, 2013, 09:14:32 AM
arrived at rehearsal space to find marijuana dispensary had opened in same building.  ;D

Heh. If you think the work ethic in yer new band was bad before, now you'll be assured to get nothing done.  ;)
Livin' The Life.

Chovie D

yup, it was bad. we took half hour bong ripping sessions between each attempt at a song. but we woulda done that anyway.

The worst thing you can do is get draft beer in your studio. We put in a full bar with draft beer once and while it was very fun, it wasnt very conducive to getting anything done. Sometimes we'd show up for practice and never even make it to our instruments, just sit at the bar for two hours and stumble home. :(


I always like to treat ourselves to a drunk practice once in a while.  Like after a batch of shows or hammering out a bunch of songs or something like that.  Show up get blazed and rip through a few songs and roll tape.  That's usually where some new good shit comes from.
No Focus Pocus

Andrew Blakk

Hello blog thread. Nice to see you again...

Well it seems that we lost our bass player today. Musical diffrences...?!

Oh well. Life goes on.

See you another time blog thread.


Quote from: Chovie D on January 06, 2013, 09:14:32 AM
arrived at rehearsal space to find marijuana dispensary had opened in same building.  ;D
im sooooo fucking moving.. fuck this.

Instant Dan

So I think I may have damaged the neck on tele doing too big a neck bend. Heard a pop and it seems like I can't play a chord without it going out of tune.


No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Quote from: RacerX on January 06, 2013, 10:44:18 AM
Quote from: Chovie D on January 06, 2013, 09:14:32 AM
arrived at rehearsal space to find marijuana dispensary had opened in same building.  ;D

Heh. If you think the work ethic in yer new band was bad before, now you'll be assured to get nothing done.  ;)

They'll get high. That's doing something, sort of. Heh!

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

the diddler

"Audition" with new band last night went well. They got 3 other dudes to check out over the next couple weeks so we'll see how it goes, but everyone was pretty stoked last night.


Quote from: Instant Dan on January 06, 2013, 08:44:37 PM
So I think I may have damaged the neck on tele doing too big a neck bend. Heard a pop and it seems like I can't play a chord without it going out of tune.

Tighten neck screws. Do it.

Check saddles. Do it.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



FINALLY got the guitars sounding close to how I want them for our upcoming split.  Note to self:  spend more time placing the mic.  And although I thought my gain was sufficiently low, it should have been lower.  Live and learn, as some deflated motherfucker once said.


Last night I worked on a song with a singer & guitarist I know, who were already in the process of writing it & asked me to check it out. Sounds promising. It's dark & blues-based, which is a good start in my book. May turn into a project.
Livin' The Life.


I can see where that would be refreshing.  i need to jam with some people.

I'm having an identity crisis as a player.  I want to play more intricate stuff as a guitar player but as a drummer I want to play heavy as fuck shit. IDK!

No Focus Pocus


as long as you're not playing both guitar and drums in the same band, just update the identity and go for it all, dude.

blog- after more than a year, we're back to recording practices. think the demo might appear this way.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


An occasional drunk practice ? Beer is the engine that fuels my bands it seems. But then again I do like it loose & on the verge if falling apart

Instant Dan

I've come to the conclusion that I am just going to have to tune half-a-step up (C# to D). Even with using half the gain and dialing back the bass, it just still sounds too muddy with alnico II p'ups.


Quote from: natehusky on January 14, 2013, 07:51:49 AM
An occasional drunk practice ? Beer is the engine that fuels my bands it seems. But then again I do like it loose & on the verge if falling apart

That is quite how we roll.  :D
Something heady, stupid, and prophetic here.


Quote from: natehusky on January 14, 2013, 07:51:49 AM
I do like it loose & on the verge if falling apart

You're in luck...  have I mentioned the new WHB album is almost finished?
Billy Squier 24/7



music room/home studio update: will i ever get this muther finished? ya very close.
still finishing up the fake cloth back wall and trying to do some kind of interior decorating with a fish-out-of-water feeling.
stringing and hiding cables/cords has been a real time eater that I hadn't anticipated.
may need another carpet or rug on the floor but the room is quieting down nicely

btw, those little crap $5 colored power-twist CFL's at home depot are awesome.


They overhauled the forums at again (#1 most popular musician's website, I think). I'm not sure but it looks like maybe another huge mess, just like last time they tried to update their forums.  ::)
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

the diddler

The band I tried out for wants me in, so that's cool.  This is them a couple months ago, after the other guitar dude left (sound's not great, but you get the idea).