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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Quote from: SunnO))) on February 14, 2014, 05:01:26 PM
Is it really that bad? Pay the postage. Ill see what I can do for it, ugh.

Some of the frets are uneven which results in buzz and shittiness during leads, shittiness even beyond that which results from my sloppy playing. I'm going to try out a place here I've never been to before, great reviews online, older guys, etc..

deleted account

Quote from: mortlock on February 14, 2014, 06:33:49 PM
i am faced with the very hard task of trying to reason with a very unreasonable person in my band. we appear to have come to a crossroads regarding what material we should put on our next split 7". i want to release some older very strong material while we are grooming our new drummer. we have alot of releases in the pipeline so i figured this would buy us more time to get the new guy fully up to speed, and give us the opportunity to get some of the back catalog properly released.
he is insisting we use new material, and although there is some very strong new material, i feel like the best is yet to come and since we have other material to draw from, why not continue to develop the new stuff and use it for future releases. thats pretty much it, and im trying my hardest to not let this turn into a pissing contest. how do i convince him that everything will get its just due, but we dont have to rush the new stuff. i am willing to let him have his way, as all the material that is good, id love to see on vinyl. whats going to happen is we will do things his way, then 6 months from now when we are getting ready for the next one, ill insist on releasing the older stuff [that we both agreed should get a proper release], and he will look me in the eye as say, we should use the current new stuff because its better than the older new stuff he talked me into agreeing to now. then ill have to punch him in his fucking head..thats what im trying to avoid. how do i know it will go down like this?? because ive jammed with this dude for over 2 decades now. he is a stubborn dude and always argues from a selfserving point of view as opposed to what is good for the band as a whole. his sole reason for wanting to use the new stuff is "ive heard the older stuff a million times". well thats just fucking great..NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER HEARD IT.   help please..

a) have an impartial party (the well-groomed drummer?) decide which song goes on the 7"
b) keep releasing only the newest shit and put out a "lost tapes" type deal when you have a shitload of old shit

I wish I had your problems.  we only have old shit and older shit


I would choose option (b) or maybe you two need to split the sheets after 20 years.
No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Fire him. Problem solved ;)

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Fuck.  There's a univalve about 2 hours from me for $500.  Shit if it was more local i'd probably jump on it.  that's a good amp to have laying around.
No Focus Pocus


Why wait, punch him in the head now. You'll have the element of surprise too.


Wait to put all the new stuff on an LP. Release the old stuff now on EP. That way, you can stall for time while you develop new material.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: sanovine on February 15, 2014, 05:41:59 PM
Why wait, punch him in the head now. You'll have the element of surprise too.
applauded for best advice.
if I was smart this is exactly what I should do..


I would say get it all spelled out and formalized, either via writing it down, handshake or whatever.  So if you agree to put out the newer stuff on this release then there will not be a discussion about what comes next because you will have already agreed that the old stuff is next, no if's, and's or but's.  Surely two mature adults can come to an amicable agreement, especially if you're flexible about the order of things.


But if not, gotta figure the punching in the head thing will work.
Livin' The Life.




RacerX was on the money with the Twin Reverb recommendation. The Dual Showman is almost as tight at high volumes as a high wattage SS amp and I don't have to worry about clipping. I'll get 4x12s in the future if I can afford them but for now I'm good. Good and loud as fuck.


Took my amp to a celebrity amp tech here, because it blew something. Recapping everything will cost twice as much as I paid for the amp on Ebay (ninja Ebay score: $170).

I could have just recapped the circuit that blew (for the same price as the amp) but he said all the caps should be replaced (double the price of the amp). So I'm like wow, those caps are pretty expensive and he's all like "yeah, between 11 and 14 dollars". That's when I found out his bench fee is 90/hour. Why so much? ??? He charges 50% more than everybody else for labor.

That's the last time I bring my amp to a celebrity amp tech.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Mine was 60/hr.

It's 80 now. Hour minimum. I only did that because i don't want to work on amps anymore... And people still bring me shit sometimes.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: liquidsmoke on February 18, 2014, 04:41:16 PM
RacerX was on the money with the Twin Reverb recommendation. The Dual Showman is almost as tight at high volumes as a high wattage SS amp and I don't have to worry about clipping. I'll get 4x12s in the future if I can afford them but for now I'm good. Good and loud as fuck.

Cool. I thought that sounded like a possible answer to your quest.
Livin' The Life.


I'm finna see an ex band member, I'm not sure if I'm going to shank him first or if he will get me in the back before I see him.  Either way it'll be interesting.
Problem solving whiskey!


Quote from: RacerX on February 18, 2014, 06:40:35 PM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on February 18, 2014, 04:41:16 PM
RacerX was on the money with the Twin Reverb recommendation. The Dual Showman is almost as tight at high volumes as a high wattage SS amp and I don't have to worry about clipping. I'll get 4x12s in the future if I can afford them but for now I'm good. Good and loud as fuck.

Cool. I thought that sounded like a possible answer to your quest.

You thought right. I am curious as to exactly what part of a tube amp's design determines how much headroom it has.


'Saint Stephen' haha
That guitar was supposedly so heavy it bent Jerry's spine.

The Scroll isn't pictured but I'm declaring myself a Repugnant Sorcerer. Creepy Douchebag also works.


Quote from: liquidsmoke on February 18, 2014, 04:41:16 PM
RacerX was on the money with the Twin Reverb recommendation. The Dual Showman is almost as tight at high volumes as a high wattage SS amp and I don't have to worry about clipping. I'll get 4x12s in the future if I can afford them but for now I'm good. Good and loud as fuck.

I suggested a Twin Reverb over a year ago...;topicseen#msg224167
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on February 19, 2014, 03:06:08 AM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on February 18, 2014, 04:41:16 PM
RacerX was on the money with the Twin Reverb recommendation. The Dual Showman is almost as tight at high volumes as a high wattage SS amp and I don't have to worry about clipping. I'll get 4x12s in the future if I can afford them but for now I'm good. Good and loud as fuck.

I suggested a Twin Reverb over a year ago...;topicseen#msg224167

Oh yeah that thread.. haha. Thank you.


Does that mean we've come full circle twice now? Oh my.



I did not even remember that Lumpy had already suggested a Twin almost 2 years ago.
Livin' The Life.


Let me be the first to recommend the new and improved 2016 model Fender Twin Reverb when we circle back in another couple of years.


"full circle"- me seeing a Fender at a local shop for a good price knowing that I can return it if I don't like it.