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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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thanks guys, Ill look into those suggestions, I would rather keep the money  ;D

I got my new fretlight guitar and it is super quiet and sounds great through the same rig, which bugs me to say the least cause Ive been using my decimator gstring noise reduction to cover it up. I paid a pretty penny to get those seymour duncans installed in the Gibson SG standard.


Ah, I thought you were talking about some type of fretboard lighting device. I have no idea what a fretlight guitar is.

jibberish- that all makes sense. If I was going to start over building a rig I'd go with two small 4x12s with loud high wattage handling speakers and a SS power amp that could deliver at least 800 watts. My Dual Showman into two loud 2x12s isn't perfect but it gets the job done for now.

Danny G

The usual operating volume for the B200H was usually about 3. Wasn't running it too hard at all.

I think it's just a piece of shit. Which sucks as it sounded great when it worked.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Only 3? What cab/cabs did you run it into?

Metal and Beer

I'll say it again, what the hell....the original Acoustics are often cheaper to buy than these fuckin' rebadged chunks of shit, and most of them STILL WORK forty years down the line
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


Quote from: Danny G on March 27, 2014, 01:34:41 AM
The usual operating volume for the B200H was usually about 3. Wasn't running it too hard at all.

I think it's just a piece of shit. Which sucks as it sounded great when it worked.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk

I was assuming you were rocking that thing out too hard. maybe you weren't and maybe it is a turd.

although that combo that I bought for my nephew wasn't all that dominating in the big scheme of things.  so idk since I actually horsed with one.

And another thing to consider is that even setting the knob on that arbitrary number 3 may have been running that guy hard.
is that cab 4ohms or less? do you use boost pedals? overdrive the input and you are getting max gain. turn it up to where it is big but not quite puking, then suck as much current out the other end with low impedance speakers for max current draw. I could see you tiring that thing out.

the fact that it is rebadged Chinese shit does not help because you know they cut corners on wire/trace sizes, and general robustness of components, which makes the whole thing even more fragile.
my nephew uses his almost every day, actually mostly for practicing guitar after his little band broke up haha. it is on a lot, but not really used hard.  it may never die if it isn't gigged against drums.

edit: i'm not slagging you guys, but specs are fluffed up to look good and you can get tricked by sticking too tight to their numbers when you go to put these things to serious work. plus no one has a fear of learning the limitations of something , then moving on, so it is all valuable gear knowledge playing with any gear.

I melted the outputs right out of my nice Sherwood receiver. I have melted and destroyed a few amps and speakers over the years. those big fails actually help the big picture.

to me, a speaker can play only so loud. drive it up to the edge of losing tightness and no further, regardless of the amp. the trick is to listen for the amp to start getting raggedy before the speaker is driven fully. here again, easier with stereo meant to be super clean. put some fans on power amps to make them live longer under hard duty. it is heat that kills.

you know how you buy a 3000watt generator if you are going to be running a hard 20amp circuit?
no one would buy a 2000w peak generator to like run an electric chainsaw. you up your chance to kill it before too long and possibly damage the chainsaw motor. or get sick of resetting the breaker.
it's all the same game: putting out schmoltz


you know, I would ask mr foxen how large drivers like your 2x15, or large arrays of many voice coils, affect SS amps.

motion in, electric out=generator
electric in, motion out = motor

a speaker is both, at the same time. maybe huge mass drivers put too much back emf into wimpy amps when driven near max

idk, that's why i'm wondering.

Metal and Beer

I wouldn't begin to recommend this behavior at all, but I recklessly tried every combination of settings, pedals, active pickups, mismatched ohms, you name it, all over a period of a couple years with my old school Acoustic 370 and get this, it laughed and mocked me ! Then it whispered "You're lucky I'm not an Ampeg SVT-4" and we both chuckled heartily.

"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"

Danny G

Have run the B200H into my 600w Isovent cab 2x10s/2x15s) and my Dietz 2x15 (400w, EVs)

When it was working early on the direct out on it went kaput (sucked anyway)

When I got it fixed ran it thru an 8x10 and had to keep turning down. Was loud as shit, hence running it at 3

Then used it for a gig w/my 2x15 and that's when it kept spitting the speaker cable out the back of the cab.

I'm thinking going thru an hour of load/no load/load/no load fucked up the voltage regulator again.

Now whatever I plug it into I hit a note, get a fraction of a second of sound, the clicking from inside the amp and signal cutting out.


Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Instant Dan

I think of the dumb shit I did with my old Mesa 50 caliber plus head (wrong impedance, plugged in without a connection to a speaker cab) and I am lucky I never received any trouble from her.


Ive been running a Peavey Heritage VTX at a mismatch for three years, cranked. I have also dropped tubes out of the sockets playing bass out of it at 2 ohms.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Never done the research, but I have long suspected that tube amps, in general, are more forgiving of impedance mismatches than SS.
A wooly man without a face, or a beast without a name.


^^I think this point may have been discussed a time or two on the interwebs ;)  Also congrats on getting back behind the kit. 8)
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: RAGER on March 27, 2014, 03:06:23 PM
^^I think this point may have been discussed a time or two on the interwebs ;)  Also congrats on getting back behind the kit. 8)
Well, I'm a drummer, so as I say, never done the research. If it's "Stick, meet dead horse>" Time, I apologize.

And thanks! ;D
A wooly man without a face, or a beast without a name.


I don't think either of my ss amps even mention impedance on the back, whereas my tube amps most certainly do.
CV - Slender Fungus


Years ago I ran a 6x10 and a 2x12 with my Sunn Concert Lead and it would work for a while.  But the relatively low impedance and dimed volume would overwork my Concert and it would cut out until it cooled off.  Dimed volume with either cab would run indefinitely.
Problem solving whiskey!


Quote from: Metal and Beer on March 27, 2014, 02:46:29 AM
I'll say it again, what the hell....the original Acoustics are often cheaper to buy than these fuckin' rebadged chunks of shit, and most of them STILL WORK forty years down the line

Can't say enough good about my 450.


no question, even just the weight of that old stuff. everything down to the chassis was better, and more hand built attention.

SS is a semiconductor junction, actually 2, that "valves" current.   if you run the power supply full bore through the collector-emitter of a transistor, you will melt it. it is just crystals with fucked up lattices to make fancy electron control possible by influencing the middle slab of crystal via the gate.

this lattice is sort of a random affair in its construction, but overall functions like a junction, heh.
I guarantee the fuzz pedal builders will agree with this. tough to find 2 germanium transistors out of a bag of 100 that have the same identical hFe. like snowflakes, no 2 are alike, but they are all still w/e spec transistors fitting in a range of acceptable values. that's why Ge went away. Si is much easier to control in process. also Ge is poisonous so that added production issues to the game.

so, you can run that thing through a Godzilla reactive load, like lets say 10 drivers all in a series/parallel array, which also happens to present a sub 2ohm load at electrical resonance and get away with it for a time.  A few more chunks of the lattice get smoked, but it basically keeps going. now extend super hard duty to all the semiconductor components all thru the amp and slowly degrade all of them.  at some point you cross the line. replacing the most failed thing just sets up the next most failed thing to go after w/e 15min left of life it has.
semiconductor damage does not repair itself, except in very special combinations of self annealing crystals, like what you would use in space because cosmic rays etc will constantly keep scrambling your semiconductors. so it just keeps adding up.

i'm not sure what a voltage regulator is in this context, but  maybe it has a dc-dc converter on-a-chip which is a tiny semiconductor IC based affair that is more easily melted than discrete components. I could see that. makes power supply design a lot quicker. pick you starting dc value, your final value and buy that module. who cares what's in it. it converts my voltage. I seriously love them, but you can really cheap out here too.


assume unmarked SS amps are made for 8 ohm loads. the more resistance the safer it is. you absolutely cannot hurt a SS amp by having no speaker connected. it's just an open circuit, so the gate can do w/e it wants and the collector is ready to rock, but there is no drain and hence no current flow.
maybe if someone did some stuff with transformer matching to speakers you could have transformer related problems, idk, but direct SS no.

so as you unload the SS amp with higher and higher impedance, you just strangle the output, until the resistance is too high to push any electrons through(no speaker, ie open).

I guess I am justifying my argument that you really could have just flat wore that thing out a-z. obviously, this is all speculation based on what I saw before and I can be missing the boat entirely here, who knows.  but, ss is my entire life. tubes is the new kid.

fwiw, that bh200 and combo is a 4ohm setup. they dont even spec it at 8ohms because it would probably only be like 100watts. i would suggest you get that B600h that is specced for 2 ohms. that right there tells you it is built for hi current.

i'll send you a money order for $100 to help start the fund to buy one if you want. I also wouldn't mess with that 200 anymore either. not pro enough for you.

fwiw, in my current(no pun intended, but I would have if I would have thought of it) music room project, I still need a couple more big power amps. I have already been keeping an eye out for one that has specs for a 2ohm load. this big crown I got is not specced for 2ohm stereo. I will not use it on my little custom 2 ohm beasts or with paired parallel 4 ohm subs, of which I have 4, so another 2 ohm stereo situation.

I use my 100w pioneer receiver on the 2ohm 6x2's all the time. that receiver gets so fucking hot that I cant put anything on it cuz it needs to breathe, badly. haha, then the thermal starts kicking out. I already lost speaker A outputs, it only functions through speaker B, so stuff is starting to go on this turd too. but I admit to total ugly abuse .


I have a question for you more knowledgeable folk. On the local craigslist there is a Garnet power/slave unit and has what is advertised as a Garnet 4x10 cab. It has no identifying marks on it and to be honest I didn't think they even made 4x10 cabs... Anyone got any info about these shits they can swing my way?
"My son Jack just got out of rehab, he's 17 years old and he got hooked on Oxycontin and I'm just a little pissed off that he never gave me a few."

Ozzy Osbourne - 2003


Sorry can't help ya there Brain.  Pissy prolly can though.

Random thought; I like amps with very few knobs but I like my synths with as many knobs as possible.
No Focus Pocus


got the pvc pipe and fittings cut and spray painted black for running speaker wire across exposed areas of the ceiling. I found some nice flex hoses from some oxygen rig my mom had towards the end there. she had to change these hoses out like every 2 weeks. idk why so often, it was just an oxygen feed line, but I have a couple of them. they will rule as flexible down-drops for cableing. then I make a secondary cable guide for signal wires and stuff from the control desk to the amp stack.

and finally do some ac rewiring and run AC drops to both the control desk and amp stack. I want to scavenge off of 3 different 20 amp circuits for powering up the whole room.  I am thinking of splitting a spare 220line into a pair of 110's. it isn't being used for the stove any longer. that would do it. the original circuit plus those 2.

Danny G

Good Ocean of Stars rehearsal last night.

We'll be debuting a new song "Sinners & Science" from my latest solo album at our gig next Friday.

Then last two weeks of April we'll be cutting a demo, probably on my digi 8 track which I did all my albums on. Need to get that done ASAP as I'll be on the road most of May

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: RAGER on March 28, 2014, 04:00:36 PM
Sorry can't help ya there Brain.  Pissy prolly can though.

Random thought; I like amps with very few knobs but I like my synths with as many knobs as possible.

They made some different cab configurations. Some of their bass cabs had horns in them. Some had 3 speakers.

I think I found the ad, and it doesn't look to me like the cab is a Garnet though. The head being Solid State I'd say isn't anything special, though I'd be interested in hearing it. They're solid state stuff isn't very sought after.
Vinyls.   deal.


Damn... I'm seriously considering trading my Skervesen for something else... But on the other hand it's a great guitar with great tone and outstanding build quality. Unfortunately, it lacks sustain...

Maybe I'll find someone who will trade it for a LP standard, or (preferrably) two SGs / LP studios :D


I got a reply back on my cl ad. Did some fb sleuthing and he's a fuckn god fearin christer. Was maybe gonna meet up today for a beer but fuck that noise.

I'm prolly just destined to do this shit ma self. One man wolf pack.
No Focus Pocus