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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Yeah, I would just get a Mustang bridge for it. They're a dime a dozen so to speak second hand, even here in Belgium. So I imagine there's definitely a shoegaze kid selling his on craigslist in NY ;)
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



Sweet Jag. I've been stalking offset guitars for a long time now. Good on you for pulling le trigger.

I just took delivery of one of those Donner pedals. Needed a teeny little delay, and didn't want to fork over for the Flashback Mini. For $40, it's hard to complain.

The Shocker

Just remember Lump, Skynyrd's practice space wasn't air conditioned.  In Florida. And when the other guys fucked up, Ronnie would start punching faces.


They probably weren't paying almost 800/month for their room.  :o
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

Ocean of Stars sounded and felt strong last night.

Looking forward to tomorrow night's show at the Dirty Dog here in the ATX!

I will also be moonlighting later that night on bass with Thunderosa. Double-duty!
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



There's a new Guitar Center in Times Square

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Instant Dan

Good Lord, just when you think they are done..

I finally figured out the secret to bonding with my JCM800, 65 watt celestion speakers. I got to try a 2204 on top of an old Marshall cab with 65 watt celestions and I could actually turn the treble and presence up on my amp more.

Looks like I need to pick up that cab after moving, other health expenses.


Played a gig in TNT guitarist Ronnie Le Tekro's barn on saturday. Good times, he's a really cool (and funny!) guy. Tim Scott McConnell also played a killer show later that night.


I have a Legend cab with a quad of original 1977 G12H65s and it's probably the best thing I've ever bought, gear-wise.


Working two jobs to pay off bills.
Night job is a teaching gig.
Three students need to suffer NASCAR/sprint car style under wheel deaths.
Got a second interview for a swank new job.
Got a swank offer on my house in Big D.

Pray for me.

If it all comes through in a timely fashion I will be able to afford clothes, vegetables, and a dependable car.
Problem solving whiskey!


Getting around to tracking bass, kind of don't know what I'm doing. Too much farting and distortion from the cab for using a mic, working on getting a good DI sound from the Sansamp but getting too much hum on everything but running it clean. Grrrr. Going to try different rooms.


Maybe try different angles/distances/mics? Imo the too much farting/distortion is exactly what you want to capture if that's your sound so just throw the mics on there and let the hideousness be ;)

Danny G

Try a lower power rig?

One of the best recording rigs I've ever accidentally stumbled across is using my Epiphone Valve Standard 15w chassis powering a lower end Ampeg 4x10
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


well, bass guitar can be very dynamic based on the player's picking, but tends to have dynamics anyways.  once the track is laid down, compress and recompress.  maybe throw a compressor onto the pedalboard as well.


I probably need a thicker B string but I'll raise the action a bit first and see if that helps. Regarding the hum I'm getting, read that it's best to have all gear that is connected running from one outlet so I'll also try that. My backup plan is to use batteries in the Tascam and Sansamp unit.


ya try to nip the offending stuff in the bud at the pass

I run my stuff through some high end furmans and cables when recording, but I dont think the tone is massively better, maybe just like 5%.  also I use decimator gstring and seymour duncan pickups or my emg81/85s on guitar.  some bassists just play certain notes louder when they hit a string or a finger.  using a pick helps some if it is pretty bad and you can play with a pick.


I am using a pick for this tracking, it's just easier. My noise gate helps with the hum but you can still hear it while the notes are ringing because the gate lets all the sound through when it lets any sound through. If I put a finger on the metal volume knob on the bass the hum goes away. Going to keep experimenting. A last ditch resort will be to just record raw bass into the Tascam and try to reamp or spruce it up later in Protools.


The latest Tape Op has a nice interview with Tom Werman (Cheap Trick, Motley Crue etc). I like reading interviews with some of the mainstream big-budget producers. Even if I don't always like the music, they have good war stories (and sometimes tech info). Shep Gordon and Jack Richardson also come to mind, in this regard (good interviews).

You guys read Tape Op, right?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Instant Dan

I wish they offered this in Natural or red


I did this through my old 5 watt Frenzel into my Leslie 120 (1x12). One of the finest bass tones I ever conjured IMO.

Danny G

Had some amp issues last night.

Played Threadgills World HQ (outside stage) on fill-in bass with Eric Tessmer Band.

Been using my JCM800 as a bass amp as SVT still in the shop. Not as powerful but sounds great. Sounded great during 6pm soundcheck.

It cut out during the first song.

Spent the first half of the song trying to find the problem. Hooked up the SWR backup and joined back in right before the guitar solo \m/,

An hour plus in and the SWR shut down. It did power back up after a few seconds, and it was hot to the touch. As in leave your hand there and it will burn you.

Even 30+ minutes after we were done the SWR was still as hot as a cast iron skillet.

It has a fan (which can be turned off via switch -- it was on) but not sure it's working.

Guess I should look into that.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


^ yikes! Is it possible that something was going on with the cab/cabs?

Did some test drum tracking today with an SM57 a couple inches from the kick and a cheap condenser for everything else and it sounded incredibly good, probably better than we could do micing each drum individually and spending hours and hours tweaking everything in Protools. Clear and natural rather than metal brutal but I think it's going to work just fine. Sounds great in the mix raw even.

Thinking about tracking bass straight into the Tascam raw and then using some PT virtual amps but I need to research that some more. Would solve the hum/buzz issues.

agent of change

Quote from: mutantcolors on August 16, 2014, 11:49:38 AM
I did this through my old 5 watt Frenzel into my Leslie 120 (1x12). One of the finest bass tones I ever conjured IMO.

Sweet little track, dude. Great band name too.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.

Danny G

Hopefully was just an overheating issue. It was an outdoor gig in the Texas heat. And I was driving both amps hard, loud band.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins