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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Fuckers. All your broken shit makes me glad I'm so mistrusting of techs and mechanics. DIY or be broke, I guess.

What kind of Van, Dan? I might be able to tell you what to jiggle.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Danny G

That's what she said ;)

99 Ford E-150 conversion van.

I know what to jiggle, I just couldn't get to it >:(
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: Danny G on November 15, 2014, 09:45:45 PM
That's what she said ;)

99 Ford E-150 conversion van.

I know what to jiggle, I just couldn't get to it >:(

Hey Danny, some times a bad tank of gas or two will make your rig run really rough.  Get some "Techron" and put that in your tank just before you fill up.  It worked great on my van.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Yup, can of sea foam... 99s had individual coil-over plugs, I thought. Maybe those came in 01. Those go bad on the regular.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



99's did too. Is it a Triton v10 or v8?  Them coils go and sometimes the plugs both.
No Focus Pocus


Those things require some good bendy bits and some decent contortions, but ain't too bad to wrench on. The e-150 should be the v8.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Danny G

Triton 4.6L V8

Had all the wires replaced few months ago.

This was the first time the tank has been full in many many months, and was pulling a trailer.

Put more gas in on the way back from Houston. Still misfiring next morning with diff gas and not pulling a trailer.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


My Sansamp bass driver DI went for $122 on ebay, I was quite surprised. Probably would have sold it to a friend for half that.


Quote from: Danny G on November 16, 2014, 01:00:52 PM
Triton 4.6L V8

Had all the wires replaced few months ago.

This was the first time the tank has been full in many many months, and was pulling a trailer.

Put more gas in on the way back from Houston. Still misfiring next morning with diff gas and not pulling a trailer.

Pull the plugs and see if you have just one or two fouled plugs, if so replace them, but make a not of them because it might be a bad wire two, that way you can swap wires and see if the problem goes away.  if they are all fouled I would check your coil and run some Techron.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.

Danny G

As stated before (or maybe not haha) I know fuck all about engines. I don't even know what a coil is and I could barely access the wires, and wouldn't know how to remove the spark plugs w/o removing a bunch of shit I don't know what is just to get to them.

Hence it sitting in the shop awaiting to see if (a) it nothing but a loose wire (b) they had to fix something but are willing to work with me/cut me a deal or (c) it's serious, meaning essentially game over for my finances.

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Of course it's option fucking (c)

Something about coils, three of them fucked. $400 in repairs which I don't have. FML

In other news, I have three instrumental solo albums I wrote, recorded and mixed myself in 28 days or less and playing all the instruments, for sale at my bandcamp site if any of you are feeling generous:
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


ouch.   you need to play a benefit concert for your van. name it and make up a bullshit but hilarious sr com-worthy sob story and do it.
write a new song:  "I sold my kids to pay for that van, but I still cant declare it a dependent" and off to the races....8D

hey, I know. tell those dillwads down in Houston that they are coming up to do a benefit show in your hood. oh yes they are...


I was adding a demo track to my soundcloud and I noticed that that song I made for black, the trans Siberian orch ripoff thing, is getting a lot of plays and even 7 downloads.
that was pretty amateur. it was about the message not the studio craft, but evidently it is flying.  weird. or maybe good message who knows...


I thought it was pretty pro, but I guess I don't know much about the world of gizmos all y'all synth/gizmo cats are into.

It was also a really moving and generous thing you did.

At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


can't fool me. you are the mystical shaman. you know all

seriously: i'm glad the song worked out. glad you are still here.  it was a thing of the heart so perfection sat way back in the rumble seat.
You know the old saw: "as my skills get better, I can see stuff that could be way better in older songs and projects."
and then question why would random people like that. I guess it is just snakes in my own head.

that isn't going to stop me. I have a drug education song for sunno on the way. yeah. I ripped elvis off this time uh-huh huh. just working out some sticky spots and the ending which involves a vocal stunt which is still low % of nailing every time. little clue: falling in love with you "Doing a Line or Two"
I did a line or two so sunno doesn't have to.

I want to really try out the large condenser mic and the focusrite mic pre that is supposed to be so nice. so I have to have a test song with some clear uncluttered vocals.  it would kind of be nice to have an acoustic for that too....hahaha..heh...waaaaaa!

Dylan Thomas

I think we're actually going to play a gig.  Palace does not gig much, I'm not much of a fan of playing live and would prefer to work on writing/recording, though this is a private party on New Year's Eve, and that's always a good time.

Finish up mixing the album on December 10th/11th, then we need to master.  I need to get in touch with this local radio station I guest DJ for, because I told them I'd do another guest spot if I could promote the album.

After that, I gotta start planning the CD release show.  I'm figuring March/April, so that there is plenty of time to put a good bill together and to promote it all proper.
The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.


Got together with my old drummer again this last Sunday.  Went really good yet again.  Strapped on a guitar partway this time.  Man am I rusty.  My pinky finger is sore.  No more callous.  I have more drum related callouses these days.  We'll be writing some tunes I guess.  It'll be a 2 pc and I'll incorporate synths and some weird noise shit and heavy on the drums cuz he's a badass drummer.  Limited or no vocals.  We'll see what it calls for.  Gonna order a Keith Mcmillen 12 step foot controller so I can play guitar and synths at the same time but some will be just synth and drums.  I'm sure it will be a mish mash sonically and stylistically.  I'm kinda stoked. 

So yeah I guess I'm in a band again.  Although I would like to play out infrequently.
No Focus Pocus


going off something dylan just said..why is it that some musicians DO NOT like playing live?? i got a dude in my current band that is like that too.

i never understood that. to this day i still get nervous and uncomfortable as a show approaches and ive been doing the live thing steadily since 1992..i love it. you have to break from your comfort zone once in awhile. its what makes me want to continue as a musician. ive always felt that if you dont have that release of a live show, your band can get stale and directionless pretty quick.

im curious why people dont like playing live. again, to me its the ultimate rush and its really what seperates the real musicians from the pretenders imo.

absolutely no disrespect intended for those who dont like playing live, just curious as to does music and being a musician satisfy you, if you never step on stage?? as dylan said, writing and recording..but dont you feel its all for nothing if you cant bring it to a live audience?? 


This is, of course, a sweeping generalization, but many people who prefer the studio tend to be overfocused on the imperfections inherent in live music.
Livin' The Life.


I love playing live, that's what I live for.  The studio can be a real bummer, to much hurry up and wait and anal attention to detail.

I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


i dig playing out, but don't feel a need to do it that frequently. partly because shows so often go so late for this old man who gets up before 5am, partly because i enjoy the rocking out in practice (or rehearsal, for those of you who insist on that word) about as much. that's really why i do it, so i can rock out and feel it myself. audiences can be good, but they're kinda secondary to me. and i aim for a certain amount of imperfection in recording.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


I still enjoy playing out but I no longer feel the need to do it frequently or try and get on every good bill that comes along.  My affinity for standing around a club for 6 hours bullshitting has dwindled to near nonexistent.  There's no money in it and I don't need the money anyways and waiting around until 2 am to get a hundo is not appealing in the least.  Loading out while or before the next band plays is def a faux pas and rude to boot so ya gotta stay no matter how bad the next band is.  I also have a heart problem and have to take meds in the evening.  These make me tired.  More tired than I already am from the meds I take in the morning.  To the point that I'm yawning all night.  There have been shows where I'm just wanting to get it over with so I can go home and sleep.  I've been exhausted for 7 years.  Long gone are the days of getting home and in bed around 3:30 or 4 and still being able to get up and go to work.  I wouldn't mind playing out once every 2 or 3 months.  It def ain't what I live for anymore.  I've played a lot of shows since 1985 so I'm good to go......
No Focus Pocus


I've been thinking hard on how to be more creative playing out. I haven't been in a traditional gigging band, but I roadied for red giant several times and I went through those entirely too long of nights with those guys a few times. I never did that myself, and I don't really want to either.

even open mic nites are still mostly sitting around waiting your turn. that gets boring. especially if some dumbfuck plays leavin on a jet plane. that is the theme song in hell. I just know it is.

I will come up with some cool fun opportunities somewhere.

Corey Y

If you had asked me 5 years ago which I liked better, I'd say I prefer recording by a mile. I'm a bit biased, since recording is just as big a thing for me as playing music. Now though, after having gone through a LONG dry spell, I'm dying to play out live and all the people I've done recording projects with seem to be dead set against ever playing live. That or I've joined bands that said they wanted to play live and just couldn't get their shit together, for years. I've been trying to find a heavy band to join, just to play out and have fun, but I've had no luck.


I love to play out. JJust booked a paying gig at a brewery yesterday for my new drone band. I guess it's a band now. We've been talking about a name.

Worked on finding the best recordings from my lastband last night. Guitarist and I got stoned, drank whiske,  and cracked some fresh crabs while going over a bunch of stuff. Pretty fun. I'm going  to do a run of 50 tapes to swing at a music swap meet that I booked a table at in December. Was planning on a splitwwith the old band and the new
CV - Slender Fungus


Quote from: eyeprod on November 19, 2014, 12:35:36 PMWe've been talking about a name.

Gonna have to do this too I guess.  Even though we were somewhat recently in a band together, I don't want to use that name anymore.  We've already been in several bands together so what's another one?  He won't want anything to do with the naming process which is good and bad.  Good because I won't have to contend with anybody else's stupid ideas and bad if all my ideas are stupid there won't be anybody to offer any good ones. :P
No Focus Pocus