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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Its been a few years since I performed on stage.  I've spent a long time on the other side of the console making other bands louder. I debuted my new project at a local bar and pretty much nailed it.  In fact, I've never walked away happier from a gig.  Lots of practice and preparation went into this plus working with true professional artists and seeing how they command a stage definitely helped.  We spend a lot of time learning how to master our instruments but there is not a lot of time spent learning how to perform.  I can't wait to get back on stage again.  I did not realize how much I missed it.


Good on ya!

Welcome back to the stage, sub!
Livin' The Life.


Our new album was released today

If anyone wants a physical copy pm me.

It's $5 to download the album and .99 cents per song

It's balls to the wall huge riffed fuzzed out super action rock!!!

Here are some links


Quote from: bbottom on October 23, 2015, 04:55:28 PM
Our new album was released today
It's balls to the wall huge riffed fuzzed out super action rock!!!

Finally got a chance to listen to it. Its definitely fuzzed out super action rock!  I love it, I'm buying it.


Quote from: Submarine on October 25, 2015, 06:55:33 AM
Quote from: bbottom on October 23, 2015, 04:55:28 PM
Our new album was released today
It's balls to the wall huge riffed fuzzed out super action rock!!!

Finally got a chance to listen to it. Its definitely fuzzed out super action rock!  I love it, I'm buying it.

awesome. Thanks man


Good stuff, bb! Do I taste a bit of Fu Manchu influence in that stew?

This AM before work I came up with a super-badass chorus riff to the one of the most badass verse riffs I've ever written.


*rubs hands together*
Livin' The Life.


Quote from: RacerX on October 26, 2015, 12:39:00 PM
Good stuff, bb! Do I taste a bit of Fu Manchu influence in that stew?

This AM before work I came up with a super-badass chorus riff to the one of the most badass verse riffs I've ever written.


*rubs hands together*

thanks!  Yea Fu is a ok with us.


I have a guitar in E standard again and am running my fuzz into the Carvin on the 25 watt setting and wow, it doesn't take much volume to get things into super ridiculous breakup realms. So sweet. This will be perfect for recording some psych, just need a good Univibe clone and I'll be set.


Quote from: liquidsmoke on November 06, 2015, 03:20:28 PM
just need a good Univibe clone and I'll be set.

Here's what I'm using—it only cost me $40 new:

Livin' The Life.


I hate the form of the Danelectro pedals.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I had a Cool Cat a few years back and vaguely remember liking the tones but the volume was either too loud or too quiet so I sold it.

The original?-

It looks like I'm seeing a chorus/vibrato switch but I don't even know which setting produces the sound it's most well known for. The foot control jack is also intriguing. There is so much I don't know about this pedal. Time to Google and Youtube.




Quote from: RacerX on November 08, 2015, 04:19:45 PM
Tower uses the Fulltone Mini-Dejavibe now.

Looks cool.  I'll have to check that one out. 

Danny G

I've been wanting to experiment with a Uni-vibe.

I can get some cool swish with my R-28 modded Phase 90 on a higher rate.

But it's just not that more transparent under water Hendrix sound.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Ocean of Stars begins studio work on a single on Tuesday.

This'll be the first time I've been in an actual studio with my own music since Ironclad in 2007.


Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Bro. Righteous

Right on - man, I really dug your Ironclad stuff.
Where's that link where your playing live on the radio station?
Good luck on the recording, we'll be heading into the studio next month too - such a stoked feeling I concur.

I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...


First show tonight on bass with the black metalish band. At one point I was playing the wrong riff and had a bad fumble in another song but overall it went okay. The guitar and cymbal treble made it pretty surreal but I'll get used to it(if my right ear ever stops ringing).


Quote from: liquidsmoke on November 10, 2015, 03:34:35 AM
First show tonight on bass with the black metalish band. At one point I was playing the wrong riff and had a bad fumble in another song but overall it went okay. The guitar and cymbal treble made it pretty surreal but I'll get used to it(if my right ear ever stops ringing).

they sound nice and sludgy!  hope you had fun, remember earplugs or gunshot muffs next time lol!


Quote from: everdrone on November 10, 2015, 01:52:25 PM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on November 10, 2015, 03:34:35 AM
First show tonight on bass with the black metalish band. At one point I was playing the wrong riff and had a bad fumble in another song but overall it went okay. The guitar and cymbal treble made it pretty surreal but I'll get used to it(if my right ear ever stops ringing).

they sound nice and sludgy!  hope you had fun, remember earplugs or gunshot muffs next time lol!

My mistake was thinking that not wearing earplugs would help me hear. Wrong. The high end was insane and disorienting. My Hearos will be in next time.

Danny G

Yeah. I always at least use bar napkins or tissues as earplugs. Not optimal, but readily available.

If I'm far enough away from the drummer I can get by without, which is good on occasion to remember what things actually sound like.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


waves crashing piano chords should change his name to VonKunt.  ......way meaner sounding bandname.

Danny G

Drums done for the single Ocean of Stars is recording.

It's an interesting experience to be teaching others how to play music I wrote every note for. The music is very scripted but I'm allowing the songs to drift away from my original solo recordings.

The drummer's kick/snare pattern is way more active than my original template. I could have wasted studio time and corrected him, but he's a way better drummer than I'll ever be.

So instead I'll be working with the bassist on re-writing the existing bassline to match up better to the new recorded version. I'll be putting the rough mix we have (drums and reference guitar) into my 8-track and work with her on piecing together a new bassline then burn a copy so she can listen and practice at home, then subsequently nail it when she goes in to track.

The sax shouldn't be a problem, difference in kick/snare will have no bearing on his melody lines.

The only studio magic we will be employing is lifting the bridge section from a later pass onto the final drum track. There was a fill he did the second time that he didn't do the first that locks in with a very intricate little part.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Roadtrip with Kal-El!

Nov.13 - Klub Linse, Berlin, Germany
Nov.15 - Bar 227, Hamburg, Germany
Nov.17 - Klub u Bazyla, Poznan, Poland
Nov.18 - TBA (Rostock, Germany)
Nov.20 - Ny V58, Århus, Denmark

Check us out if you're in the neighborhood :)


Quote from: Danny G on November 11, 2015, 01:33:41 AM
Drums done for the single Ocean of Stars is recording.

It's an interesting experience to be teaching others how to play music I wrote every note for. The music is very scripted but I'm allowing the songs to drift away from my original solo recordings.

The drummer's kick/snare pattern is way more active than my original template. I could have wasted studio time and corrected him, but he's a way better drummer than I'll ever be.

So instead I'll be working with the bassist on re-writing the existing bassline to match up better to the new recorded version. I'll be putting the rough mix we have (drums and reference guitar) into my 8-track and work with her on piecing together a new bassline then burn a copy so she can listen and practice at home, then subsequently nail it when she goes in to track.

The sax shouldn't be a problem, difference in kick/snare will have no bearing on his melody lines.

The only studio magic we will be employing is lifting the bridge section from a later pass onto the final drum track. There was a fill he did the second time that he didn't do the first that locks in with a very intricate little part.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk

I like reading your process.   Can't wait to hear the music.   
Killing threads is my business and business is good.