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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Dangling Fury

Dismissed our bass player the other day and need a cheap bass amp quick for gig in a few weeks. I found a peavey alpha bass for 150$ at GC in Albany. I'm not even sure where the fuck that is but I called the store and they said its in good shape. Anyone played one of these?


 Our latest single and video was released today. Check it out yo

Stream our shiz here


Me with my heavy psych band at a gig :D

Danny G

Finally rocking a full stack again!

Haven't really needed to until now. Don't think I've rocked this entire rig since Ironclad...!

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Instant Dan

How did Model T's get to such ridiculous prices? I want one but I can't justify spending $2000 on one.

Danny G

I actually got upset and stormed out of a rehearsal earlier this week due to band members "wasting my fucking time."

Bring your A game or stay the fuck home.

If the guy who's been playing this music for 4 months knows it better than the people who wrote it and have been playing for 20 years, that is a problem.

This is also one of my issues with needless complexity: why write music so hard you can barely fucking play it? 

All this really does is create a huge possible margin for error live. And makes you have to rehearse and rehearse and rehearse. Them, at least.

"I'm ready for the gig. YOU GUYS need to get your shit together."

This has been Danny G. Please don't waste my fucking time.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Instant Dan

I've come to the conclusion that for SG's and humbuckers, i've really only heard four that I liked with them.

Gibson 57 classics.

Gibson T-top's.

Dimarzio 36th Anniversaries.

Dimarzio Super Distortion.

I currently have a pair of T-top clones in my SG which are great for pedals as I can pile on the gain without it ever becoming too harsh. I'm about to throw in a pair of cream Super D's and it sort of a Wino look.


Our newest single "Boss Fight" was released today on all of the streaming services

The video for the song is also complete and turned out pretty fucking funny. Here's a quick clip

We're playing a film fest next week and we're going to premier the whole thing there.


anyone wanna play the house of guitars outside stage on 9/8?


Quote from: mortlock on June 08, 2018, 12:26:46 AM
anyone wanna play the house of guitars outside stage on 9/8?

Hmmmm. Not me, but I could tell some people near me about it.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.



My band opened for EYEHATEGOD on Thursday. Killer show... Mike IX is a funny guy, and EHG of course puts on a good show.

Wasn't really that packed though... I think a combination of Black Label Society coming through a few days earlier and being a Thursday. So, not likely that we'll ever be asked back to THAT venue again... ah well.

Here's a video somebody captured of our first song:


We've talked about doing a few short tours. Right now though our surf band (it's the same guys) have a bunch of shows and we're writing and recording stuff for the next Mass Driver album as well as shooting some videos.
So it'll be some time next year before we can get out on the road



Heading into the studio later this week to track drums. Been practicing ~1.5-2 hours a day for the last month and a half, which mainly has made me acutely aware of how bad I am at my songs. Still, I think I've narrowed down the parts I'm bad at enough to get through tracking efficiently.


This is a great thread. It's like a chaotic neutral how-to manual combined with postmodern theater. I have learned a lot.


Quote from: RacerX on December 24, 2013, 06:57:22 PM
Re: 432hz tuning (warning: mini shitstorm):

So, I was reading through this thread and came across this little discussion of 432hz tuning. It's funny because I recently started playing music with a couple dudes, one of whom (the drummer) is one of these 432 == TRUTH zealots. Like, 20 minutes of campaigning for our *need* to use that and escape the tyranny of 440 after every practice. "You will feel the vibrations, I swear". I think he wants to lead us in an OM chant.

This all really annoyed me at first but, who fucking cares, it's silly drug cult amp massage music, might as well do it at a frequency that hoists my guy's mast whether by placebo or not.

Maybe that will be our whole thing, that on stage we spend half the set lecturing the audience about 432 and leading them in an om chant. We could call ourselves "OM" ..... shit.


I think im getting to the point where I don't want to play in a band anymore. I never thought id ever say it. im sick of flaky band mates fucking up everything. you put so much work and time into it and one dude can fuck it up in an instant. ive been in active bands since 1988 and I cant really see myself NOT in a band. im at the point where my desire to try an maintain an active band, book shows, load gear in and out, juggle real life work schedules with band life is starting to annoy the fuck out of me. I used to love it and still do but it has to be with the right people and one guy is fucking that up for me right now. cut him loose and start over. probably going to happen. maybe a fresh start with more dedicated people will snap me out of my depression over this.


Might be worth taking a break for a bit, or look for a role where you don't have to lead shit. I'm only 6 years into my "band career" but it definitely sucks herding all the cats required to put shit together. Fortunately my band only plays like 5-6 shows a year right now, and all in our hometown (Chicago) so the herding requirements are minimal.


That new-ish Electro Harmonix Op Amp Big Muff is dope. I found a used one for $60. Loads of upper harmonics if you want them.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


we have worked out the bs I was talking about. now I just need to see the dude back up his words with action. I also need my bass back from the shop. getting a small crack in the neck repaired.