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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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has been repaired twice. keeps coming apart. im sure its because I abuse the fuck out of it when I play. the neck is warped anyhow. in the winter when theres no humidity its like a bow. in the summer with the humidity it straightens out a little. 


I would look on and for a used replacement neck, you gotta be careful because if the models aren't the same then theoretically the replacement might not fit perfectly in the neck pocket. I probably wouldn't buy a new neck from Fender or Warmoth, I would just buy another used bass for the same price. I try not to buy new stuff, it depreciates in price so much. You could ask at House of Guitars if they have a neck lying around that would fit it? Or whoever is doing a lot of repair work. Are you like throwing your bass around? Did you break it at a gig?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on April 28, 2019, 04:52:15 PM
Are you like throwing your bass around? Did you break it at a gig?
yes and yes. it got crazy at the wcpc last gig on Friday and it got caught in a mosh so to speak.


We are playing the Whiskey on May 11th. Need to come up with band name between now and then.


I got you. What kind of music, like trad. Heavy Metal? I listened to your clip, I just forget stuff.

If there's any stylistic keywords let me know.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


It's like, pentatonic rock n roll. We cover I Just Wanna Make Love to You by Foghat and have another song that is a rip off of Highway Star. Stoner rock but fast and with cheesy vocals.

They have not been into any of my suggestions. Thunderfuck, MEGABOSS!, Astropussy...


Tutu Jellybean. Eye Sosceles. Eyesaw. Obtuse Angel. Al Gore Rhythm. I am so fucking bad at this.

Jor el


   Bold and in All Caps

What Would Scooby Do ?


FRÖNTBÜTT (with or without umlauts)

GREASEFREAK (name of a food blog, I don't think it matters)

KANKLE (knee + ankle = fat ankle)

POINTED LITTLE HEAD (Jefferson Airplane reference)



BLONDE HASH (or Honey Blonde Hash)

I tried to check and it looks like all these names are technically available. There was a FRONTBUTT hiphop group but looks like they are defunct. I used and Googled "_____ Band". You should probably check Facebook too.

I really like local and regional references, for you that would be like ALCATRAZ (I know, already taken) but see if there is some local wildlife, historical, geological etc reference. Drug references are always good, duh.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Band names are dumb and hard to come up with.


I don't think all the good names are taken though.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Thanks for the suggestions, I have submitted them all the rest of the boys to be completely ignored  :o


Have everybody submit like 5 names (or as many as possible), then vote by putting the names into three categories - "I like it", "I can live with it" and "No fucking way".
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.



Drink shots to decide the name. Last man still conscious `chiefs' the new name on the foreheads of the others in permanent marker while they're passed out.


Hades Mining Co. and Unholy Semen are both good band names.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


ironically they both started out as potential song titles before either band had a name. unholy semen is for sale if anyone wants it.


Bands should lend each other their names more often. I remember Circle did that with some other band, and they like toured and released albums as each other for a spell before trading back.


Lots of bands got their name from a song - either their own song or somebody else's song. So, it's not ironic.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


How dare you contradict me.


The Pistol Whipper Snapper Turtle Neck Braces
No Focus Pocus


when changing strings on a guitar or bass should you take all the old string off first then restring or do one at a time?   


I always did one at a time because obviously if you remove tension from the neck for a split second the instrument will immediately behave like a scuba diver that has been rocketed to the surface and just self destruct, but I hear that's an unreasonable fear.


thats why im asking. it seems like it could cause neck issues but ive also heard it doesnt. i have always taken all strings off. easier to wipe down the instrument. the neck on my bass was kinda fucked to begin with so im not sure it that had any effect.