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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Vinyls.   deal.


Shit!  I thought I had a volume pedal laying around. Nope. Just a Moog and expression pedal. But I also have a CP-251 and I think I can route that to be an attenuator/volume. The long way around.
No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

is that a steel guitar, 6 strings? Noticed the scale is something like 21. I bet you'll make some sweet sounds with it. I could kinda use a pedal steel sound once in a while. Load that sucker right into a sampler and fiddle with the knobs/effects.

Been looking at the TC 2290 delay pedal. All those leds look cool. Bling!

just read a review apparently the TC does volume swells, to whatever degree. psuedo leslie. Read that at  ama___

ps. your mega-awesome delay with the faders is more quality but the TC might be right up my alley.


I am super stoked to report that a former band of mine is reuniting to play the avant garde a clue fest in october.
some of you might remember my weird antijazz band 'NPV'. ran from 2006 to 2011.
heres a little taste. this is the only thing on line. i never made a bandcamp for this band but i should. this is from a labels bc that put out a release for us. the title of that piece is called 'crossing towers', which was the inspiration for the flyer. Philippe Petit crossing the twin towers on a tight rope in the 1970s. no net.


No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

that NPV is soothing, like laying on a beach listening to the waves roll in. then the whale songs later. moar!


I have some amps i want to sell but i have no idea how to price them because 3 of the 4 are not in working order.

help me out.

ampeg rocket bass combo. 100 watts. single 15. wont turn on. most likely a fuse. worked perfect until one time it didnt turn on. no pops or smoke.

peavey bandit 1x12. needs pots and input jack.

peavey KB300. also pots and input jacks.

Sundown combo with a 1x15. not sure how old it is but its old. works fine.


I think there's a flood of used gear right now, not going to help getting rid of your stuff either.   The first three all sound to me like $150 sell prices given the issues.  Bandit is Solid state, no?
Vinyls.   deal.


Yes all amps are solid state.


I think it's time to treat myself to a new guitar amp. It's for my 40th birthday so my wife can't complain. Some sort of fairly small combo. I'll let you know


Quote from: renfield on January 16, 2025, 10:46:28 AMI think it's time to treat myself to a new guitar amp. It's for my 40th birthday so my wife can't complain. Some sort of fairly small combo. I'll let you know

No Focus Pocus


After owning this '03 Classic 1960 plain top for many years, I'm now wondering is this damn thing a one piece top?  I cant really tell. I'll have to pull a pickup next time I restring to tell for sure. Not that it matters much but if it is it might be a rarity.

No Focus Pocus


Doesn't look like it to me.  It's a pretty good job they did matching the grain, though.  

See red below. 

Vinyls.   deal.


My band jammed the other day and we had a couple of musicians sit in with us. One of which is also a radio host of a program on the local jazz station. We got talking about his program and he was saying how he had free reign to play anything he wanted but the day time programs are more tightly regulated by the station. I mentioned i have a bunch of obscure free jazz in the collection in case he wanted to use any of it on his show. He actually invited me to guest host with him one night soon. Im pretty stoked about that. Check it out. Its an amazing show featuring the more wild side of jazz. Its called northstar sounds and is on every tuesday 9 to midnight eastern. 90.1 wgmc. Stream live from their website. The play one rare deep cut during every show as the 'semi ancient vinyl nugget of transformation'. Its always a banger. Tune in.


Im locked in for April 22nd. 9 to midnight east coast. 90.1 WGMC

Tune in, im going to bring some obscure shit to play.


No Focus Pocus


How many different renditions of Autumn Leaves do you have?  I think I've noticed 7 in my vinyl collection.  Much less chaotic than what you prefer though.  
Vinyls.   deal.


Im about to play some martin escalante. Ill probably get my friend fired.