Satan Worshipping Doom (2010) - BONGRIPPER

Started by stonerphonic, December 09, 2010, 12:01:32 PM

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Band: Bongripper
Album: Satan Worshipping Doom

Release Year: 2010
Genre: Sludge/Doom Metal
Lyrical Theme(s): Instrumental

Track list:

1. Hail       13:44   
2. Satan    11:37   
3. Worship 16:00   
4. Doom     11:53

Current line-up:
Dennis Pleckham - Guitar
Nick Dellacroce - Guitar
Ronald Petzke - Bass (MZRCDXVL)
Daniel O'Connor - Drums

This, the 6th release from Chicago sludge masters Bongripper, is a welcome return to a crystal clear musical focus with fantastic production to elevate the heaviness of each and every riff. And make no mistake, this album, unlike Heroin (2007), is very much a guitar, bass, and wicked drum musical scape. No experimentation here, we are delivered 4 ear shattering slabs of "Satanic" themed sludge/ doom that ensure all 53 minutes and 14 seconds of sound hit the mark each and every time.

The band self released the album on August 13, 2010 thru Feretro Records, with a 300 copy version of a 12" platter, and a follow up Digipack CD release limited to 500 units. If you haven't got it now, chances are you ain't getting it anytime soon thru "legal" avenues.

Where Electric Wizard went hook ridden lo-fi with "Black Masses" (2010), Bongripper have brought us back to beefed up production values with "Satan Worshipping Doom" whilst retaining a "classic" sludge/ doom vibe. Rather than the lack of vocals hindering or detracting from the listening experience, the instumental approach enhances the musical journey and demands every ounce of concentration from the listener. Without a word we are transported through a satanic ritual via 4 tracks that steadily build and build as each song  progresses.

Where the Heroin album left me "strung out" thru the noise-core style, Satan Worshipping Doom delivered my "fix" of no-nonsense solid stacked sludge that only tight riffage, thundering drums, and a rumbling bass can do.

Highly recommended.


If you're not famous at fourteen... you're fucked.



It is pretty fucking massive. I like the comparison to E. Wizard - there is definitely something dopethronesque about it.


This album has been kicking my ass lately.
Good stuff!
I can see (hear) the Dopethrone reference but it's definitely it's own thing.
It feels more "immediate" than "Dopethrone"; more "to the point".
Excellent production without removing the rawness.
For fans of E. Wiz. and the like this is a must listen.


listening to worship on youtube right now.  fucking massive.  this is their sixth release?  i find it hard to believe that this is the first i'm hearing of them.  dig.
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.


I only recently found this and I fucking love it. Good on these guys and rock the fuck on.
I will show you the life of the mind.


Don't get this band at all.  Sure, the tones are cool, but they're either droning/feeding back, or playing some stock riffs, I just don't find anything at all memorable in what they're doing.

I was here, but I disappare.


I agree, the hype around this one kind of mystifies me. Nothing special at all.

Sprague Dawley

Love being bored shitless by this thing.

Nothing happens, it just chunders along pointlessly.

After about 40 minutes I cry off and put something else on but never regret playing the cunt.