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GAS thread

Started by Omlet, September 16, 2014, 02:56:51 PM

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Jeebus, these are beautiful guitars...
Livin' The Life.

johnny problem

Why'd you have to do that, Racerx?


Gear lust made me do it.
Livin' The Life.


$99. also Chinese lol

oh crap, this doesn't belong in a GAS thread..duh, I already have it.


I think maybe I'm GASing for an Orange AD200B, but I'm perfectly happy with my TB500 so maybe I'm not?  ???

I do GAS for a guy that can go through my SVT and make it good as new.  It's not broken or anything.  Just has some "things" that I notice from time to time but can't reproduce in front of anyone... Especially when I have both channels running at once.  It hums.  Not always, but it does and it bothers me.

I'd also like a recording device that has built in mics, but also the ability to plug in an external USB or XLR mic (or two).  On that device you could record multiple track files for each mic to a thumb drive in mp3 or wav or whatever dumb Mac format there is... THen you can take it to your house and import file into Reaper or whatever and go!  Actually, this is the main GAS... Recording devices that are available are way too complicated and full of unnecessary features.  Pick a mic (or two or three), pick a recording format, insert a thumb drive, and go!  That's it.


Hey Zachoff, the Zoom H9 can do what you want, I think. Has 4 direct inputs (1/4" or XLR) plus room mics (like the other Zooms). You can record 5 tracks at the same time, and they yield 5 separate files. One nice thing is that all input volume controls are external knobs. So if you use the same settings all the time (for me, WAV files, 48khz or whatever) you don't have to fuck around with digital menus, like you do with some Zooms. I love mine!

Also, are you jumping the channels on your SVT? My amp tech used to work at Ampeg as head of the service department - he told me you don't get any benefit from jumping channels (if that's what you're doing). Works for some amps (Fenders) but no point in doing it with the SVT. Something about how the signal is routed - you'd get extra EQ control for Channel 2 (which he said was designed like a V4 but more watts) but you could just use channel 1 instead (loads of EQ possibilities there) so really no point. (But maybe you're running two instruments through it at once?)

This guy, send it to him:

jumping channels:

zoom H9:
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Not jumping channels, but I was splitting my signal w/ a looper.  Half would go clean to the Normal channel one.  Half would go dirty to the Bright channel two.  Was doing this to preserve low-end while still getting distortion.  I was using a loopmaster a/b/y and it would hum no matter if the signal to a was by itself or b was by itself or both were going at the same time.

Cool on the Zoom.  Is there any exporting and naming tracks?  We used to use a Tascam and it was a super ass pain to get it all named and exported and you could only save it to an SD card... Not a USB drive... So it sucked getting it onto your computer to mix/edit.


I use a card reader (little $12 gadget the same size as a thumb drive with a card slot). Importing gigabytes of data takes like a minute (it used to take a long-ass time to download tracks when I hooked my old H2 directly to the computer with a cable). So get a card reader. Pull the card from your Zoom and put it in the reader (I leave my Zoom at the jam space, and just bring the SD card back & forth).

Files are named like (first song)

ZOOM0001_LR (room mics, left-right)
ZOOM0001_Tr1 (track 1 direct input)

second song is like

That's all inside Folder 1. You have like a dozen more folders you can send to.

I don't know if you can rename stuff directly inside the zoom (folders or track names)... maybe? I wait until it's uploaded. I mainly worry about naming the folders I make (usually named with a date, and if I use the tracks maybe the folder gets renamed as a song). I'm big into organizing everything via folders and sub-folders. Inside each uploaded folders, I make a SimpleText file with notes on what the contents of the tracks are.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I've been screwing with an H4N all day.

srl = advancing our core selves in the spirit to be best


my cheap ass is pretty happy with my h1 still.
let's dispense the unpleasantries


I really liked my H2 ($150) but carrying it around in my bag eventually killed it (I think). The H9 is expensive ($400?) but it's a good upgrade if you want a bunch of individual tracks recorded at the same time.

I also might have bought a laptop, an analog-to-digital converter (input box), and Reaper. That could have worked for me too. The Zooms can't surf the web and do other stuff a laptop can do.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Rad, thanks Lump... Was looking at the H4 and H5.  I don't think we can swing $400, but $200 would be worthwhile.  I appreciate your help!


My GF dragged me to see a band, Hawthorne Heights, terrible music, great band.  They were playing these numbers.  The guitars sounded good, real good.
Problem solving whiskey!


I want one of those mini peavey 6505s and a 1x12 for hi-gain bedroom rock, but these new fender amps sound so tasty...

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Love this guitar... and yeah - those Dunable's are friggin awesome.
Last night I heard the ghetto bird circle.... as I was eatin' fish.... and watchin' Erkel...


Lordfinnese special. ^^

I don't know if the new ones have the same pickups as the old ones, but the old ones are awesome. They certainly look the same.
Vinyls.   deal.


Last night I heard the ghetto bird circle.... as I was eatin' fish.... and watchin' Erkel...