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the condenser mic thread

Started by liquidsmoke, January 04, 2014, 10:32:52 PM

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Any of y'all use them for guitar?

Are any of the $50-60 units any good?


You wont find much in the $50-60 range but if you are looking for a super cheap condenser this could be your best choice:
Tapeop reviewed it several years back and gave it a major thumbs up.  I bought one and it makes for a good utility mic on most things. However, if you are trying to go cheap and record heavy guitar with only have one mic, I'd go with a classic SM57 or Audix I5.

Mr. Foxen

Keep thinking I should pay some attention to microphones, lot of people I know tend to talk at me about them. Have found this to be interesting read:


I've been looking at microphones a lot lately, mainly because modelling solutions while they sound good don't handle pedals very well, but was thinking of settling on some kind of direct box with speaker simulation like the Palmer PDI-09 or the Radial. More options to record at lower levels late at night and possibly a more consistent tone but not sure how much tone you give up not having a mic there.

Still cheap mic VS going direct. Seems like a trade off in tone either way.


Pristak (who hasn't posted even once on this new fangled LIVES webby page) has this ribbon called a fat boy and whoooo weee do it record guitars better than anything I've ever heard.  When I had it I had to store it right side up, GRAVITY.
Problem solving whiskey!


Quote from: Mr. Foxen on January 04, 2014, 11:46:07 PM
Keep thinking I should pay some attention to microphones, lot of people I know tend to talk at me about them. Have found this to be interesting read:

"Shure SM-57
Type: dynamic
Quantity: 2

Piece of shit dynamic mic some people are inexplicably crazy about, so we bought one. Sounds equivalently good on everything from snare drum to electric guitar. Unfortunately, not a very high standard of "Good." If you need to record something and there's no microphone available, this will do, I guess."



Quote from: Submarine on January 04, 2014, 11:42:33 PM
You wont find much in the $50-60 range but if you are looking for a super cheap condenser this could be your best choice:
Tapeop reviewed it several years back and gave it a major thumbs up.  I bought one and it makes for a good utility mic on most things.

Sold, I'll buy one.

Quote from: Submarine on January 04, 2014, 11:42:33 PM
However, if you are trying to go cheap and record heavy guitar with only have one mic, I'd go with a classic SM57 or Audix I5.

I'd like to try my 57 and a condenser together. I don't go for using less distortion to stick dynamic mics in speakers, you lose palm mute thunder. I've had better luck putting them farther back for a more natural and open sound with my normal amount of distortion but condensers seem to capture an even more accurate tone. We tracked 3 songs with a room condenser and that track sounded better than the dynamics but it captured too much string noise and was unusable. I'll probably have to stand in the laundry room at my place to avoid that. Even with an amp fairly loud it's amazing how much other stuff mics will pick up.


I posted this a while back, but it might be worth reposting.

The videos are really helpful for learning and hearing the differences between mics and mic positioning.   I can't overstate how helpful these videos are to those who might not have access and experience with a well stocked mic locker.


I got two Acoustic AT2020 that aren't bad, in the $80-90 range

I also have the MXL V66 and V88 models.

Just recorded this for my mom with old 1940's Gibson Acoustic using the V88


When I worked at a studio, we used AT4033s and AKG C414s (ULS?) on guitar cabs quite often. The U48 got it's used too. I don't own any LDCs of my own yet but I'm looking around.

Quote from: dogfood on January 05, 2014, 12:53:53 AM
Pristak (who hasn't posted even once on this new fangled LIVES webby page) has this ribbon called a fat boy and whoooo weee do it record guitars better than anything I've ever heard.  When I had it I had to store it right side up, GRAVITY.

Probably the Cascade Fathead. I hear nothing but good things about those.


I'd skip the condenser and grab a Sennheiser 421.  Very nice sounding on guitar and vocals.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


You are right Spook: the Sennheiser 421 is awesome on guitars.

Also you might want to consider something that never gets mentioned anywhere.
The Blue Encore 200 mic. Its a phantom powered dynamic. It was supposed to be a vocal mic but its really awesome on electric guitars.  Like a hifi SM57.  Here is a clip of something I recorded a few days ago.  Its guitar through a Soul Bender and delay through a 50watt JCM800 w/Marshall 4x12 (celestion Greenbacks of course  ;D).

Dont grade me on the playing it was just a live jam to test out some room treatment we did on the studio.


Quote from: Submarine on January 05, 2014, 07:21:40 PM
You are right Spook: the Sennheiser 421 is awesome on guitars.

Also you might want to consider something that never gets mentioned anywhere.
The Blue Encore 200 mic. Its a phantom powered dynamic. It was supposed to be a vocal mic but its really awesome on electric guitars.  Like a hifi SM57.  Here is a clip of something I recorded a few days ago.  Its guitar through a Soul Bender and delay through a 50watt JCM800 w/Marshall 4x12 (celestion Greenbacks of course  ;D).

Dont grade me on the playing it was just a live jam to test out some room treatment we did on the studio.

Sounds really good, very pro. Did the drums have their own mics or was everything going through the Blue Encore? Was it stuck close to one of your speakers?


Thanks 'Smoke!
The whole thing is live.  Me on Gtr and bass synth pedals and a drummer.  The drums are all indvidually mic'd and the Gtr mic is about an inch off the grille and an inch or two off the center of the cone.


Problem. I was thinking I could use a condenser and a dynamic at the same time into my Tascam DP-008EX but the manual clearly states not to plug in a dynamic mic if you are using phantom power. Sounds like it will have to be either or.

Someone awhile back posted a link to a deal on a matched pair of condensers I think in the $50 range. Of course I didn't bother to bookmark the site.


Quote from: liquidsmoke on January 07, 2014, 03:43:52 AM
Problem. I was thinking I could use a condenser and a dynamic at the same time into my Tascam DP-008EX but the manual clearly states not to plug in a dynamic mic if you are using phantom power. Sounds like it will have to be either or.

Someone awhile back posted a link to a deal on a matched pair of condensers I think in the $50 range. Of course I didn't bother to bookmark the site.

There should be no issue with sending 48V to most dynamics. It's ribbon mics when you should be wary of phantom power. I've been sending phantom power to mic dynamic mics for years because my interface doesnt have a botton for each channel, it's in groups of 4 and I've had no issue.


Good to know. I just don't want to somehow fry the Tascam or shock myself. I'm also pretty clueless about current.


Quote from: da_qtip on January 07, 2014, 03:02:18 PM

There should be no issue with sending 48V to most dynamics. It's ribbon mics when you should be wary of phantom power. I've been sending phantom power to mic dynamic mics for years because my interface doesnt have a botton for each channel, it's in groups of 4 and I've had no issue.

Da-qtip is right on the money.

The encore 200 is supposed to be phantom powered so its not going to get hurt. 


Quote from: da_qtip on January 07, 2014, 03:02:18 PM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on January 07, 2014, 03:43:52 AM
Problem. I was thinking I could use a condenser and a dynamic at the same time into my Tascam DP-008EX but the manual clearly states not to plug in a dynamic mic if you are using phantom power. Sounds like it will have to be either or.

Someone awhile back posted a link to a deal on a matched pair of condensers I think in the $50 range. Of course I didn't bother to bookmark the site.

There should be no issue with sending 48V to most dynamics. It's ribbon mics when you should be wary of phantom power. I've been sending phantom power to mic dynamic mics for years because my interface doesnt have a botton for each channel, it's in groups of 4 and I've had no issue.

this is exactly what I have read also. the ribbons are the special animals that you can more easily destroy in several ways.

actually you guys answered a minor question that was on my mind but not a big deal so I didnt pursue it: my Tascam multitrack has 8 ins. they are grouped in 2 groups of 4, each group has the optional phantom power switch. I wondered why it was set up like that.

well now I know. if I use a ribbon, and a LDC, I can do it safely.


I'll keep the encore 200 in mind.

Did a Google search and found the topic of dynamic mics and phantom power brought up a lot. Everywhere said it's fine. Just wanted more opinions.


The MXL MCA SP1 doesn't capture low end as well as I had hoped it would but it still sounds pretty good for the price. Tried some guitar, drums, and vocals today. Good enough. Might get another one or something similar.