Do you know any stoner specialized studios/producers in Europe???

Started by Dinx, October 25, 2014, 09:09:45 AM

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Well the question is above...

last time i went into a studio to record an  Demo EP, the tech wasnt really into stoner music, but more into deathcore and melodic metal.
As i guessed it the mixdown wasnt really what i have hoped for. I payed money for something I wasnt happy with...
So I tried recording myself, and actually i think it sounds way better.

So now i have about 8 songs, i would like to record in a studio with real drums, because i dont have any place i could record those.
Till now i just did cheap programming in cubase. :D SO therefore my question if you know any studios/producers? in europe? Preferably Germany...


You could record the drums at a local studio, record everything else yourself, like you've done, and send it to someone for mixing. Just look at your favourite stoner/doom bands and see who's mixed their albums. Send them an email, chances are they charge about as much as your local guy.

Mr. Foxen

Om's live sound engineer's studio in Bristol UK:

Bonus is I have a deal where you can use any of my amp stock while you record there.


Thx for the link!!!

Well I thought already about recording the drums at a studio at music university in my town, maybe Ill work it out with someone who just ends up mixing all the songs.


Skyhammer outside Liverpool owned by Jon Conan and Chris Fielding mans the desk.