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Multi-band musicians

Started by mortlock, January 16, 2016, 04:32:52 PM

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what is your personal experience with this? I know some of you guys play in more than one band. how do you minimize the conflict of interests if both bands are similar. if a show is getting booked, which band gets it? do you ever have jealous issues with other band members?

now that im in two functioning bands again I can already feel the vibe of one member who acts like im cheating on him for lack of a better way to put it. I told him he was looking at it wrong. I told him its like having two kids. you can love both equally. how do you guys deal with this shit.

Danny G

Your jealous band mate can fuck right off.

If you play in more than one project it only makes you a better player. And all the experience you get will be brought to the initial band as well.

A lot of bands that play full time/work/make money etc usually have a main lineup with a several subs on call. Because the main players usually play with other bands to supplement income or just for fun. Someone missing a gig isn't the end of the world. And guest players give that particular gig a different flavor.

As for playing for the fun of it, play in as many bands as you want/have time for.

Book as far in advance as possible, keep a close eye on your calendar, and let your bandmates know what you're up to with constant updates to avoid scheduling conflicts. Hell, have the other band join the bill that night too, problem solved.

Having to cancel something at last minute because something "better" came along is always bad etiquette, unless the new offer was one of those couldn't-turn-that-down sort of things. And even in those cases you'll have some explaining to do and apologies to make. Try not to do that....

If you are booking both of those bands you are in complete control of your own calendar. If someone else books, keep in touch with them and have them keep you updated as well.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


its fine as long as you have the energy, time and ability that is sufficient for the band, but more of everything is always better: more studio time, more practicing, more time spent trying to book gigs and rally fans etc etc



Quote from: Danny G on January 16, 2016, 04:53:28 PM
Your jealous band mate can fuck right off.

If you play in more than one project it only makes you a better player. And all the experience you get will be brought to the initial band as well.

A lot of bands that play full time/work/make money etc usually have a main lineup with a several subs on call. Because the main players usually play with other bands to supplement income or just for fun. Someone missing a gig isn't the end of the world. And guest players give that particular gig a different flavor.

As for playing for the fun of it, play in as many bands as you want/have time for.

Book as far in advance as possible, keep a close eye on your calendar, and let your bandmates know what you're up to with constant updates to avoid scheduling conflicts. Hell, have the other band join the bill that night too, problem solved.

Having to cancel something at last minute because something "better" came along is always bad etiquette, unless the new offer was one of those couldn't-turn-that-down sort of things. And even in those cases you'll have some explaining to do and apologies to make. Try not to do that....

If you are booking both of those bands you are in complete control of your own calendar. If someone else books, keep in touch with them and have them keep you updated as well.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk

Exactly what Danny said.  I used to be like your bandmate but Ive since learned that playing in multiple bands just makes you better and keeps thing from getting Boring!...also if one band imploads you are not left scrambling looking for another band. 
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.

Danny G

^ eggs-in-one-basket syndrome.

Bands break up. People do stupid shit and are unreliable and generally make bad decisions.

At the end of the day, the only person who is going to look out for your own best interests is you.

You could be in a band that has the local musical community in the palm of its hand, which you quit a full time job with benefits to tour full time with, and after a year they change their mind and don't want to travel anymore. And there isn't a thing in the world you can do about that.

Get used to shit similar to that.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

"Build an army of professionals."

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

All it takes is one unstable/irresponsible band member to derail months/years of collective hard work.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


hey danny.   have you ever thought about giving some kind of "band lessons"?

i'm not sure where I am going with this, but you have serious road warrior wisdom.
there just seems like there should be good opportunity to supplement your income while still staying within your realm(music)

maybe offer like a set of 4 sessions to an entire band, cash up front so you know they are serious.
you are pro, you aren't going to be the fucktard with the money, but they could be

and go over topics like other bands or girlfriends. not telling what to do but more a history of what has occurred when so and so happened
and the whole booking thing. maybe you can be creative and get one of your club owners or agents in for a session, flip them some $ and have the bands meet a real one of THEM heh

also the whole load in load out courtesy yada yada all the stuff at the venue on show night.
here again, maybe you can hook up with one of your club owner pals and let you do rehearsal loadins during the day..slip them a couple $..

IDK how creative you could be without trying tp be the school of rock. I was thinking just to help bands with very specific info over a much shorter time period than school of rock could do. they mostly develop people up and band stuff is one small part so it would really be different

maybe have a mock studio session as one of the sessions.

I would say you could get a band for maybe 4-5 sessions and $300-$400 total???(I have no feel for what numbers make it worth it vs ridiculously high and you wont get business)

figure once you get your teaching plan together each session sequence would take what?
??maybe 10-15hours of actual face time with the band total for all the sessions???

anyway, just more of my crazy ideas to be flushed.  it's never ending, so get used to it haha


Quote from: Danny G on January 17, 2016, 10:27:26 AM
"Build an army of professionals."

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

All it takes is one unstable/irresponsible band member to derail months/years of collective hard work.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk

Years of hard work is right and countless dollars.... you can get the money back but never your precious time.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


so true. thats why you have to diversify. you cant have all your bands in one basket.


What everyone else said.

I'm in three bands right now. Two of the bands have the same people in it (the surf band has one other guitar player) and the third band are guys that I just met. So everything works out just fine. Planning ahead as far as possible is probably the best piece of advice though.

My next three months are booked pretty solid which I absolutely love. And because the three bands are so different, I get to play in very different venues and have very different opportunities to network


so the dude in question says to me today after I gave him the news that a French label who was pressing a split 7" for us contacted me to let me know the pressing was done and he will have the covers made and ill see my copies soon.

pretty exciting news considering there were some delays in the pressing. normally he would be pretty stoked on that news. instead he hits me with a total luke warm response and seemed to care less. then he say, "are you going to post anything about it on the bands fb page because you haven't posted anything in months [which is not true at all] so people know the band still exists."

now what the fuck is that crap. he is starting shit it seems to me.

when I told him that I had posted stuff recently, he said he didn't see it.

I think I need to point blank ask him what his issue is.

Danny G

He's an asshole. Fire him. Problem solved.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: mortlock on January 18, 2016, 03:24:10 PM
so the dude in question says to me today after I gave him the news that a French label who was pressing a split 7" for us contacted me to let me know the pressing was done and he will have the covers made and ill see my copies soon.

pretty exciting news considering there were some delays in the pressing. normally he would be pretty stoked on that news. instead he hits me with a total luke warm response and seemed to care less. then he say, "are you going to post anything about it on the bands fb page because you haven't posted anything in months [which is not true at all] so people know the band still exists."

now what the fuck is that crap. he is starting shit it seems to me.

when I told him that I had posted stuff recently, he said he didn't see it.

I think I need to point blank ask him what his issue is.

Read this to understand people like him
He is being covertly hostile, because he is mad about your other band.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.

Danny G

I have never had a French record label want to press vinyl of any band I have ever been a part of, and I've played full sets with 40+ bands.

If this is his reaction to that, see my previous post.

I've dealt with all manner of self sabotaging behavior from people in bands, whether they are just along for the ride or the actual person in charge of everything.

This guy is going to hold the entire project back or derail it completely.

As mentioned I no longer have any tolerance for that whatsoever.

Even if you talk some sense into him about this one issue, the next issue will have you back to square one all over again.

He's in the liability column as opposed to the asset column.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


unfortunately, I think you guys are right. this dude is going to fuck it all up for everyone. its happened before. I figured he learned his lesson the last time. I think im going to play it cool and if his shit keeps up, im not sure what ill do, but im not going to put up with his shit like I usually have done in the past for the greater good of the band.

maybe I should just flat out confront him. he brought the other band up a few weeks ago at practice before the other band member got there. he asked if I was going to put this band on hold. I told him I had no intensions of changing any operational aspect of the band nor did I give him any reason to even think that. I wouldn't do that. he told me with a slightly aggressive tone that 'he didn't give a shit about the other band' and 'that the band we are in was way better anyhow.'

history tells me he just isn't going to be able to cope. just wait till he finds out im playing a show with the other band when the time comes.


Livin' The Life.


ironic thing is, two years ago he threw a hissy fit after a show because of some stupid bullshit and basically derailed the band. he made me pull my gear [we practice at his place] and that was it. at that point I got the other band up and running [we were on a long hiatus] and moved on. he basically forced the band back into existence. 3 months later he calls out of the blue and we patched things up and started playing again.
the other band took a bad turn when our drummer passed [as some of you know] and for the better part of a year we didn't play while the guitar player was getting his head back together. the drummer was also his younger brother. he hit me up a few months back and said he was ready to play again and was ready to find a new drummer to replace his brother. so we did and now I find myself in this mess.

the more I think about it the more it bothers me, especially considering this all did involve the actual death of a friend/bandmate/brother.  youd think he would have a speck more compassion.


time to have a heart-to-heart and get to the bottom of what is really going on

I have learned over time, unfortunately usually with sad/disastrous results, lack of effective communication kills any and all relationships from pals to married couples and everything in between.

it is obviously eating at the both of you.



Quote from: mortlock on January 18, 2016, 08:17:18 PM
ironic thing is, two years ago he threw a hissy fit after a show because of some stupid bullshit and basically derailed the band. he made me pull my gear [we practice at his place] and that was it. at that point I got the other band up and running [we were on a long hiatus] and moved on. he basically forced the band back into existence. 3 months later he calls out of the blue and we patched things up and started playing again.
the other band took a bad turn when our drummer passed [as some of you know] and for the better part of a year we didn't play while the guitar player was getting his head back together. the drummer was also his younger brother. he hit me up a few months back and said he was ready to play again and was ready to find a new drummer to replace his brother. so we did and now I find myself in this mess.

the more I think about it the more it bothers me, especially considering this all did involve the actual death of a friend/bandmate/brother.  youd think he would have a speck more compassion.

Anyone that pulls that shit is not a good friend or comrade or music professional.  In my opinion you need to be at least one of the three if you are going to be able to trust him and go anywere with him.  Think about it like this... he is all kinds of fucked up and you guys are just in the local gigging phase wait till the real pressure of a tour or being stuck in a van with him for weeks on end...dont burn your bridge and turn him into an enemy but start putting distance and barriers between you as soon as possible.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


just remember one thing before you do anything permanent:

there are 3 sides to every story, yours, theirs , and the truth
mortay could load this thread any way he wants especially when PO'd.  i'm real good at that shit so I understand.
  yes, the dude sounds like a dick, but does he actually have a legit beef?

we don't know at this point. doesn't sound like it, but you can't make an informed/educated decision until you are informed/educated on the situation

PLUS then you wont to have to slink around in a bad mood. have the talk, air it all, and you will know exactly what to do, then do it, done, move on


Out of curiosity, how old is he


Danny G

Although my responses have been admittedly on the harsh side, ending a musical relationship doesn't have to mean ending the friendship as well.

Not sure if that will apply to the subject of thread, but just sayin.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


My drummer plays in more than one band.  I think it helps that none of his other bands are like us and I also think it helps that he doesn't play drums in one of them (plays banjo).  He shows up most weeks and crushes it, so I don't mind at all.