Anyone ever get into financial or relationship trouble over gear purchases?

Started by spookstrickland, April 22, 2016, 04:19:52 PM

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My wife shits a brick everytime I buy a piece of gear on the credit is just to fucking short to be deprived of fun gear I keeps me alive!
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


I've gotten minor shit from a GF or 2 in the past but they aren't around anymore :P  Honestly nowadays for a serious girlfriend I insist on getting someone that is also an artist of some sort and is crazy passionate about a hobby/art because they at least understand the passion you know what I mean?  Creative people fuck better too :P


I never got into financial trouble over gear purchases.  I would assume that would cause relationship trouble though and rightly so because the GF is watching out for best interests and if I was spending more than I make.

A GF should know that your a musician thats gonna keep fueling that fire though and be okay with it. 

BUT...if she wants a baby and a house and a new car and a vacation and to work part time or no time so you support her or pay most her way to finance all of that...and money is tight, they aint gonna like that or stick around tho.  not a good match.

Discö Rice

My lady is very supportive. Thought she was going to flip her lid when I bought that electric cello. Turns out she was just really excited for me. Previous relationships were not so easy going.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


I have never bought on gear credit.  credit is for emergencies!  heh I could see a gear emergency though in my twisted gearhead mind...working on that :)


Quote from: zachoff on April 23, 2016, 07:36:33 PM
I wouldn't buy gear on credit.


only exception would be if I had already made a commitment to play and something essential failed, ie, emergency replacement/repair

second exception would be if the money was there and the card was just the convenience of not hauling cash around
edit: actually no. this is a job for a pre-loaded debit card..

the main reason not to use credit is that when salespeople see Benji and Ulysses staring at them, they get much more malleable and I score killer deals.

editz: also being a somewhat Asperger fucktard at times, a card is an endless pool of money for me, except it isn't..........
so having a pile of cash keeps it real and there is no question of what quantity of money there really is.



Quote from: everdrone on April 24, 2016, 12:58:29 AM
I have never bought on gear credit.  credit is for emergencies!  heh I could see a gear emergency though in my twisted gearhead mind...working on that :)

this , unfortunately , is how my mind works too haha


My old lady is pretty damned supportive of my "gear" purchases. I buy stupid retro video game shit nonstop. Fuck it.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Quote from: socket on April 24, 2016, 01:39:39 AM
My old lady is pretty damned supportive of my "gear" purchases. I buy stupid retro video game shit nonstop. Fuck it.

if you are maintaining the household and a general financial balance, then everyone is entitled to their interests.

spook may not be telling us the whole story, like maybe something for the child got postponed due to the purchase of wah pedal number 12.
spook, chicks don't forget shit. all you have to do is bust that move once and you will get your nose rubbed in it for the rest of your days.

like the moody blues said: it is a "Question of Balance"


Truth be told she's generally cool about gear purchases, but I also don't buy super pricey gear. I like old MIJ basses and projects. She does get kinda bummed if a "only $100 bass" inevitably turns into a $200-$300 project that I never finish or worse yet never play. Plus I'm OCD about a new set of strings having to be a certain kind that need to be strung and set up by a certain guy, which ends up being nearly $100. I know it's stupid, but it just is.


Yeah man... All I got is yeah man.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Nah she and my kid dont suffer in the slightest, i buy some gear, pay it off, buy some more, but she thinks I should stop....maybe I am addicted, at least I dont have a drug habbit....maybe its a midlife crissis?
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


maybe she just bums seeing the card statement and that reminds her and replaces the burr under her saddle.

see, maybe stashing the cash in advance(cash or debit, but cash leaves less tracks), or just drop a 20 on a piece to hold it until you show up with the balance, will make no ripples in still water.

unless she is rain woman, she probably wouldn't notice the difference between 17 and that new 18th pedal

Last ditch survival maneuver:

You must make a sacrifice of an innocent and true bypass and sell a pedal.    Make sure she knows you got rid of it and you are sad but it had to go....

Replace it in a couple weeks ....

Also you could reset her perspective. tell her you are getting out of music and getting into jet boats. start mumbling about 2nd job and refi the house to get a boat going...

as if anyone wonders why i'm not married any longer haha


Quote from: jibberish on April 24, 2016, 04:47:47 AM
maybe she just bums seeing the card statement and that reminds her and replaces the burr under her saddle.

see, maybe stashing the cash in advance(cash or debit, but cash leaves less tracks), or just drop a 20 on a piece to hold it until you show up with the balance, will make no ripples in still water.

unless she is rain woman, she probably wouldn't notice the difference between 17 and that new 18th pedal

Last ditch survival maneuver:

You must make a sacrifice of an innocent and true bypass and sell a pedal.    Make sure she knows you got rid of it and you are sad but it had to go....

Replace it in a couple weeks ....

Also you could reset her perspective. tell her you are getting out of music and getting into jet boats. start mumbling about 2nd job and refi the house to get a boat going...

as if anyone wonders why i'm not married any longer haha

That last bit was pretty good LOL
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


I had a girlfriend who would give me shit about buying gear and practicing too much. She lived in my house and contributed nothing, yet still felt the need to give me grief.
If she wasn't so damn hot I would not have put up with it as long as I did. And I sure as hell am not going to put up with even a little bit of shit from a girlfriend about music stuff again.....unless she is really really hot of course


I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Problem solving whiskey!


I ended up stockpiling so much gear that I had to promise to sell something to finance any future purchases.

Mr. Foxen

My goal is enough stockpiled to finance a future house purchase.