Glad Gibson & The Heritage are going belly-up. Fuck ‘em.

Started by Baltar, April 09, 2018, 08:52:08 AM

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Kalamazoo can now hang it's head in shame for all I care. And fuck Rolling Stone.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


The thing of it is is that he's not wrong.

This video really helped me understand what happened to them.

They had a good idea with diversifying the business, because guitars just don't sell anymore. But much like the original company, the newly acquired businesses were run shitty too.

I think that the best case scenario is Fender buying the company. They are very good at buying guitar companies and turning them around.


Right on, thanks for the link! I grew up 30mins away from Kzoo, and my buddy's dad worked there before they moved. Really a shame to see Heritage move to CNC as well.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


Its good no one is buying guitars anymore. The world has too many shitty bands as it is.  mine included.


The most well known guitar heroes were big in earlier decades.  The new guitar heroes don't have the same size audience.  Gibson quality has been so-so at best for at least 10-15 years and the prices are ridiculous.  They are making the same mistake as Harley Davidson by catering to an older and wealthier client base.  The brand is seen as old and outdated.  New bands are quite happy with Ibanez, Schecter, ESP etc.
I'd love a nice Les Paul but not at $3K with so-so quality.  For that kind of money I can pay a luthier to make me Les Paul that sounds and performs better.


^^^^ Can't agree more. I grew up near and lived in Kzoo and I like my Hagstrom Super Swede a lot better than my '92 Studio LP.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.

Instant Dan

Quote from: Submarine on April 11, 2018, 05:44:22 PM
The most well known guitar heroes were big in earlier decades.  The new guitar heroes don't have the same size audience.  Gibson quality has been so-so at best for at least 10-15 years and the prices are ridiculous.  They are making the same mistake as Harley Davidson by catering to an older and wealthier client base.  The brand is seen as old and outdated.  New bands are quite happy with Ibanez, Schecter, ESP etc.
I'd love a nice Les Paul but not at $3K with so-so quality.  For that kind of money I can pay a luthier to make me Les Paul that sounds and performs better.

Not even so much that but I can still get one of those MiJ/lawsuit LP's for a grand and most still play pretty good.

If I pay $1600 for a new guitar, it would be one of those Yamaha Revstar's.


Quote from: Instant Dan on April 18, 2018, 07:22:15 PM
Quote from: Submarine on April 11, 2018, 05:44:22 PM
The most well known guitar heroes were big in earlier decades.  The new guitar heroes don't have the same size audience.  Gibson quality has been so-so at best for at least 10-15 years and the prices are ridiculous.  They are making the same mistake as Harley Davidson by catering to an older and wealthier client base.  The brand is seen as old and outdated.  New bands are quite happy with Ibanez, Schecter, ESP etc.
I'd love a nice Les Paul but not at $3K with so-so quality.  For that kind of money I can pay a luthier to make me Les Paul that sounds and performs better.

Not even so much that but I can still get one of those MiJ/lawsuit LP's for a grand and most still play pretty good.

If I pay $1600 for a new guitar, it would be one of those Yamaha Revstar's.

Save your $$; most of the Revstars go for under $1000.
Livin' The Life.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?



Almost the same, but I must add: a STUPID and unpopular gimmick.
Livin' The Life.


the lawsuit is from germany. can they even enforce that in trumps america?!?!


Bro. Righteous

Our guitarist who's a southpaw so his options are limited scored a new 2017 or thereabouts
Firebird w/P90 pickups wood finish, I was skeptical as the whole band is nothing short of
vintage freaks on all levels, anything past '79 can fuck the fuck off - dig.
But - fuck me if the fucker sounds awesome, he fucking loves it too....feel/sound.
Got it for $1100CDN w/case...drove to Montreal to get it (were based in Toronto)...his main
axe is a 70's righteous walnut SG...but fuck me if this bird don't sound killer as fuck. The P90's
really seal the deal and looks cool as fuck, he's currently playing it thru a '78 JMP 100W w/Fender
silver cloth early 70's oversized cab. recording w/this fucker.
Maybe there is nope....hehe.
I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...